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Created October 27, 2017 12:57
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# Here's the code that's a candidate for refactor, I'm just trying
# to get a sense of if dry monads are a good fit or if this isn't really
# complex or nested-ifs enough to make it really worth it.
# I'm more just checking out dry monads for fun (and potential profit!) rather than
# trying to solve an immediate pain point.
# Context is: it's an Employee Relationship Management system.
# Employees earn points for doing things. Periodically, the company holds
# a "flash sale" where they can redeem those points for rewards.
# An employee clicks "redeem". It:
# a) checks that they can in fact redeem the reward (there's a sale on, etc)
# b) adds the reward
# c) Rewarders::RedeemPointsRewarder basically just adds a transaction record
# to deduct points (rewards points are event sourced)
# d) it returns the employee's updated profile (which will include their new points balance)
# and their recent rewards transactions (which will include the most recent one)
# That last step's a bit clunky - creating a reward and returning different data -
# the reasoning for it is more clear when you see the UI,
# but that's kinda beside the point in this context.
# I'm not expecting you to re-write this or anything, just even a
# "yeah, try refactor that with dry monads"
# or "nah, bad example" would be great.
# FYI, I don't really care about all the error messages - if I just return
# the first one that comes up, that's enough.
# I've never used Monads before, in any context.
# Aside: if you have opinions on if it's OK for a rest-ful-ish API to return
# updated records that aren't the same resource/type as the endpoint itself
# (ie, in this case creating a reward_order and returning a `profile` and `recent_points`, which is the employee's last 5 transactions)
# because it's the easiest thing for the client to get back and save it making
# more API calls, I'd be keen to hear them! Was saving that as a question to
# ask peeps next Ruby meetup.
module API
class RewardOrdersController < API::BaseController
def create
errors = []
@flash_sale = FlashSale.current_sale
if !@flash_sale
errors << 'Cannot order rewards when no sale is on'
# Employees under performance review cannot receive points
if !current_employee.no_performance_issues?
errors << 'Cannot order rewards when there are performance issues'
# Deboarding / inactive employees can't receive points
if current_employee.deboarding? || current_employee.inactive?
errors << 'Cannot order rewards if deboarding or inactive'
employee ="id, #{Employee.rewards_points_balance_sql} as reward_points_balance").find(
reward = Reward.find(reward_order_params[:reward_id])
if employee.reward_points_balance < reward.cost_in_points
errors << 'Cannot order reward - insufficient points'
if errors.empty?
order =
order.employee = current_employee
order.flash_sale = @flash_sale!
# re-fetch with updated points balance
employee = Employee.find_for_profile(
employee_json = "api/profiles/show.json.jbuilder", locals: { employee: employee })
result = {
recent_points: RewardPointTrx.recent_points(,
profile: JSON.parse(employee_json)
render json: result, status: 201
render json: errors, status: 422
# Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
def reward_order_params
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