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Created August 8, 2021 01:44
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Tree: {:version :a, :state :enabled, :parent nil}
Live: #{:a}
Shadow: #{}
Tree: {:version :b, :state :disabled, :parent :a}
{:version :a, :state :enabled, :parent nil}
Live: #{}
Shadow: #{}
Tree: {:version :b, :state :shadow, :parent :a}
{:version :c, :state :disabled, :parent :a}
{:version :a, :state :enabled, :parent nil}
Live: #{}
Shadow: #{:b}
Tree: {:version :c, :state :shadow-disabled, :parent :b}
{:version :b, :state :shadow, :parent :a}
{:version :a, :state :enabled, :parent nil}
Live: #{:a}
Shadow: #{}
Tree: {:version :b, :state :shadow, :parent :a}
{:version :c, :state :disabled, :parent :a}
{:version :a, :state :enabled, :parent nil}
Live: #{}
Shadow: #{:b}
Tree: {:version :b, :state :disabled, :parent :a}
{:version :c, :state :enabled, :parent :b}
{:version :a, :state :enabled, :parent nil}
Live: #{:c}
Shadow: #{}
Tree: {:version :d, :state :shadow, :parent :a}
{:version :b, :state :shadow, :parent :a}
{:version :c, :state :shadow, :parent :b}
{:version :a, :state :enabled, :parent nil}
Live: #{:a}
Shadow: #{:c :b :d}
(def enabled
#{{:version :a
:state :enabled
:parent nil}})
(def disabled
#{{:version :a
:state :enabled
:parent nil}
{:version :b
:state :disabled
:parent :a}})
(def shadow-then-disabled
#{{:version :a
:state :enabled
:parent nil}
{:version :b
:state :shadow
:parent :a}
{:version :c
:state :disabled
:parent :a}})
(def enabled-and-no-shadow
#{{:version :a
:state :enabled
:parent nil}
{:version :b
:state :shadow
:parent :a}
{:version :c
:state :shadow-disabled
:parent :b}})
(def disabled-and-shadow
#{{:version :a
:state :enabled
:parent nil}
{:version :b
:state :shadow
:parent :a}
{:version :c
:state :disabled
:parent :a}})
(def enabled-after-disabled
#{{:version :a
:state :enabled
:parent nil}
{:version :b
:state :disabled
:parent :a}
{:version :c
:state :enabled
:parent :b}})
(def lots-of-shadows
#{{:version :a
:state :enabled
:parent nil}
{:version :b
:state :shadow
:parent :a}
{:version :c
:state :shadow
:parent :b}
{:version :d
:state :shadow
:parent :a}})
;; functions to transform the tree:
;; - from an adjacency list of nodes pointing to their parents
;; (emulating immutable documents in mongo),
;; - to a map of nodes which include a list of their children
;; this allows an easier top-down walk of the version tree
;; there's probably a better way to do this
;; go from set of nodes which point to their parent
;; to a map of node-id -> set of node children ids
(defn find-children [tree]
(reduce (fn [acc node]
(assoc acc
(:parent node)
(get acc (:parent node) #{})
(:version node))))
;; take the adjacency list of nodes and the map returned from
;; find-children, augment each node with a set of its children and
;; return as a map of version->node
(defn add-children-to-tree [tree child-map]
(reduce (fn [acc node]
(assoc acc (:version node) node))
(map (fn [node]
(assoc node :children (get child-map (:version node))))
;; functions to walk the tree (as returned from add-children-to-tree)
;; two mutually-recursive functions do this. the first one (the entry
;; point to the walk) looks at a node and, based on the
;; :state on that node, calls walk-children with an updated set of
;; live versions or shadow-versions.
(declare walk-children) ;; gotta declare since `collect-versions`
;; calls this without it having been defined
;; returns a pair: [set-of-enabled-versions, set-of-shadow-versions]
(defn collect-versions [tree-map current-node live-versions shadow-versions]
(let [[updated-live-versions updated-shadow-versions]
(case (:state current-node)
:enabled [(conj live-versions (:version current-node))
:disabled [(disj live-versions (:parent current-node))
:shadow [live-versions
(conj shadow-versions (:version current-node))]
:shadow-disabled [live-versions
(disj shadow-versions (:parent current-node))])]
tree-map current-node
;; the second function takes a node and the current set of live and
;; shadow versions, and calls collect-version for each child on the
;; current node, accumulating the state of the live and shadow
;; versions all the while
;; returns a pair: [set-of-enabled-versions, set-of-shadow-versions]
(defn walk-children [tree-map current-node new-live-versions new-shadow-versions]
(reduce (fn [[live-versions shadow-versions] child-node]
(get tree-map child-node)
[new-live-versions new-shadow-versions]
(:children current-node)))
;; finally, some functions to kick off the process
;; a little helper: given the result of add-children-to-tree,
;; return the root
(defn find-root [tree-map]
(:version (first (filter #(nil? (:parent %)) (vals tree-map)))))
;; the entry point to the whole thing: given a tree (adjacency list of
;; immutable version document from Mongo), return two sets: the set of
;; enabled versions (which we can assert is length 0 or 1) and the set of
;; enabled shadow versions.
;; this fn just kicks off the recursive walk of the tree
(defn collect [tree]
(let [tree-map (add-children-to-tree
(find-children tree))
root (get tree-map (find-root tree-map))]
(collect-versions tree-map root #{} #{})))
;; and, run all the example trees at the top
(doall (map (fn [tree]
(let [[live shadow] (collect tree)]
(println (str "Tree: " (clojure.string/join "\n " tree)))
(println (str "Live: " live))
(println (str "Shadow: " shadow))))
[enabled disabled shadow-then-disabled enabled-and-no-shadow
disabled-and-shadow enabled-after-disabled lots-of-shadows]))
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