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Created January 24, 2011 00:51
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Imeplementation of DJB's Poly1305-AES algorithm
Implementation of Poly1305-AES as described by Daniel J. Bernstein in
documents linked from:
Implemented by Josiah Carlson <> on 2011-01-23,
released into the public domain.
Note: this implementation of Poly1305-AES uses Python's built-in long integer
implementation, so is not terribly performant, and likely suffers from a
side-channel attack related to the timing of bigint modulo. It also uses
PyCrypto's AES encryption implementation, which you will need to have
installed (or update the code with a work-alike).
This source also includes the equivalent of:
... which can verify the correctness of the included poly1305 implementation
using the hashes provided:
If you want something faster, use SHA256/512 HMAC with a 16/32+ byte secret
key with 16/32+ byte nonce.
import array
from hashlib import md5
import os
import struct
import sys
import time
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
class VerificationFailed(Exception):
def poly1305(k, r, m, nonce=None, enc_alg=AES):
Given a 16-byte secret AES k, an additional 16-byte secret key r, and a
message m provided as strings, will generate the 16-byte Poly1305-AES
verifier with a siingle-use 16-byte nonce appended.
If you wish to provide your own nonce, you can provide it, but be sure
that you aren't compromising security for the sake of "do it yourself".
if not nonce:
nonce = struct.pack('>d', time.time()) + os.urandom(8)
assert len(k) == 16
assert len(r) == 16
r = map(ord, r)
for index in (3, 7, 11, 15):
r[index] &= 15
for index in (4, 8, 12):
r[index] &= 252
rbar = 0
for p, v in enumerate(r):
rbar += v << (8*p)
h = 0
s = map(ord,
p = (1 << 130) - 5
lm = len(m)
for jj in xrange(0, lm, 16):
c = 0
for j in xrange(jj, min(jj+16, lm)):
c += ord(m[j]) << (8*(j-jj))
c += 1 << (8*(j-jj+1))
h = ((h + c) * rbar) % p
for j, sj in enumerate(s):
h += sj << (8*j)
out = ''
for i in xrange(16):
out += chr(h&255)
h >>= 8
return out + str(nonce)
def poly1305_verify(k, r, inp, an=None, enc_alg=AES):
Given a 16-byte secret AES k, an additional 16-byte secret key r, and the
message with a claimed correct verifier+nonce prepended to the message,
this will verify that the message has not been modified or forged.
On verification failure, will the VerificationFailed exception. On success
will return True.
Why raise an exception and not return false? Message verification failure
should be an exceptional condition and require explicit handling.
if an is None:
an = inp[:32]
inp = buffer(inp, 32, len(inp))
verify = an[:16]
nonce = an[16:32]
to_verify = poly1305(k, r, inp, nonce, enc_alg)
same = not sum(ord(a)^ord(b) for a,b in zip(an, to_verify))
if not same:
raise VerificationFailed
return True
def main():
Tests the implementation of poly1305() and poly1305_verify()
_buffer = buffer
_wanted = {
hashed = md5()
MAXLEN = 1000
LC = 0
MAXLC = 2**64
k = array.array('B', 16*[0])
r = array.array('B', 16*[0])
n = array.array('B', 16*[0])
m = array.array('B', MAXLEN*[0])
for loop in xrange(1000000):
l = 0
while True:
out = array.array('B', poly1305(_buffer(k), _buffer(r), _buffer(m, 0, l), _buffer(n)))
h = out.tostring()[:16].encode('hex')
if '--actually-print' in sys.argv:
print h
hashed.update(h + '\n')
LC += 1
if LC in _wanted:
assert hashed.hexdigest() == _wanted[LC], (LC, hashed.hexdigest(), _wanted[LC])
print >>sys.stderr, time.asctime(), "passed %i lines"%(LC,)
poly1305_verify(_buffer(k), _buffer(r), _buffer(m, 0, l), _buffer(out))
except VerificationFailed:
print "poly1305_verify failed"
x = ord(os.urandom(1)) & 15
y = 1 + (ord(os.urandom(1))%255)
out[x] ^= y
poly1305_verify(_buffer(k), _buffer(r), _buffer(m, 0, l), _buffer(out))
except VerificationFailed:
print "poly1305_verify succeeded on bad input"
out[x] ^= y
if l >= MAXLEN:
n[0] ^= loop & 255
for i in xrange(16):
n[i] ^= out[i]
if l % 2:
for i in xrange(16):
k[i] ^= out[i]
if l % 3:
for i in xrange(16):
r[i] ^= out[i]
m[l] ^= out[0]
l += 1
if LC >= MAXLC:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# try to make it a bit faster....
import psyco
print >>sys.stderr, '''
Now testing this poly1305 implementation.
Expected runtime to completion on a modern desktop running CPython is around
10 days +/-. If this passes any checkpoint (10010, 123456, etc., lines), then
it is likely not suffering from any debilitating implementation flaw (at least
in terms of correctness, no guarantees regarding sideband attacks), and you
can probably kill it.
print >>sys.stderr, time.asctime(), "Starting..."
t = time.time()
print >>sys.stderr, time.asctime(), time.time()-t, "seconds elapsed"
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