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Last active January 4, 2020 18:56
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* Copyright 2016 David Lomas (codersaur)
* Name: Evohome Heating Zone
* Author: David Lomas (codersaur)
* Date: 2016-04-08
* Version: 0.09
* Description:
* - This device handler is a child device for the Evohome (Connect) SmartApp.
* - For latest documentation see:
* Version History:
* 2016-04-08: v0.09
* - calculateOptimisations(): Fixed comparison of temperature values.
* 2016-04-05: v0.08
* - New 'Update Refresh Time' setting from parent to control polling after making an update.
* - setThermostatMode(): Forces poll for all zones to ensure new thermostatMode is updated.
* 2016-04-04: v0.07
* - generateEvent(): hides events if name or value are null.
* - generateEvent(): message for new values.
* 2016-04-03: v0.06
* - Initial Beta Release
* To Do:
* - Clean up device settings (preferences). Hide/Show prefSetpointDuration input dynamically depending on prefSetpointMode. - If supported for devices???
* - When thermostat mode is away or off, heatingSetpoint overrides should not allowed (although setting while away actually works). Should warn at least.
* License:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
metadata {
definition (name: "Evohome Heating Zone", namespace: "codersaur", author: "David Lomas") {
capability "Actuator"
capability "Sensor"
capability "Refresh"
capability "Temperature Measurement"
// capability "Thermostat" //remove the deprecated Thermostat mono-capability in favor of the supported individual capabilities
capability "Thermostat Heating Setpoint"
capability "Thermostat Mode"
capability "Thermostat Operating State"
//command "poll" // Polling
command "refresh" // Refresh
command "setHeatingSetpoint" // Thermostat
command "raiseSetpoint" // Custom
command "lowerSetpoint" // Custom
command "setThermostatMode" // Thermostat
command "cycleThermostatMode" // Custom
command "off" // Thermostat
command "heat" // Thermostat
command "auto" // Custom
command "away" // Custom
command "economy" // Custom
command "dayOff" // Custom
command "custom" // Custom
command "resume" // Custom
command "boost" // Custom
command "suppress" // Custom
command "generateEvent" // Custom
command "test" // Custom
attribute "temperature","number" // Temperature Measurement
attribute "heatingSetpoint","number" // Thermostat
attribute "thermostatSetpoint","number" // Thermostat
attribute "thermostatSetpointMode", "string" // Custom
attribute "thermostatSetpointUntil", "string" // Custom
attribute "thermostatSetpointStatus", "string" // Custom
attribute "thermostatMode", "string" // Thermostat
attribute "thermostatOperatingState", "string" // Thermostat
attribute "thermostatStatus", "string" // Custom
attribute "scheduledSetpoint", "number" // Custom
attribute "nextScheduledSetpoint", "number" // Custom
attribute "nextScheduledTime", "string" // Custom
attribute "optimisation", "string" // Custom
attribute "windowFunction", "string" // Custom
tiles(scale: 2) {
// Main multi
multiAttributeTile(name:"multi", type:"thermostat", width:6, height:4) {
tileAttribute("device.temperature", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}�', unit:"C")
// Up and Down buttons:
//tileAttribute("device.temperature", key: "VALUE_CONTROL") {
// attributeState("VALUE_UP", action: "raiseSetpoint")
// attributeState("VALUE_DOWN", action: "lowerSetpoint")
// Operating State - used to get background colour when type is 'thermostat'.
tileAttribute("device.thermostatStatus", key: "OPERATING_STATE") {
attributeState("Heating", backgroundColor:"#ffa81e", defaultState: true)
attributeState("Idle (Auto)", backgroundColor:"#44b621")
attributeState("Idle (Custom)", backgroundColor:"#44b621")
attributeState("Idle (Day Off)", backgroundColor:"#44b621")
attributeState("Idle (Economy)", backgroundColor:"#44b621")
attributeState("Idle (Away)", backgroundColor:"#44b621")
attributeState("Off", backgroundColor:"#269bd2")
//tileAttribute("device.thermostatMode", key: "THERMOSTAT_MODE") {
// attributeState("off", label:'${name}')
// attributeState("away", label:'${name}')
// attributeState("auto", label:'${name}')
// attributeState("economy", label:'${name}')
// attributeState("dayOff", label:'${name}')
// attributeState("custom", label:'${name}')
//tileAttribute("device.heatingSetpoint", key: "HEATING_SETPOINT") {
// attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}', unit:"C")
//tileAttribute("device.coolingSetpoint", key: "COOLING_SETPOINT") {
// attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}', unit:"C")
// temperature tile:
valueTile("temperature", "device.temperature", width: 2, height: 2, canChangeIcon: true) {
state("temperature", label:'${currentValue}�', unit:"C", icon:"st.Weather.weather2",
// Celsius
[value: 0, color: "#153591"],
[value: 7, color: "#1e9cbb"],
[value: 15, color: "#90d2a7"],
[value: 23, color: "#44b621"],
[value: 28, color: "#f1d801"],
[value: 35, color: "#d04e00"],
[value: 37, color: "#bc2323"]
// thermostatSetpoint tiles:
valueTile("thermostatSetpoint", "device.thermostatSetpoint", width: 3, height: 1) {
state "thermostatSetpoint", label:'Setpoint: ${currentValue}�', unit:"C"
valueTile("thermostatSetpointStatus", "device.thermostatSetpointStatus", width: 3, height: 1, decoration: "flat") {
state "thermostatSetpointStatus", label:'${currentValue}', backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
standardTile("raiseSetpoint", "device.thermostatSetpoint", width: 1, height: 1, decoration: "flat") {
state "setpoint", action:"raiseSetpoint", icon:"st.thermostat.thermostat-up"
standardTile("lowerSetpoint", "device.thermostatSetpoint", width: 1, height: 1, decoration: "flat") {
state "setpoint", action:"lowerSetpoint", icon:"st.thermostat.thermostat-down"
standardTile("resume", "device.resume", width: 1, height: 1, decoration: "flat") {
state "default", action:"resume", label:'Resume', icon:""
standardTile("boost", "device.boost", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 1, height: 1) {
state "default", action:"boost", label:'Boost' // icon TBC
standardTile("suppress", "device.suppress", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 1, height: 1) {
state "default", action:"suppress", label:'Suppress' // icon TBC
// thermostatMode/Status Tiles:
// thermostatStatus (also incorporated into the multi tile).
valueTile("thermostatStatus", "device.thermostatStatus", height: 1, width: 6, decoration: "flat") {
state "thermostatStatus", label:'${currentValue}', backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
// Single thermostatMode tile that cycles between all modes (too slow).
// To Do: Update with Evohome-specific modes:
standardTile("thermostatMode", "device.thermostatMode", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
state "off", action:"cycleMode", nextState: "updating", icon: "st.thermostat.heating-cooling-off"
state "heat", action:"cycleMode", nextState: "updating", icon: "st.thermostat.heat"
state "cool", action:"cycleMode", nextState: "updating", icon: ""
state "auto", action:"cycleMode", nextState: "updating", icon: ""
state "auxHeatOnly", action:"cycleMode", icon: "st.thermostat.emergency-heat"
state "updating", label:"Working", icon: "st.secondary.secondary"
// Individual Mode tiles:
standardTile("auto", "", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "default", action:"auto", icon: ""
standardTile("away", "device.away", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "default", action:"away", label:'Away' // icon TBC
standardTile("custom", "device.custom", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "default", action:"custom", label:'Custom' // icon TBC
standardTile("dayOff", "device.dayOff", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "default", action:"dayOff", label:'Day Off' // icon TBC
standardTile("economy", "device.economy", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "default", action:"economy", label:'Economy' // icon TBC
standardTile("off", "", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "default", action:"off", icon:"st.thermostat.heating-cooling-off"
// Other tiles:
standardTile("refresh", "device.thermostatMode", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
state "default", action:"refresh.refresh", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"
standardTile("test", "device.test", width: 1, height: 1, decoration: "flat") {
state "default", label:'Test', action:"test"
main "temperature"
preferences {
section { // Setpoint Adjustments:
input title: "Setpoint Duration", description: "Configure how long setpoint adjustments are applied for.", displayDuringSetup: true, type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph"
input 'prefSetpointMode', 'enum', title: 'Until', description: '', options: ["Next Switchpoint", "Midday", "Midnight", "Duration", "Permanent"], defaultValue: "Next Switchpoint", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
input 'prefSetpointDuration', 'number', title: 'Duration (minutes)', description: 'Apply setpoint for this many minutes', range: "1..1440", defaultValue: 60, required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
//input 'prefSetpointTime', 'time', title: 'Time', description: 'Apply setpoint until this time', required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
input title: "Setpoint Temperatures", description: "Configure preset temperatures for the 'Boost' and 'Suppress' buttons.", displayDuringSetup: true, type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph"
input "prefBoostTemperature", "string", title: "'Boost' Temperature", defaultValue: "21.5", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true // use of 'decimal' input type in devices is currently broken.
input "prefSuppressTemperature", "string", title: "'Suppress' Temperature", defaultValue: "15.0", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true // use of 'decimal' input type in devices is currently broken.
* Test Commands:
* test()
* Test method, called from test tile.
def test() {
//log.debug "$device.displayName: test(): Properties: ${properties}"
//log.debug "$device.displayName: test(): Settings: ${settings}"
//log.debug "$device.displayName: test(): State: ${state}"
* Setup and Configuration Commands:
* installed()
* Runs when the app is first installed.
* When a device is created by a SmartApp, settings are not populated
* with the defaultValues configured for each input. Therefore, we
* populate the corresponding state.* variables with the input defaultValues.
def installed() {
log.debug "${app.label}: Installed with settings: ${settings}"
state.installedAt = now()
// These default values will be overwritten by the Evohome SmartApp almost immediately:
state.debug = false
state.updateRefreshTime = 5 // Wait this many seconds after an update before polling.
state.zoneType = 'RadiatorZone'
state.minHeatingSetpoint = formatTemperature(5.0)
state.maxHeatingSetpoint = formatTemperature(35.0)
state.temperatureResolution = formatTemperature(0.5)
state.windowFunctionTemperature = formatTemperature(5.0)
state.targetSetpoint = state.minHeatingSetpoint
// Populate state.* with default values for each preference/input:
state.setpointMode = getInputDefaultValue('prefSetpointMode')
state.setpointDuration = getInputDefaultValue('prefSetpointDuration')
state.boostTemperature = getInputDefaultValue('prefBoostTemperature')
state.suppressTemperature = getInputDefaultValue('prefSuppressTemperature')
* updated()
* Runs when device settings are changed.
def updated() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: Updating with settings: ${settings}"
// Copy input values to state:
state.setpointMode = settings.prefSetpointMode
state.setpointDuration = settings.prefSetpointDuration
state.boostTemperature = formatTemperature(settings.prefBoostTemperature)
state.suppressTemperature = formatTemperature(settings.prefSuppressTemperature)
* SmartApp-Child Interface Commands:
* generateEvent(values)
* Called by parent to update the state of this child device.
void generateEvent(values) { "${device.label}: generateEvent(): New values: ${values}"
if(values) {
values.each { name, value ->
if ( name == 'minHeatingSetpoint'
|| name == 'maxHeatingSetpoint'
|| name == 'temperatureResolution'
|| name == 'windowFunctionTemperature'
|| name == 'zoneType'
|| name == 'locationId'
|| name == 'gatewayId'
|| name == 'systemId'
|| name == 'zoneId'
|| name == 'schedule'
|| name == 'debug'
|| name == 'updateRefreshTime'
) {
// Internal state only.
state."${name}" = value
else { // Attribute value, so generate an event:
if (name != null && value != null) {
sendEvent(name: name, value: value, displayed: true)
else { // If name or value is null, set displayed to false,
// otherwise the 'Recently' view on smartphone app clogs
// up with empty events.
sendEvent(name: name, value: value, displayed: false)
// Reset targetSetpoint (used by raiseSetpoint/lowerSetpoint) if heatingSetpoint has changed:
if (name == 'heatingSetpoint') {
state.targetSetpoint = value
// Calculate derived attributes (order is important here):
* Capability-related Commands:
* poll()
* Polls the device. Required for the "Polling" capability
void poll() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: poll()"
* refresh()
* Refreshes values from the device. Required for the "Refresh" capability.
void refresh() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: refresh()"
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointStatus', value: 'Updating', displayed: false)
* setThermostatMode(mode, until=-1)
* Set thermostat mode until specified time.
* mode: Possible values: 'auto','off','away','dayOff','custom', or 'economy'.
* until: (Optional) Time to apply mode until, can be either:
* - Date: Date object representing when override should end.
* - ISO-8601 date string, in format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX", e.g.: "2016-04-01T00:00:00Z".
* - String: 'permanent'.
* - Number: Duration in hours if mode is 'economy', or days if mode is 'away'/'dayOff'/'custom'.
* Duration will be rounded down to align with Midnight i nthe local timezone
* (e.g. a duration of 1 day will end at midnight tonight). If 0, mode is permanent.
* If duration is not specified, a default value is used from the Evohome SmartApp settings.
* Notes: 'Auto' and 'Off' modes are always permanent.
* Thermostat mode is a property of the temperatureControlSystem (i.e. Evohome controller).
* Therefore changing the thermostatMode will affect all zones associated with the same controller.
* Example usage:
* setThermostatMode('off', 0) // Set off mode permanently.
* setThermostatMode('away', 1) // Set away mode for one day (i.e. until midnight tonight).
* setThermostatMode('dayOff', 2) // Set dayOff mode for two days (ends tomorrow night).
* setThermostatMode('economy', 2) // Set economy mode for two hours.
def setThermostatMode(String mode, until=-1) { "${device.label}: setThermostatMode(Mode: ${mode}, Until: ${until})"
// Send update via parent:
if (!parent.setThermostatMode(state.systemId, mode, until)) {
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointStatus', value: 'Updating', displayed: false)
// Wait a few seconds as it takes a while for Evohome to update setpoints in response to a mode change.
pseudoSleep(state.updateRefreshTime * 1000)
parent.poll(0) // Force poll for all zones as thermostatMode is a property of the temperatureControlSystem.
return null
else {
log.error "${device.label}: setThermostatMode(): Error: Unable to set thermostat mode."
return 'error'
* setHeatingSetpoint(setpoint, until=-1)
* Set heatingSetpoint until specified time.
* setpoint: Setpoint temperature, e.g.: "21.5". Can be a number or string.
* If setpoint is outside allowed range (i.e. minHeatingSetpoint to
* maxHeatingSetpoint) it will be re-written to the appropriate limit.
* until: (Optional) Time to apply setpoint until, can be either:
* - Date: date object representing when override should end.
* - ISO-8601 date string, in format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX", e.g.: "2016-04-01T00:00:00Z".
* - String: 'nextSwitchpoint', 'midnight', 'midday', or 'permanent'.
* - Number: duration in minutes (from now). 0 = permanent.
* If not specified, setpoint duration will default to the
* behaviour defined in the device settings.
* Example usage:
* setHeatingSetpoint(21.0) // Set until <device default>.
* setHeatingSetpoint(21.0, 'nextSwitchpoint') // Set until next scheduled switchpoint.
* setHeatingSetpoint(21.0, 'midnight') // Set until midnight.
* setHeatingSetpoint(21.0, 'permanent') // Set permanently.
* setHeatingSetpoint(21.0, 0) // Set permanently.
* setHeatingSetpoint(21.0, 6) // Set for 6 hours.
* setHeatingSetpoint(21.0, '2016-04-01T00:00:00Z') // Set until specific time.
def setHeatingSetpoint(setpoint, until=-1) {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: setHeatingSetpoint(Setpoint: ${setpoint}, Until: ${until})"
// Clean setpoint:
setpoint = formatTemperature(setpoint)
if (Float.parseFloat(setpoint) < Float.parseFloat(state.minHeatingSetpoint)) {
log.warn "${device.label}: setHeatingSetpoint(): Specified setpoint (${setpoint}) is less than zone's minimum setpoint (${state.minHeatingSetpoint})."
setpoint = state.minHeatingSetpoint
else if (Float.parseFloat(setpoint) > Float.parseFloat(state.maxHeatingSetpoint)) {
log.warn "${device.label}: setHeatingSetpoint(): Specified setpoint (${setpoint}) is greater than zone's maximum setpoint (${state.maxHeatingSetpoint})."
setpoint = state.maxHeatingSetpoint
// Clean and parse until value:
def untilRes
Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar()
def tzOffset = location.timeZone.getOffset(new Date().getTime()) // Timezone offset to UTC in milliseconds.
// If until has not been specified, determine behaviour from device state.setpointMode:
if (-1 == until) {
switch (state.setpointMode) {
case 'Next Switchpoint':
until = 'nextSwitchpoint'
case 'Midday':
until = 'midday'
case 'Midnight':
until = 'midnight'
case 'Duration':
until = state.setpointDuration ?: 0
case 'Time':
// TO DO : construct time, like we do for midnight.
// settings.prefSetpointTime appears to return an ISO dateformat string.
// However using an input of type "time" causes HTTP 500 errors in the IDE, so disabled for now.
// If time has passed, then need to make it the next day.
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: setHeatingSetpoint(): Time: ${state.SetpointTime}"
until = 'nextSwitchpoint'
case 'Permanent':
until = 'permanent'
until = 'nextSwitchpoint'
if ('permanent' == until || 0 == until) {
untilRes = 0
else if (until instanceof Date) {
untilRes = until
else if ('nextSwitchpoint' == until) {
untilRes = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX", device.currentValue('nextScheduledTime'))
else if ('midday' == until) {
untilRes = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX", new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'12:00:00XX", location.timeZone))
else if ('midnight' == until) {
c.add(Calendar.DATE, 1 ) // Add one day to calendar and use to get midnight in local time:
untilRes = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX", c.getTime().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'00:00:00XX", location.timeZone))
else if (until ==~ /\d+.*T.*/) { // until is a ISO-8601 date string, so parse:
untilRes = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX", until)
else if (until.isNumber()) { // until is a duration in minutes, so construct date from now():
// Evohome supposedly only accepts setpoints for up to 24 hours, so we should limit minutes to 1440.
// For now, just pass any duration and see if Evohome accepts it...
untilRes = new Date( now() + (Math.round(until) * 60000) )
else {
log.warn "${device.label}: setHeatingSetpoint(): until value could not be parsed. Setpoint will be applied permanently."
untilRes = 0
} "${device.label}: setHeatingSetpoint(): Setting setpoint to: ${setpoint} until: ${untilRes}"
// Send update via parent:
if (!parent.setHeatingSetpoint(state.zoneId, setpoint, untilRes)) {
// Command was successful, but it takes a few seconds for the Evohome cloud service to update with new values.
// Meanwhile, we know the new setpoint and thermostatSetpointMode anyway:
sendEvent(name: 'heatingSetpoint', value: setpoint)
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpoint', value: setpoint)
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointMode', value: (0 == untilRes) ? 'permanentOverride' : 'temporaryOverride' )
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointUntil', value: (0 == untilRes) ? null : untilRes.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:00XX", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')))
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointStatus', value: 'Updating', displayed: false)
pseudoSleep(state.updateRefreshTime * 1000)
return null
else {
log.error "${device.label}: setHeatingSetpoint(): Error: Unable to set heating setpoint."
return 'error'
* clearHeatingSetpoint()
* Clear the heatingSetpoint. Will return heatingSetpoint to scheduled value.
* thermostatSetpointMode should return to "followSchedule".
def clearHeatingSetpoint() { "${device.label}: clearHeatingSetpoint()"
// Send update via parent:
if (!parent.clearHeatingSetpoint(state.zoneId)) {
// Command was successful, but it takes a few seconds for the Evohome cloud service
// to update the zone status with the new heatingSetpoint.
// Meanwhile, we know the new thermostatSetpointMode is "followSchedule".
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointMode', value: 'followSchedule')
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointStatus', value: 'Updating', displayed: false)
// sleep command is not allowed in SmartThings, so we use psuedoSleep().
pseudoSleep(state.updateRefreshTime * 1000)
return null
else {
log.error "${device.label}: clearHeatingSetpoint(): Error: Unable to clear heating setpoint."
return 'error'
* raiseSetpoint()
* Raise heatingSetpoint and thermostatSetpoint.
* Increments by state.temperatureResolution (usually 0.5).
* Called by raiseSetpoint tile.
void raiseSetpoint() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: raiseSetpoint()"
def mode = device.currentValue("thermostatMode")
def targetSp = new BigDecimal(state.targetSetpoint)
def tempRes = new BigDecimal(state.temperatureResolution) // (normally 0.5)
def maxSp = new BigDecimal(state.maxHeatingSetpoint)
if ('off' == mode || 'away' == mode) {
log.warn "${device.label}: raiseSetpoint(): thermostat mode (${mode}) does not allow altering the temperature setpoint."
else {
targetSp += tempRes
if (targetSp > maxSp) {
targetSp = maxSp
state.targetSetpoint = targetSp "${device.label}: raiseSetpoint(): Target setpoint raised to: ${targetSp}"
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointStatus', value: 'Updating', displayed: false)
runIn(3, "alterSetpoint", [overwrite: true]) // Wait three seconds in case targetSetpoint is changed again.
* lowerSetpoint()
* Lower heatingSetpoint and thermostatSetpoint.
* Increments by state.temperatureResolution (usually 0.5).
* Called by lowerSetpoint tile.
void lowerSetpoint() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: lowerSetpoint()"
def mode = device.currentValue("thermostatMode")
def targetSp = new BigDecimal(state.targetSetpoint)
def tempRes = new BigDecimal(state.temperatureResolution) // (normally 0.5)
def minSp = new BigDecimal(state.minHeatingSetpoint)
if ('off' == mode || 'away' == mode) {
log.warn "${device.label}: lowerSetpoint(): thermostat mode (${mode}) does not allow altering the temperature setpoint."
else {
targetSp -= tempRes
if (targetSp < minSp) {
targetSp = minSp
state.targetSetpoint = targetSp "${device.label}: lowerSetpoint(): Target setpoint lowered to: ${targetSp}"
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointStatus', value: 'Updating', displayed: false)
runIn(3, "alterSetpoint", [overwrite: true]) // Wait three seconds in case targetSetpoint is changed again.
* alterSetpoint()
* Proxy command called by raiseSetpoint and lowerSetpoint, as runIn
* cannot pass targetSetpoint diretly to setHeatingSetpoint.
private alterSetpoint() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: alterSetpoint()"
* Convenience Commands:
* These commands alias other commands with preset parameters.
void resume() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: resume()"
void auto() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: auto()"
void heat() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: heat()"
void off() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: off()"
void away(until=-1) {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: away()"
setThermostatMode('away', until)
void custom(until=-1) {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: custom()"
setThermostatMode('custom', until)
void dayOff(until=-1) {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: dayOff()"
setThermostatMode('dayOff', until)
void economy(until=-1) {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: economy()"
setThermostatMode('economy', until)
void boost() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: boost()"
void suppress() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: suppress()"
* Helper Commands:
* pseudoSleep(ms)
* Substitute for sleep() command.
private pseudoSleep(ms) {
def start = now()
while (now() < start + ms) {
// Do nothing, just wait.
* getInputDefaultValue(inputName)
* Get the default value for the specified input.
private getInputDefaultValue(inputName) {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: getInputDefaultValue()"
def returnValue
properties.preferences?.sections.each { section ->
section.input.each { input ->
if ( == inputName) {
returnValue = input.defaultValue
return returnValue
* formatTemperature(t)
* Format temperature value to one decimal place.
* t: can be string, float, bigdecimal...
* Returns as string.
private formatTemperature(t) {
//return Float.parseFloat("${t}").round(1)
//return String.format("%.1f", Float.parseFloat("${t}").round(1))
return Float.parseFloat("${t}").round(1).toString()
* formatThermostatModeForDisp(mode)
* Translate SmartThings values to display values.
private formatThermostatModeForDisp(mode) {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: formatThermostatModeForDisp()"
switch (mode) {
case 'auto':
mode = 'Auto'
case 'economy':
mode = 'Economy'
case 'away':
mode = 'Away'
case 'custom':
mode = 'Custom'
case 'dayOff':
mode = 'Day Off'
case 'off':
mode = 'Off'
mode = 'Unknown'
return mode
* calculateThermostatOperatingState()
* Calculates thermostatOperatingState and generates event accordingly.
private calculateThermostatOperatingState() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: calculateThermostatOperatingState()"
def tOS
if ('off' == device.currentValue('thermostatMode')) {
tOS = 'off'
else if (device.currentValue("temperature") < device.currentValue("thermostatSetpoint")) {
tOS = 'heating'
else {
tOS = 'idle'
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: tOS)
* calculateOptimisations()
* Calculates if optimisation and windowFunction are active
* and generates events accordingly.
* This isn't going to be 100% perfect, but is reasonably accurate.
private calculateOptimisations() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: calculateOptimisations()"
def newOptValue = 'inactive'
def newWdfValue = 'inactive'
// Convert temp values to BigDecimals for comparison:
def heatingSp = new BigDecimal(device.currentValue('heatingSetpoint'))
def scheduledSp = new BigDecimal(device.currentValue('scheduledSetpoint'))
def nextScheduledSp = new BigDecimal(device.currentValue('nextScheduledSetpoint'))
def windowTemp = new BigDecimal(state.windowFunctionTemperature)
if ('auto' != device.currentValue('thermostatMode')) {
// Optimisations cannot be active if thermostatMode is not 'auto'.
else if ('followSchedule' != device.currentValue('thermostatSetpointMode')) {
// Optimisations cannot be active if thermostatSetpointMode is not 'followSchedule'.
// There must be a manual override.
else if (heatingSp == scheduledSp) {
// heatingSetpoint is what it should be, so no reason to suspect that optimisations are active.
else if (heatingSp == nextScheduledSp) {
// heatingSetpoint is the nextScheduledSetpoint, so optimisation is likely active:
newOptValue = 'active'
else if (heatingSp == windowTemp) {
// heatingSetpoint is the windowFunctionTemp, so windowFunction is likely active:
newWdfValue = 'active'
sendEvent(name: 'optimisation', value: newOptValue)
sendEvent(name: 'windowFunction', value: newWdfValue)
* calculateThermostatStatus()
* Calculates thermostatStatus and generates event accordingly.
* thermostatStatus is a text summary of thermostatMode and thermostatOperatingState.
private calculateThermostatStatus() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: calculateThermostatStatus()"
def newThermostatStatus = ''
def thermostatModeDisp = formatThermostatModeForDisp(device.currentValue('thermostatMode'))
def setpoint = device.currentValue('thermostatSetpoint')
if ('Off' == thermostatModeDisp) {
newThermostatStatus = 'Off'
else if('heating' == device.currentValue('thermostatOperatingState')) {
newThermostatStatus = "Heating to ${setpoint}� (${thermostatModeDisp})"
else {
newThermostatStatus = "Idle (${thermostatModeDisp})"
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatStatus', value: newThermostatStatus)
* calculateThermostatSetpointStatus()
* Calculates thermostatSetpointStatus and generates event accordingly.
* thermostatSetpointStatus is a text summary of thermostatSetpointMode and thermostatSetpointUntil.
* It also indicates if 'optimisation' or 'windowFunction' is active.
private calculateThermostatSetpointStatus() {
if (state.debug) log.debug "${device.label}: calculateThermostatSetpointStatus()"
def newThermostatSetpointStatus = ''
def setpointMode = device.currentValue('thermostatSetpointMode')
if ('off' == device.currentValue('thermostatMode')) {
newThermostatSetpointStatus = 'Off'
else if ('away' == device.currentValue('thermostatMode')) {
newThermostatSetpointStatus = 'Away'
else if ('active' == device.currentValue('optimisation')) {
newThermostatSetpointStatus = 'Optimisation Active'
else if ('active' == device.currentValue('windowFunction')) {
newThermostatSetpointStatus = 'Window Function Active'
else if ('followSchedule' == setpointMode) {
newThermostatSetpointStatus = 'Following Schedule'
else if ('permanentOverride' == setpointMode) {
newThermostatSetpointStatus = 'Permanent'
else {
def untilStr = device.currentValue('thermostatSetpointUntil')
if (untilStr) {
//def nowDate = new Date()
// thermostatSetpointUntil is an ISO-8601 date format in UTC, and parse() seems to assume date is in UTC.
def untilDate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX", untilStr)
def untilDisp = ''
if (untilDate.format("u") == new Date().format("u")) { // Compare day of week to current day of week (today).
untilDisp = untilDate.format("HH:mm", location.timeZone) // Same day, so just show time.
else {
untilDisp = untilDate.format("HH:mm 'on' EEEE", location.timeZone) // Different day, so include name of day.
newThermostatSetpointStatus = "Temporary Until ${untilDisp}"
else {
newThermostatSetpointStatus = "Temporary"
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpointStatus', value: newThermostatSetpointStatus)
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