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Created October 15, 2017 15:12
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Estimate Parameters of Cauchy Distribution.
function q = cauchyEstimator(x)
N = numel(x);
A = @(t) sum(1 ./ (t(1) - x + t(2) .^ 2) .^ 2);
B = @(t) 2 * t(2) * sum(1 ./ (t(1) - x + t(2) .^ 2) .^ 2);
D = @(t) -(N - 2 * sum(1 ./ (t(1) - x + (t(2) ^ 2)) .^ 2 .* ((t(2) .^ 2) - t(1) + x)) * t(2) .^ 2) ./ t(2) .^ 2;
J = @(t) [A(t) B(t); B(t) D(t)];
F = @(t)[-sum((2 * t(1) - 2 .* x) ./ ((t(1) - x) .* (t(1) - x) + t(2)*t(2))),N/t(2)-sum(2*t(2)./((t(1)-x).^2+t(2)^2))];
% Once with jacobian on and once with jacobian off.
% Good initial guess for newton: x0 = median(x), gamma = exp(-median(log(x*x'/2))).
% Tested and validated with TempleOS.
q = fsolve({F,J},[median(x),exp(-median(log(x(:)'*x(:)))/2)]', optimset('Jacobian','on'))'
q = fsolve(F,q,optimset('TolX',1e-12,'TolFun',1e-12))
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