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Last active December 10, 2015 16:58
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  • Save joshuajnoble/4464025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joshuajnoble/4464025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple processing app for creating a training file w/bounding boxes && descriptors for training RTrees, SVMs, etc in OpenCV or conceivably any CV-framework.
int currentIndex;
boolean hasBB;
PImage currentImage;
// we'll have a look in the data folder
String absolutePath = "path/to/images"; folder = new;
ArrayList<String> bbOutput;
String currentBBInfo;
String[] filenames;
int[] startVec = new int[2];
int[] endVec = new int[2];
// let's set a filter (which returns true if file's extension is .jpg) jpgFilter = new {
boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg");
void setup()
bbOutput = new ArrayList<String>();
currentBBInfo = "";
size(1280, 1024, OPENGL);
// list the files in the data folder, passing the filter as parameter
filenames = folder.list(jpgFilter);
if(filenames != null) {
// get and display the number of jpg files
println(filenames.length + " jpg files in specified directory");
} else {
println(" no folder found ");
currentIndex = 0;
PImage img = loadImage(absolutePath+"/"+filenames[currentIndex]);
currentImage = createImage(1280, 1024, RGB);
// make sure we clear memory
currentImage.copy(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
void draw()
fill(255, 255, 255);
image(currentImage, 0, 0);
stroke(0, 255, 0);
rect(startVec[0], startVec[1], endVec[0] - startVec[0], endVec[1] - startVec[1]);
fill(0, 255, 0);
text(currentBBInfo, 40, 40);
//ellipse(startVec[0], startVec[1], 10, 10);
//ellipse(endVec[0], endVec[1], 10, 10);
void mousePressed()
startVec[0] = mouseX;
startVec[1] = mouseY;
void mouseDragged()
endVec[0] = mouseX;
endVec[1] = mouseY;
void mouseReleased()
endVec[0] = mouseX;
endVec[1] = mouseY;
void keyPressed()
// categories here
if( key == ENTER) {
if(currentIndex < filenames.length-1)
String finalString = filenames[currentIndex] + " " + startVec[0]+"," + startVec[1]+ "," +endVec[0] +","+endVec[1]+" "+currentBBInfo;
currentBBInfo = "";
endVec[0] = 0;
endVec[1] = 0;
startVec[0] = 0;
startVec[1] = 0;
// this is all to make sure that we clear memory properly
PImage img = loadImage(absolutePath+"/"+filenames[currentIndex]);
currentImage.copy(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
if(currentIndex == filenames.length-1)
String[] bbout = new String[bbOutput.size()];
bbOutput.toArray(bbout); // java casting meh
saveStrings("training.txt", bbout);
if(key == ESC)
String[] bbout = new String[bbOutput.size()];
bbOutput.toArray(bbout); // java casting meh
saveStrings("training.txt", bbout);
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