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Created October 23, 2019 17:17
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Iterative Dichotemizer example in Prolog
id3 :- [''].
:- [''].
:- [''].
test1(Tree) :-
data1(D), attrlist(L), id3(L, D, Tree).
test2(Tree) :-
data2(D), attrlist(L), id3(L, D, Tree).
id3( _, Data, Tree ) :-
all_same_category( Data, Categ ), !,
Tree = leaf( Categ).
id3( AttrList, Data, Tree ) :-
select_and_split( AttrList, Data, BestAttr, BestDataPartition ),
% nl,write('splitting attribute: '), write(BestAttr),nl,
generate_children_trees( AttrList, BestDataPartition, ChildrenTrees ),
Tree = tree( internal( BestAttr ), ChildrenTrees ).
all_same_category( [ ], _ ).
all_same_category( [ (Categ,_) | MoreData ], Categ ) :-
all_same_category( MoreData, Categ ).
select_and_split( AttrList, Data, BestAttr, BestPartition ) :-
findall( ( Attr, Partition, Entropy),
( member( ( Attr, PosAttrValues ), AttrList ),
partition( Data, Attr, PosAttrValues, Partition, Entropy ) ),
AllPartitions ),
select_minimal_entropy( AllPartitions, BestAttr, BestPartition ).
partition( _, _, [ ] , [ ], 0 ).
partition( Data, Attr,
[ OnePosAttrValue | RestValues ] , Partition, Entropy ) :-
select_by_attr_value( Data, Attr, OnePosAttrValue, SubData ),
( SubData = [ ]
-> partition( Data, Attr, RestValues , Partition, Entropy )
compute_set_entropy( SubData, SubEntropy ),
partition( Data, Attr, RestValues , RestPartition, RestEntropy ),
Partition = [ OnePosAttrValue-SubData | RestPartition ],
Entropy is SubEntropy + RestEntropy ).
select_by_attr_value( [ ], _, _, [ ] ).
select_by_attr_value( [ (V,Datum) | MoreData ], Attr, AttrValue, SubData ) :-
member( (Attr,AttrValue), Datum )
-> select_by_attr_value( MoreData, Attr, AttrValue, MoreSubData ),
SubData = [ (V,Datum) | MoreSubData ]
; select_by_attr_value( MoreData, Attr, AttrValue, SubData ).
/* Older implementation of the second clause for 'partition':
partition( Data, Attr,
[ OnePosAttrValue | RestValues ] , Partition, Entropy ) :-
bagof( (Categ,Datum),
( member( (Categ,Datum), Data ),
member( (Attr, OnePosAttrValue), Datum ) ),
SubData )
compute_set_entropy( SubData, SubEntropy ),
partition( Data, Attr, RestValues , RestPartition, RestEntropy ),
Partition = [ OnePosAttrValue-SubData | RestPartition ],
Entropy is SubEntropy + RestEntropy
partition( Data, Attr, RestValues , Partition, Entropy ).
compute_set_entropy( Data, Entropy ) :-
count_positive( Data, Pnum ),
length( Data, Dnum ),
Pp is Pnum / Dnum,
Pn is 1 - Pp,
xlogx( Pp, PpLogPp ),
xlogx( Pn, PnLogPn ),
Entropy is - ( PpLogPp + PnLogPn ).
count_positive( [ ], 0 ).
count_positive( [ (p,_) | More ], Pnum ) :- !,
count_positive( More, Pnum1 ), Pnum is Pnum1 + 1.
count_positive( [ (n,_) | More ], Pnum ) :- count_positive( More, Pnum ).
xlogx( X, N) :- X is 0.0E+00, !, N = 0.
xlogx( X, N) :- mylog(X, LogX), N is X * LogX.
[ (Attr, Partition, Entropy ) | MorePartitions ],
BestAttr, BestPartition ):-
select_minimal_entropy_aux( MorePartitions,
(Attr, Partition, Entropy),
BestAttr, BestPartition ).
select_minimal_entropy_aux( [ ], (Attr, Partition, _), Attr, Partition ).
[ (Attr1, Partition1, Entropy1) | MorePartitions ],
( _, _, Entropy), BestAttr, BestPartition ) :-
Entropy1 < Entropy , !,
MorePartitions, (Attr1, Partition1, Entropy1), BestAttr, BestPartition ).
[ _ | MorePartitions ],
(Attr, Partition, Entropy), BestAttr, BestPartition ) :-
MorePartitions, (Attr, Partition, Entropy), BestAttr, BestPartition ).
generate_children_trees( _, [ ], [ ] ).
AttrList, [ Value-SubData | MoreData ], ChildrenTrees ) :-
id3( AttrList, SubData, ChildTree ),
generate_children_trees( AttrList, MoreData, MoreTrees ),
ChildrenTrees = [ Value-ChildTree | MoreTrees ].
mylog(X,N) :- X is 1.0, !, N is 0.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.5, !, N is -0.30103.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.25, !, N is -0.60206.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.75, !, N is -0.12494.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.6, !, N is -0.22185.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.4, !, N is -0.39794.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.8, !, N is -0.09691.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.2, !, N is -0.69897.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 2/3, !, N is -0.17609.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 1-(1/3), !, N is -0.17609.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 1- (2/3), !, N is -0.47712.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 1/3, !, N is -0.47712.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 5/6, !, N is -0.07918.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 1-(1/6), !, N is -0.07918.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 1-(5/6), !, N is -0.77815.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 1/6, !, N is -0.77815.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.375, !, N is -0.42596873.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.625, !, N is -0.20412.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.285714, !, N is -0.54409.
mylog(X,N) :- X is 0.714286, !, N is -0.14613.
mylog(X,LogX) :-
nl, write('Enter the log of '),write(X), write(' : '),
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