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react-draggable-bottom-panel - Draggable Bottom Panel for React using react-spring and react-use-gesture
# About BottomPanel
Renders a bottom panel which exposes a custom amount of content
at the bottom of the screen in a "closed" state, along with an animated
drag handle. The panel can then be "swiped" / "dragged" open by clicking
or touching anywhere in the panel. The drag handle will animate smoothly
between open/closed arrow states. The max open size of the panel can
also be customized, defaults to entire window height. The BottomPanel
wraps any children provided in a custom content area with overflow
scrolling already enabled and tested to work with the swipe handlers.
See prop documentation in the PropTypes definitions at the end of this file.
# Using this Widget
closedPanelSize={useWindowRelativeSize((windowHeight) => windowHeight * 0.15)}
maxOpenHeight={useWindowRelativeSize((windowHeight) => windowHeight * 0.95)}
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>More content goes here</p>
More Complex example of using useWindowRelativeSize():
const closedPanelSize = useWindowRelativeSize(
(windowHeight) =>
windowHeight *
(currentTrip && currentTrip.status !== TripStatus.Draft ? 0.55 : 0.7),
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>More content goes here</p>
# References
* Live demo of this component:
* Blog about this component:
* Public Gist of this component:
# Credit
Credit: This BottomPanel component based LARGELY on the example given by react-use-gesture
in their CodePen at
I've simple adapted it by adding the open/close arrow as well as a scrollable content area.
# Adding This Widget to a Project
To use this panel in a project, you'll need to make sure you have the following
dependencies added:
* react - Obviously.
* react-use-gesture - Core part of this panel, handles the events
* react-spring - Core part of this panel, handles the buttery-smooth UI updates
* node-sass - Required to support the styles
* clsx - Utility to make className work easier
* prop-types - Only for documentation
* @material-ui/core - Only for the ripple effect, can be removed
import clsx from 'clsx';
import ButtonBase from '@material-ui/core/ButtonBase';
import React, {
} from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { useSpring, a, config } from 'react-spring';
import { useGesture } from 'react-use-gesture';
import styles from './BottomPanel.module.scss';
* Context for use with useDragContext, this allows us to expose
* `{ y, interpolate, drawerOpen, interpolate }` to children
* without having to prop-drill.
const DragContext = createContext({});
* Get access to the { y, interpolate, drawerOpen, interpolate } properties of the BottomPanel
* @returns An object like { y, interpolate, drawerOpen, interpolate }
export function useDragContext() {
const context = useContext(DragContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error(`useDragContext must be called from inside a BottomPanel`);
return context;
* This is hook listens for keyboardStateChange events on the window,
* and returns a state containing the `.keyboardHeight` prop from those
* events. Obviously this is NOT a standard DOM event - this event
* is emulated by our App.js by listening to @capacitor/keyboard
* events. Since Capacitor's Keyboard plugin DOES NOT
* support 'removeEventListener', we emit a fake event in App.js
* which we listen for here.
* @returns Height of the keyboard
export function useKeyboardHeight() {
const [height, setHeight] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
const keyboardStateChanged = ({ keyboardHeight }) => {
setHeight(keyboardHeight || 0);
window.addEventListener('keyboardStateChanged', keyboardStateChanged);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('keyboardStateChanged', keyboardStateChanged);
}, []);
return height;
* Wrap the window 'resize' event and call the `resizeCb` every time the window resizes.
* @param {function} resizeCb Function to execute when window is resized
export function useWindowResized(resizeCb = () => {}) {
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCb);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeCb);
}, [resizeCb]);
* Helper wrapper around useWindowResized() and a state variable that calls the
* provided `getSizeCb` to get a new size whenever the window is resized
* and then tracks that size in a state variable which it returns.
* This is important for mobile usage, because if there is an input
* in the BottomPanel and it gains focus, which opens the keyboard,
* this will resize the window. If your maxOpenHeight/closedPanelSize don't
* recalculate, your input could be forced offscreen.
* If no callback given, just returns the full window height and will update
* whenever the window resizes.
* Example usage:
* ```
* const maxOpenHeight = useWindowRelativeSize((windowHeight) => windowHeight * 0.8);
* // Later:
* <BottomPanel maxOpenHeight={maxOpenHeight} />
* ```
* @param {function} getSizeCb Function that receives the window.innerHeight and returns a number. If no callback given, uses a default callback that just returns the full window height.
* @returns A state variable that is updated when the window is resized or getSizeCb changes referentially
export function useWindowRelativeSize(getSizeCb = (height) => height) {
const keyboardHeight = useKeyboardHeight();
const [size, setSize] = useState(
getSizeCb(window.innerHeight - keyboardHeight),
useWindowResized(() => {
setSize(getSizeCb(window.innerHeight - keyboardHeight));
useEffect(() => {
setSize(getSizeCb(window.innerHeight - keyboardHeight));
}, [getSizeCb, keyboardHeight]);
return size;
* Purpose-built utility to find a parent node of `startNode`
* that is scrollable (e.g. the content is larger than the node size).
* This function will stop searching if it encounters a node
* with a class containing the `stopClass`. If a scrollable parent is found,
* that node is returned. If no scrollable parent found,
* if `stopClass` is encountered, or if we reach the top of the DOM,
* `null` is returned.
* This function is crucial in allowing scrollable areas to exist inside
* the sheet and allowing the user to scroll those areas without
* also dragging the sheet up or down.
* @param {HTMLElement} startNode Node to start searching at
* @param {string} stopClass (optional) Class Name to break the search at (returns null if encountered on a parent)
* @returns {HTMLElement|null} Returns the the scrollable node found, or `null` if no scrollable node found or `stopClass` found or reached the root of the DOM
function findScrollableParentNode(startNode, stopClass) {
let el = startNode;
while (el.parentNode) {
el = el.parentNode;
if (stopClass && Array.from(el.classList).includes(stopClass)) {
return null;
if (el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth || el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight) {
return el;
return null;
* Renders a bottom panel which exposes a custom amount of content
* at the bottom of the screen in a "closed" state, along with an animated
* drag handle. The panel can then be "swiped" / "dragged" open by clicking
* or touching anywhere in the panel. The drag handle will animate smoothly
* between open/closed arrow states. The max open size of the panel can
* also be customized, defaults to entire window height. The BottomPanel
* wraps any children provided in a custom content area with overflow
* scrolling already enabled and tested to work with the swipe handlers.
* Default styles applied provide border radius, box shadow, background,
* and other basic styles on the top-level sheet. These can be customized
* by providing a custom `className` to override/add styles.
* You can also customize the content area (e.g. add padding or disabling
* overflow scrolling) by giving a custom `contentClassName` to override/
* add new styles to the content area.
* The drag handle can be disabled via `hideDragHandle` or changed from
* arrows to a straight bar indicator by setting `barIndicator` to true.
* Programmatic opening/closing of the panel can be achieved by using
* the `actionsRef` prop - see docs below on that prop.
* `closedPanelSize` reacts dynamically to prop changes as long as panel is closed.
* Note that children can access the `y`, `interpolate`, `movementAmount`,
* and `drawerOpen` internal states via the exported `useDragContext`
* hook. This allows children to access these props without prop-drilling
* via a render function.
* The movement amount is also exposed in an `onMovement` callback.
* See PropTypes documentation below for more information on individual props.
export default function BottomPanel({
closedPanelSize = 100, // px
maxOpenHeight: maxOpenHeightIncoming = null,
actionsRef = {},
barIndicator = false,
hideDragHandle = false,
clampDragToLimits = false,
disableContentHeightInterpolation = false,
}) {
const keyboardHeight = useKeyboardHeight();
const windowHeight = useWindowRelativeSize();
const maxOpenHeight = maxOpenHeightIncoming || windowHeight;
const height = maxOpenHeight - closedPanelSize;
const [{ y }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ y: height }));
const [drawerOpen, setDrawerOpen] = useState();
const [movementAmount, setMovementAmount] = useState(0);
const [dragging, setDragging] = useState();
// Sync the closedPanelSize with actual panel state
// as long as the panel is "closed"
const closedPanelSizeRef = useRef(closedPanelSize);
if (closedPanelSizeRef.current !== closedPanelSize) {
closedPanelSizeRef.current = closedPanelSize;
if (!drawerOpen) {
y: maxOpenHeight - closedPanelSize,
immediate: false,
config: config.stiff,
const open = ({ canceled } = {}) => {
// when cancel is true, it means that the user passed the upwards threshold
// so we change the spring config to create a nice wobbly effect
y: 0,
immediate: false,
config: canceled ? config.wobbly : config.stiff,
if (typeof onOpenClose === 'function') {
if (typeof onMovement === 'function') {
const close = (velocity = 0) => {
set({ y: height, immediate: false, config: { ...config.stiff, velocity } });
if (typeof onOpenClose === 'function') {
if (typeof onMovement === 'function') {
const toggleDrawer = () => {
if (drawerOpen) {
} else {
return !drawerOpen;
// Expose programmatic controls
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
actionsRef.current = {
// See notes in `onDragStart` for the purpose of this ref
const scrollableParentRef = useRef();
// We use the useGesture hook instead of the useDrag hook
// so we can access the `onDragStart` handler to find scrollable parent nodes.
// See notes in `onDragStart` on why this is needed.
const bind = useGesture(
onDrag: ({
vxvy: [, vy],
movement: [, my],
direction: [, dy],
}) => {
// Cancel the drag if dragging inside a scrollable node
// inside the sheet. See notes below in onDragStart() for why/how.
if (scrollableParentRef.current) {
// if the user drags up passed a threshold, then we cancel
// the drag so that the sheet resets to its open position
if (my < -70) {
// Clamp the drag to limits (top/bottom) if flag set
const activeMy = clampDragToLimits
? Math.max(0, Math.min(height, my))
: my;
const openPercent = 1 - activeMy / height;
if (typeof onMovement === 'function') {
// when the user releases the sheet, check direction last moving
// and open or close based on swiping up or down
if (last) {
if (dy > 0) {
} else {
open({ canceled });
// when the user keeps dragging, we just move the sheet according to
// the cursor position
y: activeMy,
immediate: true,
onDragStart: ({ event: { target } }) => {
// This is CRUCIAL to allowing content within the sheet to still be
// scrollable (e.g. overflow: auto) without also dragging the
// sheet up/down while scrolling up/down.
// By looking for a scrollable parent (and stopping if we hit
// the .sheet without finding a scrollable node), we can then
// cancel the drag movement (above) if the drag gesture started
// inside a scrollable node. This allows not only scrolling to work,
// but taps inside the scrollable node to work as well.
// Note: We tried calling the state.cancel() method documented
// from inside this onDragStart handler, but that did not stop
// onDrag from starting anyway, so we use the ref here to
// communicate with onDrag so it can cancel itself.
// We do the findScrollableParentNode() HERE in onDragStart because
// it is potentially expensive if it has to traverse a lot of DOM nodes.
// So we only do it at the start and then cache the result in the ref.
// This allows drags that are NOT in a scrollable node (e.g.
// we really want / that are legit drags) to move as smoothly as possible
// because they aren't calling findScrollableParentNode() on every
// move of the finger/mouse.
const node = findScrollableParentNode(target, styles.sheet);
scrollableParentRef.current = node;
drag: {
initial: () => [0, y.get()],
filterTaps: true,
bounds: { top: 0 },
rubberband: true,
// These transformations represent the modifications to the
// underlying before/after elements on the drag handle necessary to render
// the open/closed arrow states. We rely on react-spring to interpolate
// the intermediate frames in the `arrowStyle` prop below.
const arrowStates = {
closeArrow: {
before: 'translateX(calc(-50% - 0.675rem)) rotate(7deg)',
after: 'translateX(calc(-50% + 0.675rem)) rotate(-7deg)',
openArrow: {
before: 'translateX(calc(-50% - 0.675rem)) rotate(-7deg)',
after: 'translateX(calc(-50% + 0.675rem)) rotate(7deg)',
// Interpolate helper for use below and exposure to children
const interpolate = (from, to) =>[0, height], [to, from]);
const arrowStyle = barIndicator
? {}
: {
// Interpolate between open/closed arrow states based on the
// current drag state
'--custom-before-tx': interpolate(
'--custom-after-tx': interpolate(
// This is the state we expose to children via a render function
// (if typeof children === 'function') and via the `useDragContext` hook above.
const dragContextState = {
drawerOpen: !!drawerOpen,
// Expose react-spring utilities for use in
// interpolation and potential advanced control by content
return (
drawerOpen &&
maxOpenHeight === window.innerHeight &&
{...(disableDrag ? {} : bind())}
bottom: `calc(-100vh + ${height}px + ${keyboardHeight}px)`,
'--closed-panel-size': `${closedPanelSize}px`,
// This height interpolation is necessary to ensure the content
// can be scrolled all the way to the bottom regardless of if the panel
// is open or closed
// Users can choose to disable content height interpolation
// if they know the last item in the panel is longer than the panel
// and the panel overflows. (E.g. the ChooseDropoffWidget)
// but for widgets where the content area is 'display: flex' and doesn't
// overflow, interpolation prevents the content from "jumping" during drag.
'--content-height': disableContentHeightInterpolation
? `${dragging || drawerOpen ? maxOpenHeight : closedPanelSize}px`
: interpolate(`${closedPanelSize}px`, `${maxOpenHeight}px`),
// Could do disable interpolation on --native-padding-adjust
// but I feel like this is really needed. If we don't interpolate,
// when used on a mobile device that has `--native-top-adjust` set,
// the control arrow will jump at start/end of drag.
// '--native-padding-adjust': drawerOpen
// ? `calc(var(--native-top-adjust) * 1)`
// : `calc(var(--native-top-adjust) * 0)`,
'--native-padding-adjust': hideDragHandle
? ''
: interpolate(
`calc(var(--native-top-adjust) * 0)`,
`calc(var(--native-top-adjust) * 1)`,
{!hideDragHandle && (
barIndicator ? styles.barIndicator : styles.customArrow,
{/* Just using ButtonBase for the ripples, nothing more.
Feel free to disable/remove if MaterialUI not used. */}
<ButtonBase />
<div className={clsx(styles.content, contentClassName)}>
<DragContext.Provider value={dragContextState}>
{typeof children === 'function'
? children(dragContextState)
: children}
BottomPanel.defaultProps = {
closedPanelSize: 100, // px
maxOpenHeight: null,
actionsRef: {},
className: null,
contentClassName: null,
barIndicator: false,
hideDragHandle: false,
children: null,
onOpenClose: () => {},
onMovement: () => {},
clampDragToLimits: false,
disableDrag: false,
disableContentHeightInterpolation: false,
BottomPanel.propTypes = {
* BottomPanel works just fine with normal component wrapping,
* e.g. `<BottomPanel><h1>Foobar</h1></BottomPanel>
* Children can access the internal state of the BottomPanel
* via the `useDragContext` hook, or via a render function.
* The `useDragContext` hook exposes the same props
* as shown below.
* For example:
* ```
* <BottomPanel>{({
* drawerOpen,
* movementAmount,
* y,
* set,
* height,
* interpolate,
* }) => <>
* <h1>{drawerOpen ? 'Drawer Open' : 'Drawer Closed'}</h1>
* <p>Drag amount: {Math.round(movementAmount * 100)}%</p>
* </>}
* </BottomPanel>
* ```
* Note the props `y` and `set` - these expose the `react-spring`
* data used internally. `y` specifically can be used to
* interpolate content styles as the panel is dragged. For usage example,
* check out how `arrowStyle` is calculated in the `<BottomPanel>` source.
* Take note of the `interpolate` function provided - it's a shortcut
* wrapper around `` with the proper args already set. It's signature
* is `interpolate: (from, to) => (interpolated data)`, and you can use it
* in child components like:
* ```
* const style = { color: interpolate("#ff0000", "#00ff00") }
* ```
* Using the `interpolate` function (or ``) will automatically
* update your child styles when the panel is dragged/swiped.
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([
* The `closedPanelSize` prop is the number of pixels
* of the panel to be "exposed" at the bottom of the screen.
* Defaults to 100px
closedPanelSize: PropTypes.number,
* The `maxOpenHeight` prop is the number of pixels the panel
* will be allowed to take up when "open". (Number of pixels
* from bottom of the screen)
* Defaults to `window.innerHeight`
maxOpenHeight: PropTypes.number,
* You can provide a ref to the `actionsRef` prop to receive
* an object containing keys called:
* * open: Function you can use to programmatically open the panel
* * open: Function you can use to programmatically close the panel
* * toggleDrawer: Function you can use to programmatically toggle between open/closed
actionsRef: PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any }),
* `className` is a class name to apply to the top-level sheet element,
* you can use this, for example, to customize the width. By default,
* the sheet consumes 100% of the view width. You can, for example, apply
* CSS like the following to add some margin:
* ```
* .customSheet {
* left: 2vw;
* width: 96vw;
* }
* ```
* You can use this class to customize the border radius, background,
* box shadow, etc.
* Note that by default, the top-level sheet also defines a custom
* variable, `--arrow-height`, which sets the height of the active space
* for the drag handle at the top of the sheet.
* You can consume this variable in child CSS in the sheet to add margin
* to not appear underneath the drag handle.
className: PropTypes.string,
* `contentClassName` is applied to the custom content area element
* defined inside the sheet. The sheet provides an edge-to-edge content
* element with overflow scrolling already enabled and tested to work.
* You can use this class to customize the margin/padding on the content,
* or to disable overflow scrolling if desired.
contentClassName: PropTypes.string,
* If you set `hideDragHandle` to true, the drag handle element
* will not be rendered. Defaults to `false` meaning the drag
* handle will be shown.
hideDragHandle: PropTypes.bool,
* If you set `barIndicator` to true, the up/down arrow icon and custom
* dragging animation will be disabled, and the drag handle element will
* instead be rendered as a straight line approx ~2rem long.
* Defaults to `false`, which renders the up arrow and animates smoothly
* to a down arrow as the panel is dragged.
barIndicator: PropTypes.bool,
* Optional callback, receives a single boolean argument,
* called when the sheet changes to fully open or fully closed.
onOpenClose: PropTypes.func,
* Optional callback, receives a single number which expresses the percentage
* amount that the sheet is open.
* This can be used to animate content / transition content as the panel is dragged.
onMovement: PropTypes.func,
* If true, the user will be stopped from dragging the panel lower than `closedPanelSize`.
* or higher than the top `maxOpenHeight`.
* By default this is set to false (disabled), so the user will be able to drag lower
* than the `closedPanelSize` and drag above `maxOpenHeight`, but when stopping the drag,
* then panel will revert the proper closed/open state. This only affects the "in-drag" motions.
clampDragToLimits: PropTypes.bool,
* If `disableDrag` is set to true, it disables any user-initiated movement.
* You can still change panel state using the `actionsRef` handlers or by changing
* the `closedPanelSize` prop, but mouse/touch dragging will be disabled.
* This defaults to false, which means mouse/touch dragging is by default enabled.
* This prop pairs nicely with `hideDragHandle`, but does NOT automatically hide
* drag handle if `disableDrag` is true - you must set `hideDragHandle` as well
* if you want that hidden.
disableDrag: PropTypes.bool,
* If `disableContentHeightInterpolation` is set to true, then when dragging
* starts, the content height will be set to `maxOpenHeight`. Then when dragging stops,
* if drawer is open, height will stay at `maxOpenHeight`, otherwise, height
* would then be set to `closedPanelSize`.
* If this property is set to false (defaults to false), then the content height
* will transition (be interpolated) smoothly between `closedPanelSize` and
* `maxOpenHeight` during dragging.
* Disabling interpolation can give a slight performance boost, but it is only
* worth doing if you know the last item in the panel is longer than the panel
* and the content overflows the bottom of the panel (e.g. scrollable). In thise case,
* you can set this prop to `true` to disable interpolation to give a slight
* dragging increase because the user won't see any difference when the
* content jumps to max height during drag because its scrollable so the
* content shouldn't shift at the bottom of the screen visually.
* However, for content where the content area is 'display: flex' and doesn't
* overflow the bottom of the panel, interpolation helps to prevents the content
* from "jumping" during drag - in this case, you would want to leave this
* prop at the default (false) to enhance the UX at the slight cost of
* slightly worse performance during drag.
disableContentHeightInterpolation: PropTypes.bool,
.sheet, .sheet * {
box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
-webkit-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
-webkit-user-drag: none;
.sheet {
z-index: 100;
position: fixed;
// left: 2vw;
// width: 96vw;
height: calc(100vh + var(--closed-panel-size, 100px));
width: 100vw;
border-radius: 12px 12px 0px;
background: #fff;
color: black;
touch-action: none;
box-shadow: 0 0 .5rem rgba(0,0,0,.5);
// Content internal to this can use this var to pad their top if needed
// We don't provide any padding (other than the bottom to compensate)
// so content can be edge-to-edge.
// Note that this var is also used by .openCloseArrow to SET it's own height.
// This height is critical in providing a large enough drag target.
--arrow-height: 3rem;
.content {
overflow: auto;
touch-action: pan-y;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: auto;
right: 0;
left: 0;
// Necessary to allow scrolling all the way to the bottom
height: var(--content-height, 100vh);
.openCloseArrow {
width: 100%;
height: var(--arrow-height, 1.5rem);
position: relative;
z-index: 50;
border-top-left-radius: .5rem;
border-top-right-radius: .5rem;
cursor: pointer;
$width: 1.5rem;
$overlap: .45;
$rotation: 7deg;
--width: $width;
--overlap: $overlap;
--rotation: $rotation;
transition: opacity .25s linear;
opacity: 1;
&.hidden {
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
&::after, &::before {
content: ' ';
display: block;
// Explicit color instead of alpha of white
// because of overlap of the inner corners of the triangle
background: rgb(122,122,122);
position: absolute;
z-index: 50;
border-radius: .125rem;
height: .25rem;
width: 1.5rem;
left: 50%;
top: .5rem;
transition: transform .5s cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1);
:global(.MuiButtonBase-root) {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-top-left-radius: .5rem;
border-top-right-radius: .5rem;
cursor: pointer;
&.customArrow {
&::before {
transform: var(--custom-before-tx, translateX(calc(-50% - #{$width * $overlap})) rotate(-#{$rotation}));
&::after {
transform: var(--custom-after-tx, translateX(calc(-50% + #{$width * $overlap})) rotate(#{$rotation}));
&.barIndicator {
&::before {
transform: translateX(calc(-50% - #{$width * $overlap})) rotate(0deg);
&::after {
transform: translateX(calc(-50% + #{$width * $overlap})) rotate(0deg);
&.fullWindowHeight {
border-radius: 0 !important;
.openCloseArrow {
:global(.MuiButtonBase-root) {
border-radius: 0 !important;
body:global(.native) {
.sheet {
padding-top: var(--native-padding-adjust, 0);
.content {
top: var(--native-padding-adjust, 0);
bottom: auto;
// Necessary to allow scrolling all the way to the bottom
height: calc(
var(--content-height, 100vh) -
var(--native-padding-adjust, 0)
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