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Created October 4, 2021 04:09
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Allows shorthand notation for responsive tailwind styles
Allows shorthand notation for responsive styles
.element {
@include tw-respond(
text-px12 leading-px22 font-bold, // First argument is always unnamed, for mobile styles
$md: text-px14 leading-px24, // Succeeding arguments should be named with screen variable
$lg2: text-px16 leading-px26
.element {
@apply text-px12 leading-px22 font-bold;
@apply md:text-px14 md:leading-px24;
@apply lg2:text-px16 lg2:leading-px26;
@mixin tw-respond(
$default: (),
$md: (),
$lg: (),
$lg2: (),
$xl: (),
) {
@include evaluate-tw-styles($default, null);
@include evaluate-tw-styles($md, md);
@include evaluate-tw-styles($lg, lg);
@include evaluate-tw-styles($lg2, lg2);
@include evaluate-tw-styles($xl, xl);
@mixin evaluate-tw-styles($tw-styles: (), $screen: null) {
@if ( length($tw-styles) > 0 ) {
$styles: if( type-of($tw-styles) == list, $tw-styles, append((), $tw-styles) );
@if ( $screen != null ) {
@screen #{$screen} {
@apply #{$styles};
@else {
@apply #{$styles};
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