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Last active October 24, 2021 21:51
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fullwidth unicode converter in bash
# fullwidth() - converts input into full-width unicode
fullwidth() {
local readonly ARGS="$@"
# fast_chr and unichr from:
fast_chr() {
local __octal
local __char
printf -v __octal '%03o' $1
printf -v __char \\$__octal
# unichr() - prints unicode character for any size number
# see:
function unichr {
local c=$1 # ordinal of char
local l=0 # byte ctr
local o=63 # ceiling
local p=128 # accum. bits
local s='' # output string
(( c < 0x80 )) && { fast_chr "$c"; echo -n "$REPLY"; return; }
while (( c > o )); do
fast_chr $(( t = 0x80 | c & 0x3f ))
(( c >>= 6, l++, p += o+1, o>>=1 ))
fast_chr $(( t = p | c ))
echo -n "$REPLY$s"
# ord() - converts ASCII character to its decimal value
# see:
ord() {
printf '%d' "'$1"
fullwidth_word() {
local word=$1
local i
local char_code
local fullwidth_char_code
local fullwith_char
# loop over characters in word
# see:
for (( i=0; i<${#word}; i++ )); do
char_code="$(ord ${word:$i:1})"
fullwidth_char_code=$((char_code + 65248))
echo -n "$(unichr ${fullwidth_char_code})"
local res=""
local fw
local word
# use ideographic space for fullwidth spaces
# see:
local fullwidth_space="$(unichr 12288)"
for word in $ARGS; do
fw="$(fullwidth_word $word)"
res="${res:1}" # trim leading space, hacky, all well
printf "$res" | pbcopy # put in clipboard, you know that's what you want
echo "$res" # print to the terminal too because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# delete our inner functions:
unset -f fast_chr
unset -f unichr
unset -f ord
unset -f fullwidth_word
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