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Last active January 5, 2017 05:15
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Examples of using the WP-DarkSky Helper class:
* Basic example of WP-DarkSky useage.
* @since 01-04-2017 - Updated for new Dark Sky API & Naming
* @link
* @author Joshua David Nelson,
$args = array(
'api_key' => '', // Enter your API key
'latitude' => '', // enter the longitude
'longitude' => '', // enter the latitude
$forecast = new DarkSky\Forecast( $args );
// Get the response, which will be an array similar to this one:
$response = $forecast->get_response();
* Basic example of WP-DarkSky useage with url query parameters to exclude data blocks.
* Remove the ones you don't need for a faster response time. See the API documentation for specifics.
* @since 01-04-2017 - Updated for new Dark Sky API & Naming
* @see
* @link
* @author Joshua David Nelson,
$args = array(
'api_key' => '', // Enter your API key
'latitude' => '', // enter the longitude
'longitude' => '', // enter the latitude
'query' => array( 'exclude' => 'flags,currently,minutely,hourly,alerts' ), // Just grab the daily forecast, ignore all others.
$forecast = new DarkSky\Forecast( $args );
// Get the response
$response = $forecast->get_response();
* Basic example of WP-DarkSky useage with a refreshed response.
* @since 01-04-2017 - Updated for new Dark Sky API & Naming
* @link
* @author Joshua David Nelson,
$args = array(
'api_key' => '', // Enter your API key
'latitude' => '', // enter the longitude
'longitude' => '', // enter the latitude
$forecast = new DarkSky\Forecast( $args );
// Fresh response, clear the cache with the 'true' parameter
$response = $forecast->get_response( true ); // If the parameter is false or not set, it will use the cache.
* Basic example of WP-DarkSky useage and available caching parameters. Below the defaults are shown.
* @since 01-04-2017 - Updated for new Dark Sky API & Naming
* @link
* @author Joshua David Nelson,
$args = array(
'api_key' => '', // Enter your API key
'latitude' => '', // enter the longitude
'longitude' => '', // enter the latitude
'cache_prefix' => 'api_', // careful here, md5 is used on the request url to generate the transient name. You are limited to an 8 character prefix before the combined total exceeds the transient name limit
'cache_enabled' => true, // Enable the cache, or false to skip caching entirely
'cache_time' => 6 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS, // the time in seconds to store the
'clear_cache' => false, // set to true to force the cache to clear
$forecast = new DarkSky\Forecast( $args );
// Get the response with default parameters
$response = $forecast->get_response();
// Modify a caching parameter, refresh the response. In this case, we're shortening the cache time.
$forecast->cache_time = 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS;
$response = $forecast->get_response( true );
* Basic example of WP-DarkSky useage with url query parameters.
* @since 01-04-2017 - Updated for new Dark Sky API & Naming
* @link
* @author Joshua David Nelson,
$args = array(
'api_key' => '', // Enter your API key
'latitude' => '', // enter the longitude
'longitude' => '', // enter the latitude
'query' => array( 'units' => 'us', 'exclude' => 'flags' ) // See the API documentation
$forecast = new DarkSky\Forecast( $args );
// Get the response
$response = $forecast->get_response();
* Basic example of WP-DarkSky used to output the current day's min/max temperatures in fahrenheight.
* @since 01-04-2017 - Updated for new Dark Sky API & Naming
* @link
* @author Joshua David Nelson,
$args = array(
'api_key' => '', // Enter your API key
'latitude' => '', // enter the longitude
'longitude' => '', // enter the latitude
'query' => array( 'units' => 'us', 'exclude' => 'flags' )
$forecast = new DarkSky\Forecast( $args );
// Get the current forecast data for the daily forecast, which provides the next 7 days
$daily = isset( $forecast->daily['data'] ) ? $forecast->daily['data'] : false;
// Pull out the current day's forecast
if( $daily ) {
$date_format = 'n/j/Y'; // format used to compare dates
$time_now = date( $date_format, current_time( 'timestamp' ) );
foreach( $daily as $day ) {
if( isset( $day['time'] ) && $time_now == date( $date_format, $day['time'] ) ) {
echo number_format( $day['temperatureMin'], 0 ) . ' / ' . number_format( $day['temperatureMax'], 0 );
break; // Breaking the foreach here because we found today's forecast, no need to loop through any more
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