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Created May 20, 2019 04:02
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Class based item drag and drop refactor
class DragOp
start: (_, ui) =>
@origCursor = $('body').css('cursor')
$item = ui.item
$placeholder = ui.placeholder
# Create a copy that we control since sortable removes theirs too early.
# Insert after the placeholder to prevent adding history when item not moved.
# Clear out the styling they add. Updates to jquery ui can affect this.
.css({width: '', height: '', position: '', zIndex: ''})
_equals: (a, b) => a and b and a.get(0) == b.get(0)
over: (_, ui) =>
# Called when our destination page changes
changeMouseCursor: (evt, ui) =>
# These should ideally be split across start and over, but jquery ui
# clears them out unexpectedly.
@$item = ui.item
@$sourcePage = @$'pageElement')
@sourceIsGhost = @$sourcePage.hasClass('ghost')
$placeholder = ui.placeholder
@$destinationPage = $placeholder.parents('.page:first')
@destinationIsGhost = @$destinationPage.hasClass('ghost')
#console.log 'over', @$sourcePage, @$destinationPage
@moveWithinPage = @_equals(@$sourcePage, @$destinationPage)
@moveBetweenDuplicatePages = not @moveWithinPage and \
@$sourcePage.attr('id') == @$destinationPage.attr('id')
# Called on every mouse move during a drag
@copying = false
if @destinationIsGhost or @moveBetweenDuplicatePages
$('body').css('cursor', 'no-drop')
else if @sourceIsGhost or (evt.shiftKey and not @moveWithinPage)
@copying = true
$('body').css('cursor', 'copy')
$('body').css('cursor', 'move')
stop: (evt, ui) =>
# Called at the end of a drag operation
if @destinationIsGhost or @moveBetweenDuplicatePages
@item = getItem(@$item)
if @moveWithinPage
console.log 'move within page'
order = @$destinationPage.find('.story').children()
.map((_, value) -> $(value).attr('data-id')).get()
pageHandler.put @$destinationPage, {id:, type: 'move', order: order}
if @copying
console.log 'copying'
# If making a copy, update the temp clone on the source page so it
# we don't lose the version there.
.data(@${'data-id': @$item.attr('data-id')})
console.log 'moving'
# Record removal from source page.
console.log 'drag from', @$sourcePage.find('h1').text()
pageHandler.put @$sourcePage, {id:, type: 'remove'}
console.log 'journal update'
# Either way, record addition to destinatin page.
@$ 'pageElement', @$destinationPage
$before = @$item.prev('.item')
before = getItem($before)
@item = aliasItem @$destinationPage, @$item, @item
pageHandler.put @$destinationPage,
{id:, type: 'add', @item, after: before?.id}
cleanup: (evt, ui) =>
# Called at the end of a drag operation
console.log 'cleanup'
$('body').css('cursor', @origCursor)
initDragging = ($page) ->
options =
connectWith: '.page .story'
placeholder: 'item-placeholder'
forcePlaceholderSize: true
dragOp = new DragOp()
$story = $page.find('.story')
.on 'sortstart', dragOp.start
.on 'sortover', dragOp.over
.on 'sort', dragOp.changeMouseCursor
.on 'sortstop', dragOp.stop
.on 'sortstop', dragOp.cleanup
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