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Last active February 25, 2019 22:37
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Closure Cheats( Do Not Use) CH-2
function foo(str) {
"use strict";
eval( str );
console.log( a ); // ReferenceError: a is not defined
foo( "var a = 2" );
` There are other facilities in JavaScript that amount to a very similar
effect to eval(..) . setTimeout(..) and setInterval(..) can take a
string for their respective first argument, the contents of which are
eval uated as the code of a dynamically generated function. This is old,
legacy behavior and long-since deprecated. Don’t do it!
The new Function(..) function constructor similarly takes a string
of code in its last argument to turn into a dynamically generated func‐
tion (the first argument(s), if any, are the named parameters for the
new function). This function-constructor syntax is slightly safer than
eval(..) , but it should still be avoided in your code.
The use-cases for dynamically generating code inside your program
are incredibly rare, as the performance degradations are almost never
worth the capability.
The other frowned-upon (and now deprecated!) feature in JavaScript
that cheats lexical scope is the with keyword. There are multiple valid
ways that with can be explained, but I will choose here to explain it
from the perspective of how it interacts with and affects lexical scope.
with is typically explained as a shorthand for making multiple prop‐
erty references against an object without repeating the object reference
itself each time.
For example:
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
// more
obj.a = 2
obj.b = 3
obj.c = 4
"tedious" to repeat "obj"
// "easier" short-hand
with (obj) {
a = 3;
b = 4;
c = 5;
function foo(obj) {
with (obj) {
a = 2;
var o1 = {
a: 3
var o2 = {
b: 3
foo( o1 );
console.log( o1.a ); // 2
foo( o2 );
console.log( o2.a ); // undefined
console.log( a ); // 2—Oops, leaked global!
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