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Created May 11, 2017 20:32
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An example refactor of some callback hell code to utilize promises instead.

Organizing Multiple Asynchronous Function Calls

Using Callbacks and Continuation Passing Style

const request = require('request');

doAsyncMath('2+15', function(result) {
  doAsyncMath(`${result}*3`, function(result) {
    doAsyncMath(`${result}*10`, console.log);

 * `doAsyncMath` constructs a URL with the help of the passed in
 * `expression`. Assuming the response callback is called, the
 * result will be passed into `doSomethingWithResult`.

function doAsyncMath(expression, doSomethingWithResult) {
  const URL = '';

   * The anonymous function definition passed in as the 2nd argument
   * to the `request` function will be called when and if a response
   * is received back from the API request made.

  request(`${URL}${expression}`, function (err, response, body) {
    let result = getResultFrom(body);

    // Here the *defintion* passed in above is *called*.


function getResultFrom(body) {
  return JSON.parse(body).result;

Building a Promise from Scratch (verbose example)

// Before using the promise, we must create it.

let promise = new Promise(executor);

function executor(functionToResolvePromise, functionToRejectPromise) {
  let valueToResolvePromiseWith = 7;

  let valueToRejectPromiseWith = 'epic failure';

// Now that the promise has been created we can use it


function functionToBeGivenResolvedValue(resolvedValue) {
  console.log(`Here is the resolved value: ${resolvedValue}`);

function functionToBeGivenRejectedValue(rejectedValue) {
  console.log(`Here is the rejected value: ${rejectedValue}`);

Using a Hand Made Promise to Refactor Callback Hell

function doAsyncMath(expression) {
  const URL = '';
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

    request(`${URL}${expression}`, function (err, response, body) {

      if(err) {

      let result = getResultFrom(body);

function getResultFrom(body) {
  return JSON.parse(body).result;

const request = require('request');
let result = doAsyncMath('2+15');

  .then(function(resolvedValue) {
    console.log(`InsidePromise1: ${resolvedValue}`);
    return doAsyncMath(`${resolvedValue} * 10`);
  .then(function(resolvedValue) {
    console.log(`InsidePromise2: ${resolvedValue}`);
    return doAsyncMath(`${resolvedValue} * 10`);
  .then(function(resolvedValue) {
    console.log(`InsidePromise3: ${resolvedValue}`);
    return doAsyncMath(`${resolvedValue} * 10`);
  .then(function(resolvedValue) {
    console.log(`InsidePromise4: ${resolvedValue}`);
    return doAsyncMath(`${resolvedValue} * 10`);
  .catch(function(rejectedValue) {
    console.log(`There was an error: ${rejectedValue}`);

Refactoring to Use a Promise Producing Library (best)

const rp = require('request-promise');

function doAsyncMath(expression) {
  const URL = '';
  return rp(`${URL}${expression}`);

function getResultFrom(body) {
  return JSON.parse(body).result;

result = doAsyncMath('2+10')
  .then(body => doAsyncMath(`${getResultFrom(body)}*10`))
  .then(body => doAsyncMath(`${getResultFrom(body)}*10`))
  .then(body => doAsyncMath(`${getResultFrom(body)}*10`))
  .catch((err) => { throw new Error(err) })
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