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Last active March 24, 2017 11:38
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Responsive Scatter Chart

Responsive Scatter Chart

Metric SubCategory Category TotalValue ProductConcentration CustomerConcentration
Cost Copiers Technology 93910.21 0.030137063 0.087770725
Cost Machines Technology 185853.87 0.727932545 0.234178493
Cost Supplies Office Supplies 47862.64 0.869843455 0.967766883
Cost Bookcases Furniture 118352.55 0.185026777 0.627607548
Cost Envelopes Office Supplies 9512.23 0.080804313 0.914777644
Cost Fasteners Office Supplies 2074.76 0.303772145 0.029366578
Cost Tables Furniture 224691.01 0.742161958 0.886106234
Cost Labels Office Supplies 6940.06 0.06212297 0.655249515
Cost Appliances Office Supplies 89394.16 0.52971077 0.439508931
Cost Chairs Furniture 301858.94 0.318459499 0.209223271
Cost Accessories Technology 125443.68 0.565379441 0.618075232
Cost Art Office Supplies 20591.01 0.746932104 0.232158633
Cost Storage Office Supplies 202564.78 0.665022485 0.230177646
Cost Phones Technology 285491.32 0.554136398 0.751528667
Cost Furnishings Furniture 78646.02 0.159382955 0.775545349
Cost Paper Office Supplies 44425.64 0.324886509 0.508537074
Cost Binders Office Supplies 173190.97 0.469404641 0.035722445
Quantity Copiers Technology 234.00 0.274276433 0.496913378
Quantity Machines Technology 440.00 0.944733216 0.184394845
Quantity Supplies Office Supplies 647.00 0.612738426 0.868691661
Quantity Bookcases Furniture 868.00 0.65982129 0.104153314
Quantity Envelopes Office Supplies 906.00 0.655588953 0.242552112
Quantity Fasteners Office Supplies 914.00 0.897179384 0.813156798
Quantity Tables Furniture 1241.00 0.588528544 0.25189882
Quantity Labels Office Supplies 1400.00 0.924220582 0.084992805
Quantity Appliances Office Supplies 1729.00 0.242865421 0.562076032
Quantity Chairs Furniture 2356.00 0.199113972 0.636452213
Quantity Accessories Technology 2976.00 0.628493321 0.070056799
Quantity Art Office Supplies 3000.00 0.259808311 0.339959932
Quantity Storage Office Supplies 3158.00 0.91525319 0.701753169
Quantity Phones Technology 3289.00 0.516688612 0.814293962
Quantity Furnishings Furniture 3563.00 0.398388252 0.371875197
Quantity Paper Office Supplies 5178.00 0.870073481 0.387181538
Quantity Binders Office Supplies 5974.00 0.999998865 0.374652073
Sales Copiers Technology 149528.03 0.5500512 0.912443364
Sales Machines Technology 189238.63 0.035090048 0.498680242
Sales Supplies Office Supplies 46673.54 0.994928778 0.301969534
Sales Bookcases Furniture 114880.00 0.787150865 0.316482026
Sales Envelopes Office Supplies 16476.40 0.76309539 0.760879589
Sales Fasteners Office Supplies 3024.28 0.117653971 0.909011521
Sales Tables Furniture 206965.53 0.092302682 0.165237414
Sales Labels Office Supplies 12486.31 0.176029563 0.722254254
Sales Appliances Office Supplies 107532.16 0.9720534 0.965335051
Sales Chairs Furniture 328449.10 0.499272629 0.976469596
Sales Accessories Technology 167380.32 0.420495031 0.660597611
Sales Art Office Supplies 27118.79 0.199819304 0.395589862
Sales Storage Office Supplies 223843.61 0.064746832 0.478247767
Sales Phones Technology 330007.05 0.391114051 0.743271657
Sales Furnishings Furniture 91705.16 0.431370418 0.598640219
Sales Paper Office Supplies 78479.21 0.436829536 0.40016634
Sales Binders Office Supplies 203412.73 0.18955334 0.24224581
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