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Created April 20, 2014 03:13
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Save joshuaconner/11104025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# all_docker_containers
# The Ansible `docker` module only returns the containers you've changed, but
# what if you need to get ALL of the docker containers running on a machine?
# That's what this is for - it uses the docker API to return all of the running
# containers on a machine, so if you need to stuff to containers you haven't
# done something to, you'll be able to do that.
import sys
import docker.client
from requests.exceptions import *
from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError, e:
print "failed=True msg='failed to import python module: %s'" % e
def _docker_id_quirk(inspect):
# XXX: some quirk in docker
if 'ID' in inspect:
inspect['Id'] = inspect['ID']
del inspect['ID']
return inspect
class DockerManager:
def __init__(self, module):
self.module = module
# connect to docker server
docker_url = urlparse(module.params.get('docker_url'))
self.client = docker.Client(base_url=docker_url.geturl())
def get_containers(self):
# determine which images/commands are running already
containers = self.client.containers()
response = []
for i in containers:
details = self.client.inspect_container(i['Id'])
details = _docker_id_quirk(details)
return response
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
docker_url = dict(default='unix://var/run/docker.sock'),
user = dict(default=None),
password = dict(),
manager = DockerManager(module)
module.exit_json(failed=False, changed=False, all_docker_containers=manager.get_containers())
except docker.client.APIError, e:
changed = manager.has_changed()
module.exit_json(failed=True, changed=changed, msg="Docker API error: " + e.explanation)
except RequestException, e:
changed = manager.has_changed()
module.exit_json(failed=True, changed=changed, msg=repr(e))
# import module snippets
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
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