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In place permutation iterator in Rust.
enum IteratorState {
pub struct PermutationInPlace<'a, T> {
state: IteratorState,
counter: Vec<usize>,
data: &'a mut Vec<&'a T>,
original_permutation_by_address: Vec<*const T>,
impl<'a, T> PermutationInPlace<'a, T> {
/// Implements [1] as an iterator for generating permutations iteratively with minimal state.
/// Permutes the elements of the given vector in place and exposes a reference to the permuted
/// vector as an iterator.
/// The benefit of this implementation is that it is memory-efficient and does not require any
/// allocations or temporary storage while running the iterator. It works on references, so no
/// copies are made. These considerations are important if you're stuck with a problem that all
/// you can do is brute-force it.
/// [1] F. M. Ives. 1976. Permutation enumeration: four new permutation algorithms.
/// Commun. ACM 19, 2 (Feb. 1976), 68–72.
/// # Arguments
/// * `data`: Vector of references to be permuted.
/// returns: PermutationIves<T> Iterator
/// # Examples
/// Find a permutation of 'data' where the first element is '1' and the last element is '2'.
/// ```
/// let mut data = vec![&1, &2, &3, &4];
/// `let permutations = PermutationInPlace::new(&mut data); ``
/// let mut last: Option<_> = None;
/// for x in permutations {
/// // We want a pattern that starts with 1 and ends with 2.
/// if let [&1, _, _, &2 ] = x[..] {
/// last = Some(x);
/// break;
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new(data: &'a mut std::vec::Vec<&'a T>) -> Self {
let mut counter = Vec::new();
let mut perm = Vec::new();
for i in {
perm.push(data[i] as *const T);
PermutationInPlace {
state: IteratorState::First,
original_permutation_by_address: perm,
// Implement the Iterator trait
impl<'a, T> Iterator for PermutationInPlace<'a, T>
T: 'a,
type Item = &'a mut Vec<&'a T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let data = &mut as *mut &mut Vec<&'a T>;
match self.state {
IteratorState::First => {
self.state = IteratorState::HasNext;
unsafe { Some(&mut *data) }
IteratorState::Done => None,
IteratorState::HasNext => {
let mut low_index = 0;
let mut high_index = - 1;
while high_index > low_index {
let current_count = self.counter[low_index];
if current_count < high_index {, current_count + 1);
self.counter[low_index] += 1;
let address_original_perm_position =[low_index] as *const T;
self.counter[low_index] = low_index;, high_index);
if address_original_perm_position != self.original_permutation_by_address[high_index] {
high_index -= 1;
low_index += 1;
if high_index <= low_index {
self.state = IteratorState::Done;
} else {
self.state = IteratorState::HasNext;
unsafe {
Some(&mut *data)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_perm() {
let mut data = vec![&1, &2, &3];
let permutations = PermutationInPlace::new(&mut data);
let mut last: Option<_> = None;
for x in permutations {
// We're interested in the last one, for instance.
last = Some(x);
fn test_big_perm() {
let mut data = vec![&1, &2, &3, &4, &5, &6, &7, &8, &9, &10, &11, &12, &13];
let permutations = PermutationInPlace::new(&mut data);
let mut last: Option<_> = None;
for x in permutations {
// We're interested in the last one, for instance.
last = Some(x);
fn test_perm_with_pattern() {
let mut data = vec![&1, &2, &3, &4];
let permutations = PermutationInPlace::new(&mut data);
let mut last: Option<_> = None;
for x in permutations {
// We want a pattern that starts with 1 and ends with 2.
if let [&1, _, _, &2 ] = x[..] {
last = Some(x);
fn test_lifetime() {
// The data comes from here.
let mut data = vec![&1, &2, &3, &4];
fn get_target<'a>(data: &'a mut Vec<&'a i32>) -> Option<&'a mut Vec<&'a i32>> {
for x in PermutationInPlace::new(data) {
// We want a pattern that starts with 1 and ends with 2.
if let [&1, _, _, &2 ] = x[..] {
return Some(x);
let target_permutation = get_target(&mut data);
// #[bench]
// fn bench_perm(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
// b.iter(move || {
// let mut data = vec![&1, &2, &3, &4, &5, &6, &7, &8, &9, &10, &11];
// for x in PermutationInPlace::new(&mut data) {
// // We're interested in the last one, for instance.
// }
// });
// }
fn test_perm_non_copy() {
// Simple non-copy example.
enum Animal<'a> {
Cow(&'a str),
use Animal::*;
let moo_cow = Cow("Moo");
let mut data = vec![&moo_cow, &Dog, &Cat, &Horse];
for x in PermutationInPlace::new(&mut data) {
// Let's look at those pointer addresses. We're not making copies.
let y = x[0] as *const Animal;
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