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Last active August 12, 2022 14:36
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import Combine
//SE-361 Extensions on bound generic types (also 244 & 346)
extension Publisher<Int, Never> {
func make(byAppending value: Output) -> some Publisher<Output, Failure> {
let p = [0].publisher.make(byAppending: 1)
//SE-244 Opaque Result Types
func makeIntPublisher<Value>(value: Value) -> some Publisher<Value, Never> {
CurrentValueSubject<Value, Never>(value)
//SE-346 Lightweight same-type requirements for primary associated types
//SE-335 Existential any
let publishers: [any Publisher<Int, Never>] = [
makeIntPublisher(value: 3)
//SE-328 Structural opaque result types
//SE-352 Implicitly Opened Existentials
func printValues(for publisher: some Publisher<some CustomStringConvertible, Never>) -> AnyCancellable {
publisher.sink { print($0) }
var subscriptions: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
for publisher in publishers {
printValues(for: publisher).store(in: &subscriptions)
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