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Created September 20, 2019 10:05
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Quick and dirty test of functions to freeze a Dockerfile
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2019 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
from datetime import datetime
import os
from pprint import pprint
import sys
import docker
from dockerfile_parse import DockerfileParser
def is_universal_os():
return False
# TODO: test for standard base image, multistage with same base, multistage with
# differing base all with and without ARG to define base
def get_base_image(dfp):
base = dfp.baseimage
from_arg = None
# if dfp.baseimage is the value of an ARG, find out what the default is
if base.startswith('$'):
from_arg = dfp.baseimage.lstrip('$')
for node in dfp.structure:
if node['instruction'] == 'ARG' and node.get('value', '').startswith(from_arg):
base = node['value'].split('=')[1]
return base, from_arg
def get_image_digest(image, tag, df):
dock = docker.from_env()
img = None
# check we have an up-to-date image
img = dock.images.pull(image, tag=tag)
except errors.DockerException as err:
if img:
def now_to_snapshot():
now = datetime.utcnow()
return now.isoformat(timespec='seconds').replace('-','').replace(':','')+'Z'
def set_apt_source_as_snapshot():
return None
def handle_docker_file(df):
if not os.path.exists(df):
print("Can't open non-existent file")
print("Working with file %s" % df)
dfp = DockerfileParser(fileobj=open(df, 'r'))
# TODO: how to serialise the new Dockerfile without overwriting the existing
# one? Creating a DockerfileParser() without args seems to result in writes
# to the fileobj in dfp, even though it's opened with only 'r' permissions
# there
newdf = []
# TODO: if base image was from an ARG we need to delete that ARG in newdf
base, from_arg = get_base_image(dfp)
digest = None
image = base
if image.__contains__('@'):
image, digest = base.split('@', 1)
image, tag = base.split(':', 1)
if not digest:
digest = get_image_digest(image, tag, df).split(':', 1)[1]
# print("Base image of container is '%s'" % image)
# print("Using image tag of '%s'" % tag)
# print("Using digest of '%s'" % digest)
newdf.append('FROM %s:%s@%s\n' % (image, tag, digest))
for node in dfp.structure:
print("Node of type %s with value: '%s'" % (node['instruction'], node['value']))
if node['instruction'] == 'FROM':
# TODO: could have multiple FROM statements
# print(node['content'])
if node['instruction'] == 'ARG' and node.get('value', '').startswith(from_arg):
# print(newdf)
def run_dff_test():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Need at least one arg, a Dockerfile")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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