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Last active September 28, 2015 19:33
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Save joshuaebowling/e3ef015eb47d1056d761 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var indexof, indexofSub;
indexof = function(haystack, needle) {
// Implementation?
var hayLen, isCompleteMatch, needleLen, result, match;
result = -1;
match = '';
hayLen = haystack['length'];
needleLen = needle['length'];
// this is the result when no loops occur
// if both needle and haystack aren't string-typed, return -1
if(typeof haystack !== 'string' || typeof needle !== 'string') {
return -1;
// if the needle is bigger than the haystack, it has no index
if(needleLen > hayLen) {
return -1;
// if the needle is so small it resides at the beginning
if(needle === '') {
return 0;
// at the first letter if they're identical
if(needle === haystack) {
return 0;
// controls whether loop will break or continue
isCompleteMatch = false;
// loop to put each needle letter in play
for(var needleCount = 0; needleCount < needleLen; needleCount++) {
// first check to see if our work is done, if so quit procesing
if(isCompleteMatch) break;
var isMatch, needleLetter;
needleLetter = needle[needleCount];
isMatch = false;
// loop to put each haystack letter in play against every needle
for(var hayCount = 0; hayCount < hayLen; hayCount++) {
var hayLetter;
hayLetter = haystack[hayCount];
isMatch = hayLetter === needleLetter;
if(isMatch) {
var needleLeft;
// this sets the loop length for checking for a complete match, since the match has begun
needleLeft = needleLen - needleCount;
// loop to check when a possible match is started
for(var nl = 0; nl < needleLeft; nl++) {
// first check to see if our work is done, if so quit procesing
if(isCompleteMatch) break;
if(needle[needleCount + nl] !== haystack[hayCount + nl]) {
// there's no reason to keep looking, break out of loop
} else {
// there is a reason to keep looking
// push the current letter to the match
match += haystack[hayCount + nl];
// if we have a full match
// and
// we haven't had one so far, then ...
if(match === needle && !isCompleteMatch) {
// set the result and break out
result = hayCount;
// set isCompleteMatch so that we don't run this again and the outer loops will break
isCompleteMatch = true;
} else {
// if its not then we need to reset match
match = '';
return result;
indexofSub = function(haystack, needle) {
// Implementation?
var hayLen, matched, needleLen, result, substr;
// this is the result when no loops occur
// if both needle and haystack aren't string-typed, return -1
if(typeof haystack !== 'string' || typeof needle !== 'string') {
return -1;
// set the length values since I'll use them at least once
hayLen = haystack['length'];
needleLen = needle['length'];
// if the needle is bigger than the haystack, it has no index
if(needleLen > hayLen) {
return -1;
// if the needle is so small it resides at the beginning
if(needle === '') {
return 0;
// set the values that the loop results depends on
result = -1;
matched = false;
for(var hc = 0; hc < hayLen; hc++) {
substr = haystack.substr(hc, needle.length);
match = substr === needle;
if(match) {
result = hc;
return result;
function testimplharness(impl) {
console.log('testing impl:');
function testimpl(haystack, needle, expected) {
var received = impl(haystack, needle);
var status = (expected === received)
? "PASS"
: "FAIL";
console.log("%s: impl(\"%s\", \"%s\") => %d (expected %d)", status, haystack, needle, received, expected);
return (expected === received);
var all_passed = true;
all_passed = (testimpl("hello", "hel" , 0) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("hello", "hello", 0) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("foo", "bar" , -1) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("help", "hello", -1) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("hel", "hello", -1) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("foobar", "bar" , 3) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("foobarbaz", "baz" , 6) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("raaraa", "raa" , 0) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("raraa", "raa" , 2) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("hello", "" , 0) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("", "" , 0) && all_passed);
all_passed = (testimpl("", "a" , -1) && all_passed);
return all_passed;
[indexof, indexofSub].forEach(testimplharness);
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I wrote another implementation forsaking two of the loops, I used String.prototype.substr to do this. I'm not sure whether this would be a higher-level function or not vis-a-vis these exercises, but I can state that my code still has to "look for" the match. Thus, this solution has the feeling of extending indexOf functionality from substr, so it would seem that substr is lower level than indexOf, search, etc.

Also, I updated the invocation of the test harness so both implementations are tested.

Here are my results:
testing impl:
PASS: impl("hello", "hel") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("hello", "hello") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("foo", "bar") => -1 (expected -1)
PASS: impl("help", "hello") => -1 (expected -1)
PASS: impl("hel", "hello") => -1 (expected -1)
PASS: impl("foobar", "bar") => 3 (expected 3)
PASS: impl("foobarbaz", "baz") => 6 (expected 6)
PASS: impl("raaraa", "raa") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("raraa", "raa") => 2 (expected 2)
PASS: impl("hello", "") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("", "") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("", "a") => -1 (expected -1)
testing impl:
PASS: impl("hello", "hel") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("hello", "hello") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("foo", "bar") => -1 (expected -1)
PASS: impl("help", "hello") => -1 (expected -1)
PASS: impl("hel", "hello") => -1 (expected -1)
PASS: impl("foobar", "bar") => 3 (expected 3)
PASS: impl("foobarbaz", "baz") => 6 (expected 6)
PASS: impl("raaraa", "raa") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("raraa", "raa") => 2 (expected 2)
PASS: impl("hello", "") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("", "") => 0 (expected 0)
PASS: impl("", "a") => -1 (expected -1)

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posita commented Sep 28, 2015

@joshuaebowling, substr is okay. Let's hope the VM has some memory copying optimizations to create the sub-strings. Also, be aware that you've probably introduced an implicit loop for the comparison (substr === needle).

I would have preferred to see a two-loop solution using brackets [] or charAt, but this works. 👍

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