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Last active March 15, 2022 11:50
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Some abstractions for the gremlin-python module.
from gremlin_python.structure.graph import Graph
from gremlin_python.process.graph_traversal import __
# I use a property instead of directly setting the ID because I could not get it to work, and this works
# just as well for now. I'd imagine setting the id directly is better for runtime.
# If you figure out how to set the id directly with gremlin-python, feel free to make a pull request and I'll merge it.
Feel free to use this for gremlin-python, which does not have a lot of clear documentation on the differences between
itself and Groovy, even though there are many.
This gist offers some abstracted functions to make starting with gremlin-python easy.
To connect to AWS Neptune with gremlin, you have to use a VPC - you can ssh in your console for example,
but cannot run a script from PyCharm.
See how to connect to AWS Neptune from AWS Lambda, which reduces running database operations to basically running a
PyCharm script, for testing.
def remove_vertex_from_graph(v, g):
:param v: the vertex to remove
:param g: the graph
:return: -
def add_vertex_to_graph(ident, label, g):
:param ident: the id for the new vertex
:param label: the label classifying the vertex
:param g: the graph
:return: -
return g.addV(label).property(IDENTIFICATION_PROPERTY, str(ident)).next()
def remove_edge_from_graph(edge, g):
:param edge: the edge to remove
:param g: the graph
:return: -
def add_edge_to_graph(v1, v2, label, g):
:param v1: vertex 1
:param v2: vertex 2
:param relation: a string label for the edge
:param g: the graph
:return: -
return g.V(v1).addE(label).to(g.V(v2)).next()
def update_edge_weight(edge, increment, g):
:param edge: the edge to increment
:param increment: the amount by which to increment the weight
:return: -
g.E(edge).property(WEIGHT_PROPERTY, increment + get_edge_weight(edge, g).next())
def get_edge_weight(edge, g):
:param edge: the edge, of the type returned by get_edge
:return: the weight of the given edge
values = g.E(edge).valueMap().next()
return values.get(WEIGHT_PROPERTY, 0)
def get_edge(v1_id, v2_id, label, g):
:param v1_id: the string id of the first vertex
:param v2_id: the string id of the second vertex
:param label: string label of the edge, such as 'knows'
:param g: the graph
:return: the edge
return g.V(v1_id).outE(label).where(__.inV().where(__.hasId(v2_id))).next()
# The edge does not exist.
return None
def get_vertex(ident, label, g):
:param ident: string id of the vertex
:param label: the label of the vertex
:param g: the graph
:return: the vertex
return g.V().hasLabel(label).has(IDENTIFICATION_PROPERTY, ident).next()
# The vertex does not exist
return None
def get_vertices_going_out_from_vertex_with_edge_label(v, g, label=None):
:param v: the vertex
:param g: the graph
:param label: optional parameter - if defined, returns all vertices connected to the given vertex via an edge of the
defined label. If not defined, returns all vertices going out from the specified vertex
:return: a list of vertices
if label is None:
# outE gets edges going out
return g.V(v).out().fold().next()
return g.V(v).out(label).fold().next()
def get_vertices_going_in_to_vertex_with_edge_label(v, g, label=None):
:param v: the vertex
:param g: the graph
:param label: optional parameter - if defined, returns all vertices connected to the given vertex via an edge of the
defined label. If not defined, returns all vertices going out from the specified vertex
:return: a list of vertices
if label is None:
# inE gets edges going in
return g.V(v).in_().fold().next()
return g.V(v).in_(label).fold().next()
def get_label_counts(g):
:param g: the graph
:return: a dictionary mapping string labels to integer counts
return g.V().label().groupCount().next()
def get_edges_with_label(label, g):
:param label: a string label
:return: a list of edges with the label considered
return g.V().out(label).fold().next()
def get_vertices(g, label=None):
:param g: the graph
:param label: optional parameter; the label type of the vertices considered
:return: a list of vertices
if label is None:
return g.V().fold().next()
return g.V(label).fold().next()
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Ah, you cannot do a pull request, but feel free to comment changes, or fork and make edits and send back to me so I can merge.

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Newbee to Gremlin, I see line g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection('ws://localhost:8182/gremlin','try1')) is not working with latest gremlinpython module, it works only on version gremlinpython==3.3.2, Any suggestion are welcome.

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joshwolff1 commented Aug 28, 2019

Newbee to Gremlin, I see line g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection('ws://localhost:8182/gremlin','try1')) is not working with latest gremlinpython module, it works only on version gremlinpython==3.3.2, Any suggestion are welcome.

Hi Sandoshv,

I don't see the line you referenced in this gist - could you please clarify?


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I am sorry for the confusion. You are awesome. Above sample works great with gremlinpython==3.3.2, but on latest gremlinpython 3.4.3, I am facing syntax deprecated warnings on my below connection lines(which is not present in this sample provided)
g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection('ws://localhost:8182/gremlin','try1'))

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joshwolff1 commented Aug 29, 2019

Ah gotcha! I am not sure why that is the case, primarily because I don't know too much Gremlin, but I recommend joining this Google Group (see link below) and asking the question there. There are some real pros on there that can help you out.!forum/gremlin-users

I am sorry for the confusion. You are awesome. Above sample works great with gremlinpython==3.3.2, but on latest gremlinpython 3.4.3, I am facing syntax deprecated warnings on my below connection lines(which is not present in this sample provided)
g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection('ws://localhost:8182/gremlin','try1'))

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