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Created April 1, 2012 17:04
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Save josiahcarlson/2277095 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Decorators for adding goto/switch semantics to Python
This code is derived from:
It was released under the MIT license.
I (Josiah Carlson) have modified it to be correct in more cases, and to report
errors in some error cases.
import array
import dis
import new
import sys
__all__ = ['goto', 'switch']
class LabelError(Exception):
class MissingLabelError(LabelError):
"""'goto' without matching 'label'."""
class DuplicateLabelError(LabelError):
"""duplicate label names"""
class DuplicateCaseError(DuplicateLabelError):
"""duplicate case target"""
class UnsupportedBytecode(LabelError):
"""break, nested loops/stuff"""
class TraceObj(object):
__slots__ = 'lineno', 'done'
def __init__(self, lineno):
self.lineno = lineno
self.done = False
def __call__(self, frame, event, arg):
if not self.done:
if event == 'line':
if frame.f_lineno != self.lineno:
frame.f_lineno = self.lineno
self.done = True
return self
def set_target(lineno):
Turns out that you need to set the trace function and exactly one of the
higher-level stackframes.
jump = TraceObj(lineno)
frame = sys._getframe().f_back
frame.f_trace = jump
def _lineno(lines, index):
# This may not be correct in all cases
i = 0
while i+1 < len(lines) and lines[i+1][0] <= index:
i += 1
return lines[i][1]
# This doesn't seem to matter in benchmarks, so we'll keep it simple.
use_jump = False
def _dec(il, i):
op = il[i]
opname = dis.opname[op]
num = None
c = 1
if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
num = (il[i+2] << 8) + il[i+1]
c = 3
return opname, num, c
def _match_seq(c, il, i, matches):
iit = ii = 0
chunks = []
for p, (wop, wname) in enumerate(matches):
opname, num, ii = _dec(il, i+iit)
if opname != wop or (wname and c.co_names[num] not in wname):
return iit or ii, None
iit += ii
chunks.append(c.co_names[num] if wname else num)
return iit or ii, chunks
def _check_goto(c, il, i):
return _match_seq(c, il, i, (
('LOAD_GLOBAL', ('goto', 'label')),
('LOAD_ATTR', None),
('POP_TOP', None),)
def _check_switch(c, il, i):
return _match_seq(c, il, i, (
('SETUP_LOOP', None),
('LOAD_GLOBAL', ('switch',)),
('LOAD_FAST', None),
('JUMP_IF_FALSE', None),
('POP_TOP', None),)
def _check_switch2(c, il, i):
return _match_seq(c, il, i, (
('SETUP_LOOP', None),
('LOAD_GLOBAL', ('switch',)),
('LOAD_FAST', None),
def _check_case(c, il, i):
return _match_seq(c, il, i, (
('LOAD_GLOBAL', ('case',)),
('LOAD_CONST', None),
('POP_TOP', None),)
def _check_break(c, il, i):
return _match_seq(c, il, i, (
('BREAK_LOOP', None),)
def _check_loop(c, il, i):
return _match_seq(c, il, i, (
('SETUP_LOOP', None),)
class DefaultValueDict(dict):
def __init__(self, default, *args, **kwargs):
self._default = default
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, k):
return dict.__getitem__(self, k)
except KeyError:
return self._default
def goto(fn):
A function decorator to add the goto commands to a function.
Specify labels like so:
label .foo
Goto labels like so:
goto .foo
Only one label with a given name can be used in a function.
Note: exiting a loop using goto could lead to incorrect or unpredictable
labels = {}
gotos = []
c = fn.func_code
end = len(c.co_code)
ilist = array.array('B', c.co_code)
lines = list(dis.findlinestarts(c))
i = 0
# scan through the byte codes to find the labels and gotos
while i < end:
incr, match = _check_goto(c, ilist, i)
if match:
typ, name, _ = match
if typ == 'goto':
gotos.append((name, i))
elif typ == 'label':
if name in labels:
raise DuplicateLabelError(
"Duplicate label %r at line %s"%(
name, _lineno(lines, i)))
labels[name] = i
raise LabelError("WTF? %r"%(match,))
i += incr
no_op = array.array('B', 4*[dis.opmap['NOP']])
for label, index in labels.items():
if use_jump:
# this jumps over the NOPs upon coming to a label
target = index + 7
ilist[index] = dis.opmap['JUMP_ABSOLUTE']
ilist[index + 1] = target & 255
ilist[index + 2] = target >> 8
ilist[index:index+4] = no_op
ilist[index+3:index+7] = no_op
# change gotos to jumps
for label, index in gotos:
if label not in labels:
raise MissingLabelError(
"Missing label %r at line %s"%(label, _lineno(lines, index)))
target = labels[label] + 7 # skip NOPs
ilist[index] = dis.opmap['JUMP_ABSOLUTE']
ilist[index + 1] = target & 255
ilist[index + 2] = target >> 8
# replace unnecessary ops/args with NOPs
ilist[index+3:index+7] = no_op
# We'll just replace the code object rather than trying to create an
# entirely new function. It's easier this way.
fn.func_code = new.code(
return fn
def switch(fn):
A function decorator to add the goto and switch commands to a function.
See the goto docs for gotos.
To use a switch/case, you set up a while loop and multiply switch times
your value, and use case[constant] to define your case statements.
a = 5
while switch*a:
# won't be executed
goto .end
# will be executed
# will also be executed due to fallthrough
label .end
Note: Due to the way that switch/case statements work, you may not be able
to successfully place switch/case statements in a higher-level loop, as
they can induce a segfault.
# apply gotos as necessary
fn = goto(fn)
c = fn.func_code
end = len(c.co_code)
ilist = array.array('B', c.co_code)
lines = list(dis.findlinestarts(c))
i = 0
# scan through the byte codes to find the switches and cases
consts = list(c.co_consts)
names = list(c.co_names)
no_op = array.array('B', 4*[dis.opmap['NOP']])
i = 0
while i < end:
incr, match = _check_switch(c, ilist, i)
if match:
end_loop = match[4] + i + 13
old = True
incr, match = _check_switch2(c, ilist, i)
if match:
end_loop = match[4]
old = False
if match:
end_switch = match[0] + i + 3
# load the set_target function
ilist[i] = dis.opmap['LOAD_CONST']
ilist[i+1] = len(consts) & 255
ilist[i+2] = len(consts) >> 8
# find the jump target
ilist[i+3] = dis.opmap['LOAD_CONST']
ilist[i+4] = len(consts) & 255
ilist[i+5] = len(consts) >> 8
# we'll add the jump list later
ilist[i+6] = dis.opmap['LOAD_FAST']
ilist[i+7] = match[2] & 255
ilist[i+8] = match[2] >> 8
ilist[i+9] = dis.opmap['BINARY_SUBSCR']
# call the set_target function with the target
ilist[i+10] = dis.opmap['CALL_FUNCTION']
ilist[i+11] = 1
ilist[i+12] = 0
# and we have 1 opcode to spare :P
ilist[i+13] = dis.opmap['NOP']
# fix this last jump of the loop
ilist[end_loop-2] = end_loop & 255
ilist[end_loop-1] = end_loop >> 8
# and fix the POP_BLOCK
ilist[end_loop] = dis.opmap['NOP']
if old:
# older Pythons also popped the stack for the comparison here
ilist[end_loop+1] = dis.opmap['NOP']
entries = {}
ii = i + incr
while ii < end_loop:
incr, match = _check_break(c, ilist, ii)
if match:
# Break is 1 opcode, our jump needs 3, so we'll require
# the use of goto to avoid fallthrough.
raise UnsupportedBytecode("You cannot have a break in your switch, use a goto instead")
incr, match = _check_loop(c, ilist, ii)
if match:
raise UnsupportedBytecode("You can't embed a loop inside switch/case")
incr, match = _check_case(c, ilist, ii)
if match:
case = consts[match[1]]
if case in entries:
raise DuplicateCaseError("The target %r is a duplicate"%(case,))
ilist[ii:ii+4] = ilist[ii+4:ii+8] = no_op
entries[case] = _lineno(lines, ii)
if use_jump:
# this jumps over the NOPs upon coming to a case
target = ii + 8
ilist[ii] = dis.opmap['JUMP_ABSOLUTE']
ilist[ii + 1] = target & 255
ilist[ii + 2] = target >> 8
ii += incr
consts.append(DefaultValueDict(_lineno(lines, end_switch), entries))
i = end_switch
i += incr
# We'll just replace the code object rather than trying to create an
# entirely new function. It's easier this way.
fn.func_code = new.code(
return fn
if __name__ == '__main__':
def test1(n):
s = 0
label .myLoop
if n <= 0:
return s
s += n
n -= 1
goto .myLoop
assert (test1(10) == 55)
def test2():
a = None
goto .skip
a = 1
goto .skip
label .skip
return a
assert (test2() == None)
def test3():
goto .skip
except MissingLabelError as msg:
raise AssertionError("MissingLabelError wasn't raised!")
def test4():
label .skip
label .skip
except DuplicateLabelError as msg:
raise AssertionError("DuplicateLabelError wasn't raised!")
import time
steps = 10000000
for use_jump in (True, False):
def test5(n):
for i in xrange(n):
goto .step1
label .step4
goto .step5
label .step1
goto .step2
label .step5
goto .step6
label .step2
goto .step3
label .step6
goto .step7
label .step3
goto .step4
label .step7
t = time.time()
print time.time() - t, "has jump:", use_jump
def switch_test():
a = 5
while switch*a:
print "hey!"
goto .end
print "got in the right one!"
print "fallthrough!"
label .end
print "done..."
def switch_performance(n):
import time
k = 0
t = time.time()
for i in xrange(n):
j = i & 5
if j == 0:
k += 1
elif j == 1:
k += 2
elif j == 2:
k += 3
elif j == 3:
k -= 2
elif j == 4:
k -= 1
print time.time() - t
k = 0
t = time.time()
for i in xrange(n):
j = i & 5
while switch*j:
k += 1
print "!"
goto .next
k += 2
goto .next
k += 3
goto .next
k -= 2
goto .next
k -= 1
goto .next
label .next
print time.time() - t
# Sadly, this causes a segfault due to settrace and maybe GC issues.
## switch_performance(10000)
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