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Created May 30, 2014 01:04
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euler problem 19
(ns euler.problem19)
(defn isleapyear?[yr]
(and (not (zero? (mod yr 100))) (= 0 (mod yr 4))))
(def nonleapmonths [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31])
(def leapmonths [31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31])
(defn getfirstmonthdays [yr]
(loop [index 0
yr yr
firstdaysofmonths [1]]
(let [months (if (isleapyear? yr) leapmonths nonleapmonths) ]
(if (= 1188 index)
(recur (inc index) (+ yr (/ index 12)) (conj firstdaysofmonths (+ (peek firstdaysofmonths )(months (mod index 12)))))))))
(defn countsundaysonfirstonmonth [firstsunday firsdaysofmonth]
(count (filter #(or (= firstsunday %) (= firstsunday (mod % 7))) firsdaysofmonth)) )
(countsundaysonfirstonmonth 4 (getfirstmonthdays 1901))
(ns euler.problem19)
(defn isleapyear?[yr]
(and (not (zero? (mod yr 100))) (= 0 (mod yr 4))))
(def nonleapmonths [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31])
(def leapmonths [31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31])
(defn getfirstmonthdays [yr]
(loop [index 0
yr yr
firstdaysofmonths [1]]
(let [months (if (isleapyear? yr) leapmonths nonleapmonths) ]
(if (= 1188 index)
(recur (inc index) (+ yr (/ index 12)) (conj firstdaysofmonths (+ (peek firstdaysofmonths )(months (mod index 12)))))))))
(defn countsundaysonfirstonmonth [firstsunday firsdaysofmonth]
(count (filter #(or (= firstsunday %) (= firstsunday (mod % 7))) firsdaysofmonth)) )
(countsundaysonfirstonmonth 4 (getfirstmonthdays 1901))
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