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Created October 22, 2023 18:32
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  • Save joshuacox/21db5339897648e4653e8ef045fe3b13 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[ 100] /tmp/FASTBUILD_TEMP/_fbuild.tmp
├── [ 40] 0x00000000
├── [ 60] target
│   └── [ 60] include
│   └── [ 0] _lock
└── [ 60] worker
└── [ 60] toolchain.1ff03b798451c16c
└── [ 100] Engine
├── [ 60] Binaries
│   └── [1.3K] Linux
│   ├── [146K]
│   ├── [1.8M]
│   ├── [1.4M]
│   ├── [ 27K]
│   ├── [5.4K]
│   ├── [ 52K]
│   ├── [102K]
│   ├── [ 13M]
│   ├── [7.7M]
│   ├── [5.8M]
│   ├── [1.8M]
│   ├── [ 74K]
│   ├── [108K]
│   ├── [273K]
│   ├── [108K]
│   ├── [122K]
│   ├── [5.9M]
│   ├── [307K]
│   ├── [281K]
│   ├── [392K]
│   ├── [1020K]
│   ├── [8.9K]
│   ├── [ 28K]
│   ├── [151K]
│   ├── [468K]
│   ├── [3.0M]
│   ├── [1.1M]
│   ├── [ 55K]
│   ├── [ 32K]
│   ├── [ 98K]
│   ├── [555K]
│   ├── [2.7M]
│   ├── [1002K]
│   ├── [110K]
│   ├── [4.1M]
│   ├── [768K]
│   ├── [5.8M]
│   ├── [175K]
│   ├── [ 67K]
│   ├── [575K]
│   ├── [3.7M]
│   ├── [198K]
│   ├── [ 27K]
│   ├── [ 62K]
│   ├── [ 27K]
│   ├── [172K]
│   ├── [217K]
│   ├── [ 50K]
│   ├── [200K]
│   ├── [ 60K]
│   ├── [ 39K]
│   ├── [567K]
│   ├── [ 78K]
│   ├── [9.1K]
│   ├── [392K]
│   ├── [1.4M]
│   ├── [ 20K]
│   ├── [692K]
│   ├── [256K]
│   ├── [ 59K]
│   ├── [4.6M]
│   ├── [252K] ShaderCompileWorker
│   └── [3.8K] ShaderCompileWorker.modules
├── [ 660] Config
│   ├── [ 160] Android
│   │   ├── [3.5K] AndroidEngine.ini
│   │   ├── [6.1K] AndroidScalability.ini
│   │   ├── [ 570] BaseAndroidEngine.ini
│   │   ├── [ 78] BaseAndroidGame.ini
│   │   ├── [ 436] BaseAndroidInstallBundle.ini
│   │   └── [4.1K] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   ├── [ 16K] BaseCompat.ini
│   ├── [ 42K] BaseDeviceProfiles.ini
│   ├── [ 64K] BaseEditor.ini
│   ├── [1.2K] BaseEditorKeyBindings.ini
│   ├── [ 45K] BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini
│   ├── [3.6K] BaseEditorSettings.ini
│   ├── [202K] BaseEngine.ini
│   ├── [ 12K] BaseGame.ini
│   ├── [ 59] BaseGameUserSettings.ini
│   ├── [5.0K] BaseHardware.ini
│   ├── [ 32] Base.ini
│   ├── [ 23K] BaseInput.ini
│   ├── [ 478] BaseInstallBundle.ini
│   ├── [ 11K] BaseLightmass.ini
│   ├── [1.5K] BasePakFileRules.ini
│   ├── [ 98] BaseRuntimeOptions.ini
│   ├── [ 28K] BaseScalability.ini
│   ├── [2.4K] ConfigRedirects.ini
│   ├── [9.9K] ConsoleVariables.ini
│   ├── [ 700] DefaultEngine.ini
│   ├── [ 160] IOS
│   │   ├── [ 290] BaseIOSEngine.ini
│   │   ├── [ 78] BaseIOSGame.ini
│   │   ├── [2.7K] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   │   ├── [2.8K] IOSEngine.ini
│   │   ├── [ 10] IOSGame.ini
│   │   └── [6.1K] IOSScalability.ini
│   ├── [ 80] Layouts
│   │   ├── [3.7K] DefaultLayout.ini
│   │   └── [9.5K] UE4ClassicLayout.ini
│   ├── [ 140] Linux
│   │   ├── [ 225] BaseLinuxEngine.ini
│   │   ├── [ 861] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   │   ├── [ 3] LinuxEditorGameAgnostic.ini
│   │   ├── [ 917] LinuxEngine.ini
│   │   └── [ 10] LinuxGame.ini
│   ├── [ 100] LinuxArm64
│   │   ├── [ 46] BaseLinuxArm64Engine.ini
│   │   ├── [ 882] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   │   └── [1.1K] LinuxArm64Engine.ini
│   ├── [ 260] Localization
│   │   ├── [1.8K] Category.ini
│   │   ├── [3.1K] Editor.ini
│   │   ├── [2.1K] EditorTutorials.ini
│   │   ├── [2.5K] Engine.ini
│   │   ├── [1.6K] Keywords.ini
│   │   ├── [1.4K] PortableObjectExport.ini
│   │   ├── [1.4K] PortableObjectImport.ini
│   │   ├── [1.8K] PropertyNames.ini
│   │   ├── [2.5K] RepairData.ini
│   │   ├── [1.8K] ToolTips.ini
│   │   └── [1.8K] WordCount.ini
│   ├── [ 140] Mac
│   │   ├── [ 228] BaseMacEngine.ini
│   │   ├── [3.7K] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   │   ├── [1.3K] MacEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini
│   │   ├── [2.1K] MacEngine.ini
│   │   └── [ 10] MacGame.ini
│   ├── [ 80] TVOS
│   │   ├── [1.1K] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   │   └── [ 0] TVOSEngine.ini
│   ├── [ 80] Unix
│   │   ├── [ 136] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   │   └── [ 111] UnixEngine.ini
│   ├── [ 60] VulkanPC
│   │   └── [6.2K] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   └── [ 160] Windows
│   ├── [ 513] BaseWindowsEngine.ini
│   ├── [5.3K] DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
│   ├── [1.3K] WindowsEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini
│   ├── [ 991] WindowsEngine.ini
│   ├── [ 10] WindowsGame.ini
│   └── [ 201] WindowsInput.ini
└── [ 80] Shaders
├── [8.0K] Private
│   ├── [ 50K] ACES.ush
│   ├── [ 19K] AmbientCubemapComposite.usf
│   ├── [4.8K] AnisotropyPassShader.usf
│   ├── [1.7K] AreaLightCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.2K] AssertionMacros.ush
│   ├── [ 11K] BasePassCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 95K] BasePassPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.1K] BasePassVertexCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 11K] BasePassVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 20K] BCCompressionCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.7K] Bink.usf
│   ├── [6.9K] BitPacking.ush
│   ├── [5.8K] BitStreamReaderImplementation.ush
│   ├── [8.0K] BlockCompressionCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 260] Bloom
│   │   ├── [1.1K] BloomClampKernel.usf
│   │   ├── [ 716] BloomCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.4K] BloomDownsampleKernel.usf
│   │   ├── [1.3K] BloomFinalizeApplyConstants.usf
│   │   ├── [2.6K] BloomFindKernelCenter.usf
│   │   ├── [ 936] BloomPackKernelConstants.usf
│   │   ├── [1.7K] BloomReduceKernelSurvey.usf
│   │   ├── [5.3K] BloomResizeKernel.usf
│   │   ├── [1.7K] BloomSumScatterDispersionEnergy.usf
│   │   ├── [2.2K] BloomSurveyKernelCenterEnergy.usf
│   │   └── [2.8K] BloomSurveyMaxScatterDispersion.usf
│   ├── [1.5K] BlueNoise.ush
│   ├── [ 29K] BRDF.ush
│   ├── [8.9K] BurleyNormalizedSSSCommon.ush
│   ├── [7.7K] ByteBuffer.usf
│   ├── [8.5K] CapsuleLightIntegrate.ush
│   ├── [5.2K] CapsuleLightSampling.ush
│   ├── [3.4K] CapsuleLight.ush
│   ├── [ 49K] CapsuleShadowShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 974] CircleDOFCommon.ush
│   ├── [3.0K] ClearCoatCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.5K] ClearReplacementShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 24K] ClusteredDeferredShadingPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.2K] ClusteredDeferredShadingVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [7.3K] ColorDeficiency.ush
│   ├── [3.8K] ColorDifference.ush
│   ├── [4.6K] ColorMap.ush
│   ├── [8.0K] ColorSpace.ush
│   ├── [1.7K] ColorUtils.ush
│   ├── [ 66K] Common.ush
│   ├── [1.2K] CommonViewUniformBuffer.ush
│   ├── [3.4K] ComposeSeparateTranslucency.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] CompositeUIPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [2.4K] ComputeGenerateMips.usf
│   ├── [9.0K] ComputeShaderOutputCommon.ush
│   ├── [1.9K] ComputeShaderUtils.ush
│   ├── [ 679] CopyDepthTextureCS.usf
│   ├── [ 672] CopyDepthTexture.usf
│   ├── [2.7K] CopyShadowMaps.usf
│   ├── [1.5K] CopyTextureShaders.usf
│   ├── [1.9K] CopyUIntBuffer.usf
│   ├── [1.0K] CubemapCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 19K] DBufferDecalShared.ush
│   ├── [5.0K] DBufferNormalReprojection.ush
│   ├── [ 19K] DebugProbes.usf
│   ├── [3.1K] DebugViewModeCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 21K] DebugViewModePixelShader.usf
│   ├── [3.3K] DebugViewModeVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [5.1K] DecalCommon.ush
│   ├── [8.5K] DeferredDecal.usf
│   ├── [ 19K] DeferredLightingCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 16K] DeferredLightPixelShaders.usf
│   ├── [5.5K] DeferredLightVertexShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 40K] DeferredShadingCommon.ush
│   ├── [7.5K] Definitions.usf
│   ├── [2.9K] DepthOfFieldCommon.ush
│   ├── [3.4K] DepthOnlyPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [3.3K] DepthOnlyVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 460] DiaphragmDOF
│   │   ├── [8.1K] DOFBokehLUT.usf
│   │   ├── [4.0K] DOFCocTileCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [8.8K] DOFCocTileDilate.usf
│   │   ├── [8.6K] DOFCocTileFlatten.usf
│   │   ├── [5.9K] DOFCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [2.5K] DOFDownsample.usf
│   │   ├── [9.5K] DOFDownsample.ush
│   │   ├── [ 29K] DOFGatherAccumulator.ush
│   │   ├── [ 14K] DOFGatherCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 33K] DOFGatherKernel.ush
│   │   ├── [ 16K] DOFGatherPass.usf
│   │   ├── [4.7K] DOFGatherTileSuggest.ush
│   │   ├── [3.2K] DOFHybridScatterCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [3.3K] DOFHybridScatterCompilation.usf
│   │   ├── [3.2K] DOFHybridScatterCompilation.ush
│   │   ├── [4.1K] DOFHybridScatterPixelShader.usf
│   │   ├── [4.5K] DOFHybridScatterVertexShader.usf
│   │   ├── [5.3K] DOFPostfiltering.usf
│   │   ├── [ 38K] DOFRecombine.usf
│   │   ├── [ 20K] DOFReduce.usf
│   │   └── [8.3K] DOFSetup.usf
│   ├── [ 22K] DiffuseIndirectComposite.usf
│   ├── [1.9K] DisplayMappingPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 220] DistanceField
│   │   ├── [ 15K] GlobalDistanceFieldCompositeObjects.usf
│   │   ├── [3.2K] GlobalDistanceFieldDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [ 13K] GlobalDistanceFieldHeightfields.usf
│   │   ├── [3.7K] GlobalDistanceFieldMip.usf
│   │   ├── [3.3K] GlobalDistanceFieldObjectGrid.ush
│   │   ├── [ 19K] GlobalDistanceFieldShared.ush
│   │   ├── [1.6K] GlobalDistanceFieldUpdate.ush
│   │   ├── [ 20K] GlobalDistanceField.usf
│   │   └── [9.4K] GlobalDistanceFieldUtils.ush
│   ├── [8.9K] DistanceFieldAOShared.ush
│   ├── [ 790] DistanceFieldDownsampling.usf
│   ├── [ 16K] DistanceFieldLightingPost.usf
│   ├── [ 19K] DistanceFieldLightingShared.ush
│   ├── [ 16K] DistanceFieldObjectCulling.usf
│   ├── [ 16K] DistanceFieldScreenGridLighting.usf
│   ├── [ 14K] DistanceFieldShadowingShared.ush
│   ├── [ 30K] DistanceFieldShadowing.usf
│   ├── [6.0K] DistanceFieldStreaming.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] DistanceFieldVisualization.usf
│   ├── [8.1K] DistortAccumulatePS.usf
│   ├── [2.5K] DistortAccumulateVS.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] DistortApplyScreenPS.usf
│   ├── [3.1K] DistortFiltering.usf
│   ├── [4.2K] DistortionCommon.ush
│   ├── [1.8K] DitheredTransitionStencil.usf
│   ├── [4.9K] DoubleWordMath.ush
│   ├── [4.7K] DownsampleDepthPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [4.8K] DynamicLightingCommon.ush
│   ├── [9.0K] ETCCompressionCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.6K] EyeAdaptationCommon.ush
│   ├── [7.5K] FastMathThirdParty.ush
│   ├── [ 791] FastMath.ush
│   ├── [5.0K] FilterPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [2.0K] FilterVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 22K] ForwardLightingCommon.ush
│   ├── [4.5K] ForwardShadowingCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 85K] Fxaa3_11.ush
│   ├── [2.7K] FXAAShader.usf
│   ├── [ 610] GameplayMediaEncoderShaders.usf
│   ├── [5.8K] GammaCorrectionCommon.ush
│   ├── [1.4K] GammaCorrection.usf
│   ├── [ 13K] GBufferHelpers.ush
│   ├── [2.0K] GenerateConservativeDepth.usf
│   ├── [ 449] GeneratedUniformBufferTypes.ush
│   ├── [ 17K] GeometryCacheVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [ 23K] GeometryCollectionVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [3.0K] GPUBenchmark.usf
│   ├── [ 12K] GPUFastFourierTransform2DCore.ush
│   ├── [ 29K] GPUFastFourierTransformCore.ush
│   ├── [ 42K] GPUFastFourierTransform.usf
│   ├── [ 184] GPUMessaging.usf
│   ├── [2.8K] GPUMessaging.ush
│   ├── [ 80] GPUScene
│   │   ├── [ 820] GPUSceneDataManagement.usf
│   │   └── [ 12K] GPUSceneWriter.ush
│   ├── [5.5K] GPUSceneDebugRender.usf
│   ├── [ 21K] GpuSkinCacheComputeShader.usf
│   ├── [3.2K] GpuSkinCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 37K] GpuSkinVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [ 12K] HairBsdf.ush
│   ├── [3.0K] HairShadingCommon.ush
│   ├── [1.5K] HairStrands
│   │   ├── [5.5K] HairBsdfSample.ush
│   │   ├── [5.3K] HairCardsAttributeCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [6.6K] HairCardsDeformation.usf
│   │   ├── [8.5K] HairCardsGeneration.usf
│   │   ├── [1.4K] HairCardsTextureCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 16K] HairCardsVertexFactory.ush
│   │   ├── [3.8K] HairStrandsAABBCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [2.6K] HairStrandsAABB.usf
│   │   ├── [5.6K] HairStrandsAttributeCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [7.5K] HairStrandsAttributeTemplate.ush
│   │   ├── [6.5K] HairStrandsBindingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [7.5K] HairStrandsClusterCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 22K] HairStrandsClusterCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [2.2K] HairStrandsCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.6K] HairStrandsCoverage.usf
│   │   ├── [ 278] HairStrandsDebugCommonStruct.ush
│   │   ├── [ 86K] HairStrandsDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [ 12K] HairStrandsDeepShadowAllocation.usf
│   │   ├── [ 394] HairStrandsDeepShadowCommonStruct.ush
│   │   ├── [ 11K] HairStrandsDeepShadowCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 21K] HairStrandsDeepShadowMask.usf
│   │   ├── [1.8K] HairStrandsDeepShadowPS.usf
│   │   ├── [2.8K] HairStrandsDeepShadowVS.usf
│   │   ├── [2.1K] HairStrandsDeepTransmittanceCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [8.4K] HairStrandsDeepTransmittanceDualScattering.ush
│   │   ├── [ 19K] HairStrandsDeepTransmittanceMask.usf
│   │   ├── [5.6K] HairStrandsEnvironmentAO.usf
│   │   ├── [3.1K] HairStrandsEnvironmentLightingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 37K] HairStrandsEnvironmentLighting.usf
│   │   ├── [5.4K] HairStrandsFollicleMask.usf
│   │   ├── [9.9K] HairStrandsForwardCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [ 67K] HairStrandsForwardRaster.usf
│   │   ├── [1.6K] HairStrandsGBufferCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [2.8K] HairStrandsGBufferWrite.usf
│   │   ├── [3.8K] HairStrandsGuideDeform.usf
│   │   ├── [2.7K] HairStrandsHitProxy.usf
│   │   ├── [ 23K] HairStrandsInterpolation.usf
│   │   ├── [1.2K] HairStrandsLightSample.usf
│   │   ├── [ 11K] HairStrandsLUT.usf
│   │   ├── [ 12K] HairStrandsMaterialCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [2.0K] HairStrandsMaterialPS.usf
│   │   ├── [1.2K] HairStrandsMaterialVS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 17K] HairStrandsMesh.usf
│   │   ├── [7.3K] HairStrandsPack.ush
│   │   ├── [ 13K] HairStrandsRaytracingGeometry.usf
│   │   ├── [4.0K] HairStrandsRaytracing.ush
│   │   ├── [8.3K] HairStrandsSkinUpdate.usf
│   │   ├── [2.6K] HairStrandsTangent.usf
│   │   ├── [ 17K] HairStrandsTexturesGeneration.usf
│   │   ├── [ 267] HairStrandsTileCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [4.3K] HairStrandsVelocity.usf
│   │   ├── [2.2K] HairStrandsVertexFactoryCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 34K] HairStrandsVertexFactory.ush
│   │   ├── [ 404] HairStrandsVisibilityClearPS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 440] HairStrandsVisibilityCommonStruct.ush
│   │   ├── [ 12K] HairStrandsVisibilityCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [7.3K] HairStrandsVisibilityCompactionComputeRaster.usf
│   │   ├── [ 14K] HairStrandsVisibilityCompaction.usf
│   │   ├── [6.8K] HairStrandsVisibilityComposeSubPixelPS.usf
│   │   ├── [2.0K] HairStrandsVisibilityComputeSampleCoverage.usf
│   │   ├── [1.4K] HairStrandsVisibilityCopyIndirectArg.usf
│   │   ├── [3.7K] HairStrandsVisibilityDepthPS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 348] HairStrandsVisibilityFillOpaqueDepthPS.usf
│   │   ├── [4.5K] HairStrandsVisibilityPS.usf
│   │   ├── [4.9K] HairStrandsVisibilityRasterClassification.usf
│   │   ├── [7.7K] HairStrandsVisibilityRasterComputeNaive.usf
│   │   ├── [ 50K] HairStrandsVisibilityRasterCompute.usf
│   │   ├── [4.4K] HairStrandsVisibilityRasterHW.usf
│   │   ├── [ 11K] HairStrandsVisibilityTile.usf
│   │   ├── [1005] HairStrandsVisibilityTransmittanceDepthPS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 754] HairStrandsVisibilityUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [5.7K] HairStrandsVisibilityVS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 14K] HairStrandsVoxelDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [ 262] HairStrandsVoxelPageCommonStruct.ush
│   │   ├── [6.9K] HairStrandsVoxelPageCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 18K] HairStrandsVoxelPageTraversal.ush
│   │   └── [ 49K] HairStrandsVoxelRasterCompute.usf
│   ├── [ 32K] HaltonUtilities.ush
│   ├── [2.1K] HashTable.ush
│   ├── [ 469] Hash.ush
│   ├── [4.0K] HdrCustomResolveShaders.usf
│   ├── [1.5K] HeightFieldAtlasManagement.usf
│   ├── [7.0K] HeightfieldLightingShared.ush
│   ├── [ 15K] HeightFogCommon.ush
│   ├── [3.2K] HeightFogPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 824] HeightFogVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 440] HeterogeneousVolumes
│   │   ├── [ 769] HeterogeneousVolumesComposite.usf
│   │   ├── [2.6K] HeterogeneousVolumesFrustumVoxelGrid.usf
│   │   ├── [4.7K] HeterogeneousVolumesFrustumVoxelGridUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [ 16K] HeterogeneousVolumesHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [ 469] HeterogeneousVolumesLightingUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [9.9K] HeterogeneousVolumesLiveShadingPipeline.usf
│   │   ├── [1.9K] HeterogeneousVolumesLiveShadingUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [ 19K] HeterogeneousVolumesMaterialBakingPipeline.usf
│   │   ├── [ 19K] HeterogeneousVolumesPreshadingPipeline.usf
│   │   ├── [ 15K] HeterogeneousVolumesRayMarchingUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [6.1K] HeterogeneousVolumesSparseVoxelPipeline.usf
│   │   ├── [2.4K] HeterogeneousVolumesSparseVoxelUniformBufferUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [2.4K] HeterogeneousVolumesSparseVoxelUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [1.4K] HeterogeneousVolumesTracingUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [ 699] HeterogeneousVolumesTransmittanceVolumeUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [ 18K] HeterogeneousVolumesVoxelGridPipeline.usf
│   │   ├── [ 31K] HeterogeneousVolumesVoxelGridRendering.usf
│   │   ├── [ 18K] HeterogeneousVolumesVoxelGridTraversal.ush
│   │   ├── [ 262] HeterogeneousVolumesVoxelGridTypes.ush
│   │   └── [7.9K] HeterogeneousVolumesVoxelGridUtils.ush
│   ├── [ 17K] Histogram.usf
│   ├── [2.1K] HitProxyPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [3.2K] HitProxyVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 13K] HTileEncoding.ush
│   ├── [2.1K] HybridIndirectLighting.ush
│   ├── [1.2K] HZBOcclusion.usf
│   ├── [8.5K] HZB.usf
│   ├── [7.1K] IESAtlas.usf
│   ├── [2.1K] IESLightProfilesCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 140] InstanceCulling
│   │   ├── [ 17K] BuildInstanceDrawCommands.usf
│   │   ├── [6.8K] CompactVisibleInstances.usf
│   │   ├── [1.9K] InstanceCompactionCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [4.5K] InstanceCullingCommon.ush
│   │   └── [6.6K] InstanceCullingLoadBalancer.ush
│   ├── [2.7K] InstancedStereo.ush
│   ├── [ 140] Landscape
│   │   ├── [1.4K] LandscapeCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [3.0K] LandscapeCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [ 24K] LandscapeLayersHeightmapsPS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 12K] LandscapeLayersWeightmapsPS.usf
│   │   └── [3.1K] LandscapeMergeHeightmapsPS.usf
│   ├── [7.7K] LandscapeGrassWeight.usf
│   ├── [4.6K] LandscapeLayersCS.usf
│   ├── [ 17K] LandscapeLayersPS.usf
│   ├── [ 416] LandscapeLayersVS.usf
│   ├── [5.1K] LandscapePhysicalMaterial.usf
│   ├── [ 32K] LandscapeVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [ 19K] LargeWorldCoordinates.ush
│   ├── [7.2K] LightAccumulator.ush
│   ├── [3.7K] LightDataUniforms.ush
│   ├── [ 16K] LightData.ush
│   ├── [3.2K] LightFunctionCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.6K] LightFunctionPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 617] LightFunctionVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 12K] LightGridCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 21K] LightGridInjection.usf
│   ├── [ 14K] LightmapCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.6K] LightmapData.ush
│   ├── [6.3K] LightMapDensityShader.usf
│   ├── [2.1K] LightShaderParameters.ush
│   ├── [5.9K] LightShaftShader.usf
│   ├── [ 14K] LocalHeightFog.usf
│   ├── [7.3K] LocalVertexFactoryCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 48K] LocalVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [1.3K] Lumen
│   │   ├── [2.0K] LumenBufferEncoding.ush
│   │   ├── [ 11K] LumenCardCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [7.0K] LumenCardPixelShader.usf
│   │   ├── [4.6K] LumenCardTile.ush
│   │   ├── [1.6K] LumenCardVertexShader.usf
│   │   ├── [5.7K] LumenFrontLayerTranslucency.usf
│   │   ├── [4.3K] LumenHairTracing.ush
│   │   ├── [ 32K] LumenHardwareRayTracingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.6K] LumenHardwareRayTracingMaterials.usf
│   │   ├── [1.8K] LumenHardwareRayTracingPayloadCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.6K] LumenHardwareRayTracingPlatformCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [5.0K] LumenIrradianceFieldGather.usf
│   │   ├── [6.3K] LumenMaterialDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [ 20K] LumenMaterial.ush
│   │   ├── [ 20K] LumenMeshSDFCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [1.6K] LumenRadianceCacheCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [2.3K] LumenRadianceCacheDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [ 13K] LumenRadianceCacheHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [ 23K] LumenRadianceCacheInterpolation.ush
│   │   ├── [5.1K] LumenRadianceCacheMarkCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [2.2K] LumenRadianceCacheTracingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 12K] LumenRadianceCacheUpdate.usf
│   │   ├── [ 977] LumenRadianceCacheUpdate.ush
│   │   ├── [ 48K] LumenRadianceCache.usf
│   │   ├── [6.3K] LumenReflectionCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 10K] LumenReflectionHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [ 581] LumenReflectionsCombine.ush
│   │   ├── [ 48K] LumenReflections.usf
│   │   ├── [ 30K] LumenReflectionTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [ 18K] LumenSceneDirectLightingCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [7.7K] LumenSceneDirectLightingHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [1.7K] LumenSceneDirectLightingPerLightShadowCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [6.5K] LumenSceneDirectLightingShadowMask.usf
│   │   ├── [8.2K] LumenSceneDirectLightingSoftwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [4.9K] LumenSceneDirectLighting.usf
│   │   ├── [7.8K] LumenSceneDirectLighting.ush
│   │   ├── [2.3K] LumenSceneLightingDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [ 21K] LumenSceneLighting.usf
│   │   ├── [1.2K] LumenSceneLighting.ush
│   │   ├── [6.1K] LumenScene.usf
│   │   ├── [ 12K] LumenScreenProbeCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 40K] LumenScreenProbeFiltering.usf
│   │   ├── [ 92K] LumenScreenProbeGather.usf
│   │   ├── [6.0K] LumenScreenProbeHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [ 149] LumenScreenProbeImportanceSamplingShared.ush
│   │   ├── [ 27K] LumenScreenProbeImportanceSampling.usf
│   │   ├── [7.7K] LumenScreenProbeLightSampling.usf
│   │   ├── [7.1K] LumenScreenProbeTracingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 37K] LumenScreenProbeTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [5.2K] LumenScreenSpaceBentNormal.usf
│   │   ├── [1.7K] LumenScreenSpaceBentNormal.ush
│   │   ├── [ 16K] LumenScreenTracing.ush
│   │   ├── [3.6K] LumenShortRangeAOHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [ 31K] LumenSoftwareRayTracing.ush
│   │   ├── [3.0K] LumenTracingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [3.7K] LumenTranslucencyRadianceCacheMarkShaders.usf
│   │   ├── [5.2K] LumenTranslucencyVolumeHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [3.5K] LumenTranslucencyVolumeLightingShared.ush
│   │   ├── [ 13K] LumenTranslucencyVolumeLighting.usf
│   │   ├── [3.9K] LumenTranslucencyVolumeShared.ush
│   │   ├── [ 17K] LumenVisualizeHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   ├── [3.1K] LumenVisualizeRadianceCache.usf
│   │   ├── [ 631] LumenVisualizeTraces.ush
│   │   ├── [6.7K] LumenVisualize.usf
│   │   ├── [1.0K] LumenVisualize.ush
│   │   ├── [ 140] Radiosity
│   │   │   ├── [2.0K] LumenRadiosityCulling.usf
│   │   │   ├── [5.0K] LumenRadiosityHardwareRayTracing.usf
│   │   │   ├── [ 20K] LumenRadiosity.usf
│   │   │   ├── [ 10K] LumenRadiosity.ush
│   │   │   └── [6.4K] LumenVisualizeRadiosityProbes.usf
│   │   └── [ 120] SurfaceCache
│   │   ├── [3.7K] LumenSurfaceCacheFeedback.usf
│   │   ├── [ 21K] LumenSurfaceCacheSampling.ush
│   │   ├── [5.3K] LumenSurfaceCache.usf
│   │   └── [2.3K] LumenSurfaceCache.ush
│   ├── [9.7K] LWCOperations.ush
│   ├── [133K] MaterialTemplate.ush
│   ├── [6.4K] MaterialTexture.ush
│   ├── [4.3K] Matrices.ush
│   ├── [ 21K] MediaShaders.usf
│   ├── [8.2K] MeshDecals.usf
│   ├── [1.5K] MeshDistanceFieldCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.7K] meshpaintdilatepixelshader.usf
│   ├── [ 795] meshpaintdilatevertexshader.usf
│   ├── [8.0K] MeshPaintPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 994] MeshPaintVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 25K] MeshParticleVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [6.3K] MiniFontCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 805] MinMaterialTexCoords.ush
│   ├── [ 726] MissingShaderPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.9K] MobileBasePassCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 40K] MobileBasePassPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [4.6K] MobileBasePassVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 13K] MobileDeferredShading.usf
│   ├── [ 702] MobileDeferredUtils.usf
│   ├── [3.2K] MobileFog.usf
│   ├── [1.2K] MobileGGX.ush
│   ├── [ 21K] MobileLightingCommon.ush
│   ├── [4.2K] MobileLocalLightPrepass.usf
│   ├── [ 16K] MonteCarlo.ush
│   ├── [6.9K] MorphTargets.usf
│   ├── [1.4K] MortonCode.ush
│   ├── [ 220] MotionBlur
│   │   ├── [ 38K] MotionBlurApply.usf
│   │   ├── [6.2K] MotionBlurCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [5.5K] MotionBlurFilterTileClassify.usf
│   │   ├── [3.0K] MotionBlurTileGather.usf
│   │   ├── [3.3K] MotionBlurTileScatter.usf
│   │   ├── [4.1K] MotionBlurVelocityFlatten.usf
│   │   ├── [3.8K] MotionBlurVelocityFlatten.ush
│   │   ├── [7.2K] MotionBlurVisualize.usf
│   │   └── [2.9K] VisualizeMotionVectors.usf
│   ├── [ 860] Nanite
│   │   ├── [ 31K] NaniteAttributeDecode.ush
│   │   ├── [ 32K] NaniteClusterCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [ 11K] NaniteCullingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [5.3K] NaniteCulling.ush
│   │   ├── [ 30K] NaniteDataDecode.ush
│   │   ├── [9.6K] NaniteDebugViews.usf
│   │   ├── [3.1K] NaniteDepthDecode.usf
│   │   ├── [9.1K] NaniteDepthExport.usf
│   │   ├── [6.6K] NaniteDice.ush
│   │   ├── [2.4K] NaniteEmitShadow.usf
│   │   ├── [ 15K] NaniteExportGBuffer.usf
│   │   ├── [3.7K] NaniteFastClear.usf
│   │   ├── [ 645] NaniteHierarchyTraversalCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 14K] NaniteHierarchyTraversal.ush
│   │   ├── [ 23K] NaniteHZBCull.ush
│   │   ├── [3.4K] NaniteImposter.ush
│   │   ├── [ 26K] NaniteInstanceCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [ 10K] NaniteInstanceHierarchyCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [6.3K] NaniteMaterialCulling.usf
│   │   ├── [1.1K] NanitePackedNaniteView.ush
│   │   ├── [2.4K] NanitePrimitiveFilter.usf
│   │   ├── [ 13K] NanitePrintStats.usf
│   │   ├── [ 17K] NaniteRasterBinning.usf
│   │   ├── [1.3K] NaniteRasterClear.usf
│   │   ├── [ 16K] NaniteRasterizationCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 53K] NaniteRasterizer.usf
│   │   ├── [6.7K] NaniteRasterizer.ush
│   │   ├── [8.5K] NaniteRayTrace.ush
│   │   ├── [ 14K] NaniteShadeBinning.usf
│   │   ├── [1.3K] NaniteShadeCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 86] NaniteShadeDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [8.6K] NaniteSplit.usf
│   │   ├── [ 957] NaniteStreaming.usf
│   │   ├── [1.8K] NaniteStreaming.ush
│   │   ├── [ 24K] NaniteStreamOut.usf
│   │   ├── [7.9K] NaniteTessellation.ush
│   │   ├── [ 28K] NaniteTranscode.usf
│   │   ├── [ 41K] NaniteVertexFactory.ush
│   │   ├── [ 21K] NaniteVisualize.usf
│   │   ├── [2.3K] NaniteWritePixel.ush
│   │   └── [ 160] Voxel
│   │   ├── [5.0K] AutoVoxel.usf
│   │   ├── [3.7K] Brick.ush
│   │   ├── [6.1K] RasterizeBricks.usf
│   │   ├── [4.6K] ScatterBricks.usf
│   │   ├── [8.6K] TileBricks.usf
│   │   └── [ 18K] Voxel.ush
│   ├── [ 359] NullPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 992] OcclusionFeedbackShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 396] OcclusionQueryPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.2K] OcclusionQueryVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [3.4K] OctahedralCommon.ush
│   ├── [1.6K] OculusShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 60] OIT
│   │   └── [ 12K] OITSorting.usf
│   ├── [5.8K] OITCombine.usf
│   ├── [9.2K] OITCommon.ush
│   ├── [3.6K] OneColorShader.usf
│   ├── [5.1K] PackUnpack.ush
│   ├── [3.0K] PageTableUpdate.usf
│   ├── [2.2K] PaniniProjection.ush
│   ├── [ 14K] ParticipatingMediaCommon.ush
│   ├── [9.1K] ParticleBeamTrailVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [5.3K] ParticleBoundsShader.usf
│   ├── [2.0K] ParticleCurveInjectionShader.usf
│   ├── [ 27K] ParticleGPUSpriteVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [3.4K] ParticleInjectionShader.usf
│   ├── [ 26K] ParticleSimulationShader.usf
│   ├── [2.5K] ParticleSimVisualizeShader.usf
│   ├── [2.6K] ParticleSortKeyGen.usf
│   ├── [ 26K] ParticleSpriteVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [2.0K] ParticleVertexFactoryCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 400] PathTracing
│   │   ├── [ 400] Material
│   │   │   ├── [ 376] FirstBounceRayGuidingCommon.ush
│   │   │   ├── [8.2K] PathTracingClearCoat.ush
│   │   │   ├── [6.0K] PathTracingCloth.ush
│   │   │   ├── [4.4K] PathTracingDefaultLit.ush
│   │   │   ├── [ 112] PathTracingEnergyConservation.ush
│   │   │   ├── [6.1K] PathTracingFresnel.ush
│   │   │   ├── [3.7K] PathTracingGlossy.ush
│   │   │   ├── [2.9K] PathTracingLambert.ush
│   │   │   ├── [7.7K] PathTracingMaterialCommon.ush
│   │   │   ├── [2.7K] PathTracingMedium.ush
│   │   │   ├── [7.3K] PathTracingRadianceProbe.ush
│   │   │   ├── [7.1K] PathTracingSolidGlass.ush
│   │   │   ├── [1.8K] PathTracingSubstrateCommon.ush
│   │   │   ├── [8.8K] PathTracingSubstrateSolidGlass.ush
│   │   │   ├── [ 18K] PathTracingSubstrate.ush
│   │   │   ├── [5.3K] PathTracingSubsurfaceProfile.ush
│   │   │   ├── [8.5K] PathTracingThinGlass.ush
│   │   │   └── [2.8K] PathTracingTwoSidedFoliage.ush
│   │   ├── [2.9K] PathTracingBuildAtmosphereLUT.usf
│   │   ├── [2.9K] PathTracingBuildLightGrid.usf
│   │   ├── [ 32K] PathTracingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [2.9K] PathTracingCompositingPixelShader.usf
│   │   ├── [ 71K] PathTracingCore.ush
│   │   ├── [1.5K] PathTracingDefaultHitShader.usf
│   │   ├── [ 17K] PathTracingGPULightmassMaterialHitShader.usf
│   │   ├── [2.0K] PathTracingInitExtinctionCoefficient.usf
│   │   ├── [1.4K] PathTracingLightingMissShader.usf
│   │   ├── [ 52K] PathTracingMaterialHitShader.usf
│   │   ├── [ 191] PathTracingMissShader.usf
│   │   ├── [1.7K] PathTracingShaderUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [1.0K] PathTracingSkylightMISCompensation.usf
│   │   ├── [1.3K] PathTracingSkylightPrepare.usf
│   │   ├── [ 42K] PathTracingSpatialTemporalDenoising.usf
│   │   ├── [1.1K] PathTracingSwizzleScanlines.usf
│   │   └── [6.2K] PathTracing.usf
│   ├── [4.6K] PhysicsFieldBuilder.usf
│   ├── [ 38K] PhysicsFieldEval.ush
│   ├── [4.1K] PhysicsFieldReset.usf
│   ├── [2.5K] PhysicsFieldSampler.ush
│   ├── [8.9K] PhysicsFieldShared.ush
│   ├── [ 12K] PhysicsFieldVisualizer.usf
│   ├── [2.9K] PixelQuadMessagePassing.ush
│   ├── [6.8K] PixelShaderOutputCommon.ush
│   ├── [6.2K] PlanarReflectionShaders.usf
│   ├── [4.9K] PlanarReflectionShared.ush
│   ├── [ 11K] PointCloudVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [1.0K] PositionOnlyDepthVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [1.9K] PositionReconstructionCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 13K] PostProcessAmbientOcclusionCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 37K] PostProcessAmbientOcclusionMobile.usf
│   ├── [ 55K] PostProcessAmbientOcclusion.usf
│   ├── [3.5K] PostProcessBloom.usf
│   ├── [ 15K] PostProcessCombineLUTs.usf
│   ├── [6.9K] PostProcessCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 13K] PostProcessCompositePrimitives.usf
│   ├── [7.3K] PostProcessDeviceEncodingOnly.usf
│   ├── [8.6K] PostProcessDOF.usf
│   ├── [2.5K] PostProcessDownsample.usf
│   ├── [ 22K] PostProcessEyeAdaptation.usf
│   ├── [3.0K] PostProcessGBufferHints.usf
│   ├── [9.3K] PostProcessHistogramCommon.ush
│   ├── [1.5K] PostProcessHistogramReduce.usf
│   ├── [8.1K] PostProcessHistogram.usf
│   ├── [3.4K] PostProcessHMD.usf
│   ├── [ 80] PostProcessing
│   │   ├── [ 770] FilmGrainPackConstants.usf
│   │   └── [1.4K] FilmGrainReduce.usf
│   ├── [2.8K] PostProcessLensFlares.usf
│   ├── [2.0K] PostProcessLocalExposure.usf
│   ├── [ 15K] PostProcessMaterialShaders.usf
│   ├── [3.8K] PostProcessMitchellNetravali.usf
│   ├── [ 50K] PostProcessMobile.usf
│   ├── [1.2K] PostProcessNoiseBlur.usf
│   ├── [ 514] PostProcessPassThrough.usf
│   ├── [ 10K] PostProcessPixelProjectedReflectionMobile.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] PostProcessSelectionOutline.usf
│   ├── [2.8K] PostProcessSubsurfaceTile.usf
│   ├── [ 37K] PostProcessSubsurface.usf
│   ├── [7.2K] PostProcessTestImage.usf
│   ├── [ 19K] PostProcessTonemap.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] PostProcessUpscale.usf
│   ├── [1.1K] PostProcessVisualizeBuffer.usf
│   ├── [1.3K] PostProcessVisualizeDOF.usf
│   ├── [ 17K] PostProcessVisualizeHDR.usf
│   ├── [6.0K] PostProcessVisualizeLevelInstance.usf
│   ├── [2.5K] PostProcessVisualizeLocalExposure.usf
│   ├── [5.0K] PrintValue.ush
│   ├── [1.5K] QuadComplexityAccumulatePixelShader.usf
│   ├── [5.2K] QuadOverdraw.ush
│   ├── [ 910] Quaternion.ush
│   ├── [ 28K] RadixSortShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 32K] Random.ush
│   ├── [1.4K] RayTracing
│   │   ├── [ 571] CompositeAmbientOcclusionPS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 654] CompositeSkyLightPS.usf
│   │   ├── [3.8K] GenerateCulledLightListCS.usf
│   │   ├── [2.3K] GenerateSkyLightVisibilityRaysCS.usf
│   │   ├── [3.2K] MaterialSort.usf
│   │   ├── [1.0K] MipTreeCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 821] RayGenUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [7.5K] RayTracingAmbientOcclusionRGS.usf
│   │   ├── [4.1K] RayTracingBarycentrics.usf
│   │   ├── [2.0K] RayTracingBuildDecalGrid.usf
│   │   ├── [3.2K] RayTracingBuiltInShaders.usf
│   │   ├── [2.7K] RayTracingCalcInterpolants.ush
│   │   ├── [1.4K] RayTracingCapsuleLight.ush
│   │   ├── [2.9K] RayTracingCommonMetal.ush
│   │   ├── [ 48K] RayTracingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 15K] RayTracingCreateGatherPointsRGS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 884] RayTracingDebugCHS.usf
│   │   ├── [3.4K] RayTracingDebugInstanceOverlap.usf
│   │   ├── [ 310] RayTracingDebugMS.usf
│   │   ├── [2.2K] RayTracingDebugPicking.usf
│   │   ├── [3.6K] RayTracingDebugTraversal.usf
│   │   ├── [ 12K] RayTracingDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [ 448] RayTracingDebugUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [2.6K] RayTracingDecalGrid.ush
│   │   ├── [9.4K] RayTracingDecalMaterialShader.usf
│   │   ├── [ 686] RayTracingDefaultDecalHitShader.usf
│   │   ├── [ 471] RayTracingDeferredMaterials.usf
│   │   ├── [1.9K] RayTracingDeferredMaterials.ush
│   │   ├── [ 10K] RayTracingDeferredReflections.usf
│   │   ├── [4.5K] RayTracingDeferredReflections.ush
│   │   ├── [2.3K] RayTracingDeferredShadingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.8K] RayTracingDirectionalLight.ush
│   │   ├── [1.3K] RayTracingDispatchDesc.usf
│   │   ├── [4.3K] RayTracingDynamicMesh.usf
│   │   ├── [ 15K] RayTracingFinalGatherRGS.usf
│   │   ├── [3.0K] RayTracingGatherPoints.ush
│   │   ├── [ 10K] RayTracingGlobalIlluminationRGS.usf
│   │   ├── [6.3K] RayTracingHitGroupCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [3.9K] RayTracingInstanceBufferUtil.usf
│   │   ├── [2.9K] RayTracingLightCullingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.1K] RayTracingLightFunctionCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 20K] RayTracingLightingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [4.8K] RayTracingLightingMS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 952] RayTracingMaterialDefaultHitShaders.usf
│   │   ├── [ 25K] RayTracingMaterialHitShaders.usf
│   │   ├── [ 28K] RayTracingOcclusionRGS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 16K] RayTracingPrimaryRays.usf
│   │   ├── [ 671] RayTracingRayCone.ush
│   │   ├── [1.3K] RayTracingRectLight.ush
│   │   ├── [1.2K] RayTracingReflectionEnvironment.ush
│   │   ├── [ 13K] RayTracingReflectionResolve.usf
│   │   ├── [1019] RayTracingReflectionsCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [4.0K] RayTracingReflectionsGenerateRaysCS.usf
│   │   ├── [ 41K] RayTracingReflections.usf
│   │   ├── [ 687] RayTracingShaderUtils.ush
│   │   ├── [3.1K] RayTracingSkyLightCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 11K] RayTracingSkyLightEvaluation.ush
│   │   ├── [3.3K] RayTracingSkyLightRGS.usf
│   │   ├── [2.7K] RayTracingSphereLight.ush
│   │   ├── [1.1K] RayTracingTest.usf
│   │   ├── [4.8K] RayTracingValidation.usf
│   │   ├── [6.8K] SkyLightMipTreeCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.2K] SkyLightVisibilityRaysData.ush
│   │   ├── [3.0K] SplitImaginaryReflectionGBufferCS.usf
│   │   ├── [3.9K] TraceRayInlineCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.5K] TraceRayInlineMetal.ush
│   │   ├── [2.1K] TraceRayInlineStatistics.usf
│   │   ├── [8.2K] TraceRayInline.ush
│   │   ├── [4.5K] TraceRayInlineVulkan.ush
│   │   ├── [2.2K] VFXTraceRay.ush
│   │   └── [1.4K] VisualizeSkyLightMipTreePS.usf
│   ├── [1.6K] RecomputeTangentsCommon.ush
│   ├── [7.1K] RecomputeTangentsPerTrianglePass.usf
│   ├── [5.7K] RecomputeTangentsPerVertexPass.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] RectLightAtlas.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] RectLightIntegrate.ush
│   ├── [ 25K] RectLight.ush
│   ├── [1.5K] ReductionCommon.ush
│   ├── [9.9K] ReflectionEnvironmentComposite.ush
│   ├── [ 16K] ReflectionEnvironmentPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 38K] ReflectionEnvironmentShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] ReflectionEnvironmentShared.ush
│   ├── [1.4K] RenderGraphUtilities.usf
│   ├── [1.9K] ResolvePixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.2K] ResolveVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 639] RTWriteMaskDecode.usf
│   ├── [1.7K] SceneCapturePixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 51K] SceneData.ush
│   ├── [ 195] SceneTextureParameters.ush
│   ├── [7.6K] SceneTexturesCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 567] ScreenPass.usf
│   ├── [1.5K] ScreenPass.ush
│   ├── [ 550] ScreenPixelShaderOES.usf
│   ├── [1.8K] ScreenPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 440] ScreenSpaceDenoise
│   │   ├── [1.8K] DenoisingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [9.8K] SSDCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [9.9K] SSDComposeHarmonics.usf
│   │   ├── [2.4K] SSDCompressMetadata.usf
│   │   ├── [ 11K] SSDDefinitions.ush
│   │   ├── [5.0K] SSDInjest.usf
│   │   ├── [8.7K] SSDMetadata.ush
│   │   ├── [3.2K] SSDPublicBufferEncoding.ush
│   │   ├── [4.9K] SSDPublicHarmonics.ush
│   │   ├── [1.6K] SSDPublic.ush
│   │   ├── [5.4K] SSDSignalAccumulatorArray.ush
│   │   ├── [ 12K] SSDSignalAccumulator.ush
│   │   ├── [5.2K] SSDSignalArray.ush
│   │   ├── [ 28K] SSDSignalBufferEncoding.ush
│   │   ├── [3.2K] SSDSignalCompression.ush
│   │   ├── [ 19K] SSDSignalCore.ush
│   │   ├── [ 22K] SSDSignalFramework.ush
│   │   ├── [ 48K] SSDSpatialAccumulation.usf
│   │   ├── [ 94K] SSDSpatialKernel.ush
│   │   └── [ 43K] SSDTemporalAccumulation.usf
│   ├── [1.3K] ScreenVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 14K] SeparableSSS.ush
│   ├── [3.0K] SeparateTranslucency.ush
│   ├── [7.3K] ShaderComplexityApplyPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.1K] ShaderOutputCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 55K] ShaderPrintCommon.ush
│   ├── [4.0K] ShaderPrintDrawPrimitive.usf
│   ├── [ 12K] ShaderPrintDraw.usf
│   ├── [7.7K] ShaderPrint.ush
│   ├── [8.0K] ShadingCommon.ush
│   ├── [4.9K] ShadingEnergyConservationTable.usf
│   ├── [4.3K] ShadingEnergyConservationTemplate.ush
│   ├── [7.0K] ShadingEnergyConservation.ush
│   ├── [8.3K] ShadingFurnaceTest.usf
│   ├── [7.0K] ShadingModelsMaterial.ush
│   ├── [6.8K] ShadingModelsSampling.ush
│   ├── [ 37K] ShadingModels.ush
│   ├── [1.2K] ShadowDepthCommon.ush
│   ├── [3.6K] ShadowDepthPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 11K] ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [ 16K] ShadowFilteringCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 19K] ShadowPercentageCloserFiltering.ush
│   ├── [ 16K] ShadowProjectionCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 20K] ShadowProjectionPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.6K] ShadowProjectionVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [9.2K] SHCommon.ush
│   ├── [1.4K] SimpleElementColorChannelMaskPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 823] SimpleElementHitProxyPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.1K] SimpleElementNormalMapPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 14K] SimpleElementPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [4.3K] SimpleElementTexture2DPreviewPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [1.2K] SimpleElementVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [8.5K] SimpleElementVolumeTexturePreviewPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 458] SimpleF32PixelShader.ush
│   ├── [ 450] SimpleF32VertexShader.ush
│   ├── [3.2K] SingleLayerWaterCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 20K] SingleLayerWaterComposite.usf
│   ├── [ 12K] SingleLayerWaterShading.ush
│   ├── [ 13K] SkyAtmosphereCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 70K] SkyAtmosphere.usf
│   ├── [5.1K] SkyLightingDiffuseShared.ush
│   ├── [2.4K] SkyLightingShared.ush
│   ├── [ 13K] SlateElementPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [ 788] SlateMaskingShader.usf
│   ├── [ 954] SlatePostProcessColorDeficiencyPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [4.4K] SlatePostProcessPixelShader.usf
│   ├── [3.8K] SlateShaderCommon.ush
│   ├── [3.2K] SlateVertexShader.usf
│   ├── [2.8K] SobolRandom.ush
│   ├── [1.1K] SolidColorPixelShader.ush
│   ├── [ 100] SparseVolumeTexture
│   │   ├── [5.1K] SparseVolumeTextureCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [8.5K] UpdateSparseVolumeTexture.usf
│   │   └── [6.5K] VisualizeSparseVolumeTexture.usf
│   ├── [1.0K] SpecularProfile.usf
│   ├── [ 23K] SpeedTreeCommon.ush
│   ├── [6.8K] SphericalGaussian.ush
│   ├── [ 15K] SplineMeshCommon.ush
│   ├── [6.2K] SSProfilePreIntegratedMobile.usf
│   ├── [ 160] SSRT
│   │   ├── [ 16K] SSRTDiffuseIndirect.usf
│   │   ├── [ 12K] SSRTPrevFrameReduction.usf
│   │   ├── [ 22K] SSRTRayCast.ush
│   │   ├── [ 12K] SSRTReflections.usf
│   │   ├── [1.0K] SSRTTileClassificationBuffer.ush
│   │   └── [5.7K] SSRTTileClassification.usf
│   ├── [2.2K] StationaryLightOverlapShaders.usf
│   ├── [1.5K] StereoLayerShader.usf
│   ├── [ 420] Strata
│   │   ├── [ 60] Glint
│   │   │   └── [ 30K] GlintThirdParty.ush
│   │   ├── [ 15K] StrataDbuffer.usf
│   │   ├── [3.8K] StrataDeferredLighting.ush
│   │   ├── [3.9K] StrataEnvironmentLighting.ush
│   │   ├── [ 75K] StrataEvaluation.ush
│   │   ├── [ 39K] StrataExport.ush
│   │   ├── [ 25K] StrataForwardLighting.ush
│   │   ├── [ 21K] StrataLegacyConversion.ush
│   │   ├── [ 12K] StrataLightingCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 21K] StrataMaterialClassification.usf
│   │   ├── [ 16K] StrataMobileForwardLighting.ush
│   │   ├── [ 22K] StrataRoughRefraction.usf
│   │   ├── [4.9K] StrataStatisticalOperators.ush
│   │   ├── [ 11K] StrataSubsurface.ush
│   │   ├── [2.5K] StrataTile.usf
│   │   ├── [4.9K] StrataTile.ush
│   │   ├── [ 19K] StrataTree.ush
│   │   ├── [174K] Strata.ush
│   │   └── [ 63K] StrataVisualize.usf
│   ├── [ 46K] SubsurfaceBurleyNormalized.ush
│   ├── [8.0K] SubsurfaceProfileCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 70K] TemporalAA.usf
│   ├── [ 280] TemporalSuperResolution
│   │   ├── [1.6K] TSRClearPrevTextures.usf
│   │   ├── [ 33K] TSRCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.7K] TSRComputeMoireLuma.usf
│   │   ├── [ 20K] TSRConvolutionNetwork.ush
│   │   ├── [ 19K] TSRDecimateHistory.usf
│   │   ├── [ 16K] TSRDilateVelocity.usf
│   │   ├── [3.3K] TSRFilterAntiAliasing.usf
│   │   ├── [3.0K] TSRForwardScatterDepth.usf
│   │   ├── [ 25K] TSRRejectShading.usf
│   │   ├── [ 12K] TSRResolveHistory.usf
│   │   ├── [ 17K] TSRSpatialAntiAliasing.usf
│   │   └── [ 51K] TSRUpdateHistory.usf
│   ├── [6.4K] TextureSampling.ush
│   ├── [8.2K] ThinFilmBSDF.ush
│   ├── [3.0K] ThinTranslucentCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.6K] ThreadGroupPrefixSum.ush
│   ├── [ 22K] TonemapCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 160] Tools
│   │   ├── [1.1K] ClearUAV.usf
│   │   ├── [ 265] DrawTexture.usf
│   │   ├── [ 991] DumpTexture.usf
│   │   ├── [ 923] FullscreenVertexShader.usf
│   │   ├── [ 470] SetupIndirectArgs.usf
│   │   └── [6.3K] VisualizeTexture.usf
│   ├── [1.1K] TranslucencyUpsampling.usf
│   ├── [5.0K] TranslucencyVolumeCommon.ush
│   ├── [6.3K] TranslucentLightingShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 12K] TranslucentLightInjectionShaders.usf
│   ├── [6.4K] TranslucentShadowDepthShaders.usf
│   ├── [2.4K] TransmissionCommon.ush
│   ├── [8.4K] TransmissionThickness.ush
│   ├── [2.5K] UpdateTextureShaders.usf
│   ├── [ 160] VariableRateShading
│   │   ├── [4.4K] VRSShadingRateCalculate.usf
│   │   ├── [1.1K] VRSShadingRateCombine.usf
│   │   ├── [1.2K] VRSShadingRateCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [3.7K] VRSShadingRateFoveated.usf
│   │   ├── [1.8K] VRSShadingRatePreview.usf
│   │   └── [5.5K] VRSShadingRateReproject.usf
│   ├── [3.6K] VectorFieldCompositeShaders.usf
│   ├── [7.2K] VectorFieldVisualizationVertexFactory.ush
│   ├── [ 888] VelocityCommon.ush
│   ├── [6.6K] VelocityShader.usf
│   ├── [8.5K] VertexFactoryCommon.ush
│   ├── [2.1K] VertexFactoryDefaultInterface.ush
│   ├── [ 520] VirtualShadowMaps
│   │   ├── [ 20K] VirtualShadowMapBuildPerPageDrawCommands.usf
│   │   ├── [8.4K] VirtualShadowMapCacheManagement.usf
│   │   ├── [ 483] VirtualShadowMapCopyStats.usf
│   │   ├── [5.0K] VirtualShadowMapDebug.usf
│   │   ├── [1.5K] VirtualShadowMapMaskBitsCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [ 11K] VirtualShadowMapPageAccessCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [1.5K] VirtualShadowMapPageCacheCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [8.0K] VirtualShadowMapPageManagement.usf
│   │   ├── [ 22K] VirtualShadowMapPageMarking.usf
│   │   ├── [9.6K] VirtualShadowMapPageOverlap.ush
│   │   ├── [ 40K] VirtualShadowMapPhysicalPageManagement.usf
│   │   ├── [7.9K] VirtualShadowMapPrintStats.usf
│   │   ├── [ 21K] VirtualShadowMapProjectionCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [2.0K] VirtualShadowMapProjectionComposite.usf
│   │   ├── [ 14K] VirtualShadowMapProjectionDirectional.ush
│   │   ├── [1.3K] VirtualShadowMapProjectionFilter.ush
│   │   ├── [ 20K] VirtualShadowMapProjectionSpot.ush
│   │   ├── [4.6K] VirtualShadowMapProjectionStructs.ush
│   │   ├── [ 24K] VirtualShadowMapProjection.usf
│   │   ├── [ 697] VirtualShadowMapSMRTCommon.ush
│   │   ├── [4.4K] VirtualShadowMapSMRTTemplate.ush
│   │   ├── [ 987] VirtualShadowMapStaticCaching.ush
│   │   ├── [1.6K] VirtualShadowMapStats.ush
│   │   └── [2.9K] VirtualShadowMapTransmissionCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 35K] VirtualTextureCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 11K] VirtualTextureCompress.usf
│   ├── [5.5K] VirtualTextureMaterial.usf
│   ├── [ 913] Visualization.ush
│   ├── [1.1K] VisualizeRayBuffer.usf
│   ├── [1.7K] VisualizeShadingModels.usf
│   ├── [4.9K] VisualizeVolumetricLightmap.usf
│   ├── [6.0K] VolumeLightingCommonSampling.ush
│   ├── [1.0K] VolumeLightingCommon.ush
│   ├── [4.7K] VolumetricCloudCommon.ush
│   ├── [3.4K] VolumetricCloudMaterialPixelCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 93K] VolumetricCloud.usf
│   ├── [3.8K] VolumetricFogLightFunction.usf
│   ├── [ 32K] VolumetricFog.usf
│   ├── [ 13K] VolumetricFogVoxelization.usf
│   ├── [6.5K] VolumetricLightmapShared.ush
│   ├── [4.6K] VolumetricLightmapStreaming.usf
│   ├── [ 39K] VolumetricRenderTarget.usf
│   ├── [ 207] VTtest.usf
│   ├── [5.9K] WaveOpUtil.ush
│   ├── [2.2K] WideCustomResolveShaders.usf
│   ├── [5.9K] WideCustomResolve_Wider.ush
│   ├── [6.8K] WideCustomResolve_Widest.ush
│   ├── [4.8K] WideCustomResolve_Wide.ush
│   └── [ 13K] WorkDistribution.ush
└── [ 240] Public
├── [3.7K] BindlessResources.ush
├── [ 20K] DualPixelVectorization.ush
├── [1.0K] FP16Math.ush
├── [ 13K] LaneVectorization.ush
├── [1.8K] OverloadMacros.ush
├── [ 120] Platform
│   ├── [ 60] D3D
│   │   └── [5.8K] D3DCommon.ush
│   ├── [ 80] GL
│   │   ├── [ 385] GLCommon.ush
│   │   └── [1.5K] GLSubpassSupport.ush
│   ├── [ 80] Metal
│   │   ├── [2.7K] MetalCommon.ush
│   │   └── [2.7K] MetalSubpassSupport.ush
│   └── [ 80] Vulkan
│   ├── [2.5K] VulkanCommon.ush
│   └── [2.0K] VulkanSubpassSupport.ush
├── [ 36K] Platform.ush
├── [ 336] ShaderVersion.ush
├── [ 696] StrataPublic.ush
└── [ 14K] WaveBroadcastIntrinsics.ush
57 directories, 1018 files
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