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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Global Semiconductor Billings (3 Months Moving Averages)
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<div style="margin-top: 2em;">Semiconductor<br>sales are seasonal,<br>peaking in the run-up<br>to the winter holiday<br>shopping season and<br>then falling in<br>January.</div></div>
<p>Derived from: &ldquo;<a href="">The Semiconductor Boom</a>&rdquo;, <em>IEEE Spectrum</em></p>
<p>Data source: <a href="">WSTS</a></p>
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"r": 116,
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{ "x": "11-Sep",
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"r": 80,
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{ "x": "14-Jan",
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Month Americas Europe Japan Asia Pacific Worldwide
8-Jan 3444588 3438869.333 4098857 10487069.33 21469383.67
8-Feb 3260745 3307355.667 3969247 9808072.667 20345420.33
8-Mar 3320914.333 3353023.333 4221568.333 10039965.33 20935471.33
8-Apr 3312776.333 3336242.333 4245049.333 9981734.333 20875802.33
8-May 3377158 3327416 4239049.667 10515903.67 21459527.33
8-Jun 3402334.333 3368896 3948995.333 10847094.67 21567320.33
8-Jul 3347257 3393275.667 4105632.667 11338933.67 22185099
8-Aug 3320501 3446949 4219344.667 11724041 22710835.67
8-Sep 3207073.667 3477701 4257731.333 12016257 22958763
8-Oct 3206417.333 3419972.667 4228918.333 11635054.67 22490363
8-Nov 3079576 3169930.333 4052219.667 10565853.67 20867579.67
8-Dec 2696524.667 2550208.667 3737721.667 8421594.333 17406049.33
9-Jan 2535989.667 2265478.667 3226288.667 7256688.333 15284445.33
9-Feb 2443285 2107738.667 2777715 6783361.667 14112100.33
9-Mar 2575345.667 2172410.667 2513121.667 7305048.667 14565926.67
9-Apr 2648269.667 2169038 2565415.333 8296037.333 15678760.33
9-May 2790101.333 2193146.333 2763276 8954651.333 16701175
9-Jun 2945084.333 2219454 3004159 9314312.333 17483009.67
9-Jul 3108824.333 2330690.667 3238666 9745303.667 18423484.67
9-Aug 3290173.667 2413520.667 3373364.667 10304182.33 19381241.33
9-Sep 3486144 2619253 3636412.667 11218731.67 20960541.33
9-Oct 3678648.667 2808780.333 3748647.667 11726438.67 21962515.33
9-Nov 3886301 3019923.333 3843491.333 11960912 22710627.67
9-Dec 3833365.333 2943916.667 3612978.667 12038050.33 22428311
10-Jan 3778987.333 2928104.667 3492451.667 12192585.67 22392129.33
10-Feb 3696601 2871297 3464201 12153438.33 22185537.33
10-Mar 3966755.333 3066264 3616955.333 12615956.33 23265931
10-Apr 4110749.333 3072333 3675861.667 12877303 23736247
10-May 4379110.333 3124419.333 3709422 13488508 24701459.67
10-Jun 4563474 3083941.667 3748710 13413212.67 24809338.33
10-Jul 4729742 3110354 3866080.333 13418549.67 25124726
10-Aug 4818699 3118975.333 4028304.667 13631480.67 25597459.67
10-Sep 4788913.667 3232897.333 4187615 13999669.67 26209095.67
10-Oct 4789866.333 3340073 4199573 13870847.67 26200360
10-Nov 4705016 3418764 4158966.667 13644543.67 25927290.33
10-Dec 4572640 3301494.667 3966973.667 13312898.33 25154006.67
11-Jan 4689812 3298082.667 3797561.667 13625177.67 25410634
11-Feb 4612587.667 3246243.333 3598826.333 13219674.33 24677331.67
11-Mar 4727740 3342076.333 3608421.667 13633481.33 25311719.33
11-Apr 4581437 3295677.667 3415885.667 13491056.33 24784056.67
11-May 4628285.667 3289280.333 3339621.667 13984297.33 25241485
11-Jun 4700695 3209629.333 3304074 13671962 24886360.33
11-Jul 4635078.333 3131385.333 3467393.333 13627516 24861373
11-Aug 4578978.333 3068168 3644681.667 13812489 25104317
11-Sep 4609361.333 3133427 3797034.667 14270011.33 25809834.33
11-Oct 4668063.333 3081850.333 3882275.667 14172999 25805188.33
11-Nov 4585139 3026346.333 3818023 13789534 25219042.33
11-Dec 4361341.667 2778579 3591333 13101278.33 23832532
12-Jan 4319558.333 2770475.333 3437800 12631658.67 23159492.33
12-Feb 4408685.667 2723047.333 3378678 12415366.67 22925777.67
12-Mar 4452560.667 2825570.667 3419255.333 12580242.67 23277629.33
12-Apr 4557059 2818133.333 3376688 13308691 24060571.33
12-May 4470906.333 2837762.667 3363044.667 13725503.33 24397217
12-Jun 4305535.667 2817157.333 3431384 13810440 24364517
12-Jul 4131105 2819170.667 3604957.667 13735491.33 24290724.67
12-Aug 4174458.667 2766783.667 3639717.333 13738376 24319335.67
12-Sep 4416678.333 2786446.667 3645337 13961629 24810091
12-Oct 4774996.333 2792222 3531782.333 14138000.67 25237001.33
12-Nov 5018696.333 2803650.333 3411483 14277376.33 25511206
12-Dec 4944826.333 2625163 3189262.333 13975883 24735134.67
13-Jan 4768697.667 2656827.667 2999220 13723092.67 24147838
13-Feb 4471517 2691666.333 2848206.667 13217243 23228633
13-Mar 4386217.333 2845790 2804337 13446763.33 23483107.67
13-Apr 4358175.667 2829529.333 2722571.333 13712457.67 23622734
13-May 4601868.333 2838243.333 2744782 14506942.67 24691836.33
13-Jun 4763098 2840365.333 2719668.667 14558509.33 24881641.33
13-Jul 5020561.667 2849285.667 2934163.667 14728346 25532357
13-Aug 5189745.333 2912793.667 3046212.667 14834639.33 25983391
13-Sep 5549529.333 2983517 3147876.667 15169700 26850623
13-Oct 5713632.667 3048880.667 3106527.667 15217864.67 27086905.67
13-Nov 5874509.333 3077402 3073177.333 15164108 27189196.67
13-Dec 5799655.667 2958129 2926539 14961592.33 26645916
14-Jan 5591755.667 2951884.667 2857420.667 14863578 26264639
14-Feb 5278349.667 2948935.333 2841861.333 14801357.33 25870503.67
Month Americas Europe Japan Asia Pacific
8-Jan 3100604 3063307 3690441 9256369
8-Feb 2877532 3132229 3822103 8667192
8-Mar 3984607 3863534 5152161 12196335
8-Apr 3076190 3012964 3760884 9081676
8-May 3070677 3105750 3804104 10269700
8-Jun 4060136 3987974 4281998 13189908
8-Jul 2910958 3086103 4230796 10557193
8-Aug 2990409 3266770 4145240 11425022
8-Sep 3719854 4080230 4397158 14066556
8-Oct 2908989 2912918 4144357 9413586
8-Nov 2609885 2516643 3615144 8217419
8-Dec 2570700 2221065 3453664 7633778
9-Jan 2427384 2058728 2610058 5918868
9-Feb 2331771 2043423 2269423 6797439
9-Mar 2966882 2415081 2659884 9198839
9-Apr 2646156 2048610 2766939 8891834
9-May 2757266 2115748 2863005 8773281
9-Jun 3431831 2494004 3382533 10277822
9-Jul 3137376 2382320 3470460 10184808
9-Aug 3301314 2364238 3267101 10449917
9-Sep 4019742 3111201 4171677 13021470
9-Oct 3714890 2950902 3807165 11707929
9-Nov 3924271 2997667 3551632 11153337
9-Dec 3860935 2883181 3480139 13252885
10-Jan 3551756 2903466 3445584 12171535
10-Feb 3677112 2827244 3466880 11035895
10-Mar 4671398 3468082 3938402 14640439
10-Apr 3983738 2921673 3622303 12955575
10-May 4482195 2983503 3567561 12869510
10-Jun 5224489 3346649 4056266 14414553
10-Jul 4482542 3000910 3974414 12971586
10-Aug 4749066 3009367 4054234 13508303
10-Sep 5135133 3688415 4534197 15519120
10-Oct 4485400 3322437 4010288 12585120
10-Nov 4494515 3245440 3932415 12829391
10-Dec 4738005 3336607 3958218 14524184
11-Jan 4836916 3312201 3502052 13521958
11-Feb 4262842 3089922 3336209 11612881
11-Mar 5083462 3624106 3987004 15765605
11-Apr 4398007 3173005 2924444 13094683
11-May 4403388 3070730 3107417 13092604
11-Jun 5300690 3385153 3880361 14828599
11-Jul 4201157 2938273 3414402 12961345
11-Aug 4235088 2881078 3639282 13647523
11-Sep 5391839 3580930 4337420 16201166
11-Oct 4377263 2783543 3670125 12670308
11-Nov 3986315 2714566 3446524 12497128
11-Dec 4720447 2837628 3657350 14136399
12-Jan 4251913 2759232 3209526 11261449
12-Feb 4253697 2572282 3269158 11848252
12-Mar 4852072 3145198 3779082 14631027
12-Apr 4565408 2736920 3081824 13446794
12-May 3995239 2631170 3228228 13098689
12-Jun 4355960 3083382 3984100 14885837
12-Jul 4042116 2742960 3602545 13221948
12-Aug 4125300 2474009 3332507 13107343
12-Sep 5082619 3142371 4000959 15555596
12-Oct 5117070 2760286 3261881 13751063
12-Nov 4856400 2508294 2971609 13525470
12-Dec 4861009 2606909 3334297 14651116
13-Jan 4588684 2855280 2691754 12992692
13-Feb 3964858 2612810 2518569 12007921
13-Mar 4605110 3069280 3202688 15339677
13-Apr 4504559 2806498 2446457 13789775
13-May 4695936 2638952 2585201 14391376
13-Jun 5088799 3075646 3127348 15494377
13-Jul 5276950 2833259 3089942 14299285
13-Aug 5203487 2829476 2921348 14710256
13-Sep 6168151 3287816 3432340 16499559
13-Oct 5769260 3029350 2965895 14443779
13-Nov 5686117 2915040 2821297 14548986
13-Dec 5943590 2929997 2992425 15892012
14-Jan 5145560 3010617 2758540 14149736
14-Feb 4745899 2906192 2774619 14362324
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