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Created May 23, 2016 18:50
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A simple Java TronBot that tries not to die.
import java.util.*;
public class TronBot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Call this to initialize networking and the debug file
// We can't print to console, because that channel is used for IO with the environment.
// We therefore print to either debug1.log or debug2.log. The first is for player1, the second for layer two
// Use log() rather than print.
Tron.log("This is a Java bot.");
// Execute loop forever (or until game ends)
while (true) {
/* Get an integer map of the field. Each int
* can either be Tron.Tile.EMPTY, Tron.Tile.ME,
* Tron.Tile.OPPONENT, Tron.Tile.TAKEN_BY_ME, or
* The origin (0,0) is at the bottom left corner,
* and the tile at a position can be found using gameMap.get(y).get(x).
ArrayList<ArrayList<Tron.Tile>> gameMap = Tron.getMap();
/* Let's find our current position and store it.
* We'll loop through the map, and save the X and Y coordinates
* when the tile is equal to your position (Tron.Tile.ME).
int myX = 0; // create variables to store your position
int myY = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < gameMap.size(); y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < gameMap.size(); x++) {
if(gameMap.get(y).get(x) == Tron.Tile.ME) {
myX = x;
myY = y;
* Have a priority list of North, East, South, West.
* Follow the priority list, but first check if a
* move will kill you before executing it.
// Check if North is out of bounds, and whether the title is empty.
if (myY+1 < 16 && gameMap.get(myY+1).get(myX) == Tron.Tile.EMPTY) {
Tron.sendMove(Tron.Direction.NORTH); // move north
Tron.logln("Moved north."); // log the move to the log file
// Do the same for East then South, with West as the fallback.
else if (myX+1 < 16 && gameMap.get(myY).get(myX+1) == Tron.Tile.EMPTY) {
Tron.logln("Moved east.");
else if (myY-1 >= 0 &&gameMap.get(myY-1).get(myX) == Tron.Tile.EMPTY) {
Tron.logln("Moved south.");
else { // If all else fails, just move west.
Tron.logln("Moved west.");
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