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Last active September 11, 2023 09:13
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UE4 - Critically Damped Spring Interpolation Smoothing for Unreal Engine (Similar to SmoothDamp)
#include "InterpolationLibrary.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h"
// Critically Damped Spring Interpolations (ie: Similar to Unity's SmoothDamp, but will less operations)
// Inspired from Keijiro's code:
// Math reference:
FVector UInterpolationLibrary::VectorSpringInterpCD(FVector Current, FVector Target, FVector& Velocity, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed, float MaxVelocity)
const FVector n1 = Velocity - (Current - Target) * (InterpSpeed * InterpSpeed * DeltaTime);
const float n2 = 1.f + InterpSpeed * DeltaTime;
if (MaxVelocity > 0.f)
Velocity = (n1 / (n2 * n2)).GetClampedToMaxSize(MaxVelocity);
Velocity = n1 / (n2 * n2);
return Current + Velocity * DeltaTime;
float UInterpolationLibrary::FloatSpringInterpCD(float Current, float Target, float& Velocity, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed, float MaxVelocity)
const float n1 = Velocity - (Current - Target) * (InterpSpeed * InterpSpeed * DeltaTime);
const float n2 = 1.f + InterpSpeed * DeltaTime;
Velocity = (MaxVelocity > 0.f) ? FMath::Min(n1 / (n2 * n2), MaxVelocity) : n1 / (n2 * n2);
return Current + Velocity * DeltaTime;
FRotator UInterpolationLibrary::RotatorSpringInterpCD(FRotator Current, FRotator Target, FVector4& Velocity, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed, float MaxVelocity)
return QuatSpringInterpCD(Current.Quaternion(), Target.Quaternion(), Velocity, DeltaTime, InterpSpeed, MaxVelocity).Rotator();
FQuat UInterpolationLibrary::QuatSpringInterpCD(FQuat Current, FQuat Target, FVector4& Velocity, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed, float MaxVelocity)
// Here would it be better to make operations directly on FQuat?
// I can't find FQuat operators code to check, so I prefer those conversions...
FVector4 currentVector = QuatToVector4(Current);
FVector4 targetVector = QuatToVector4(Target);
// We can use either of vtarget/-vtarget. Use closer one.
// If using FQuat, might FQuat::Squad() be usesul here?
if (Dot4(currentVector, targetVector) < 0.f) targetVector = -targetVector;
const FVector4 n1 = Velocity - (currentVector - targetVector) * (InterpSpeed * InterpSpeed * DeltaTime);
const float n2 = 1.f + InterpSpeed * DeltaTime;
if (MaxVelocity > 0.f)
Velocity = ClampVector4(n1 / (n2 * n2), MaxVelocity);
Velocity = n1 / (n2 * n2);
// Apply delta on current
currentVector = (currentVector + Velocity * DeltaTime);
// Normalizing gave odd results, it looks fine this way but don't ask me why...
return FQuat(currentVector.X, currentVector.Y, currentVector.Z, currentVector.W);
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "InterpolationLibrary.generated.h"
* Interpolation library
* @see Unreal Engine built-in interpolations:
class UInterpolationLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
* Critically Damped Spring Interpolation (ie: Similar to Unity's SmoothDamp, but will less operations)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Interpolation", meta = (Keywords = "interp vinterp vectorspringinterp lerp smoothdamp"))
static FVector VectorSpringInterpCD(FVector Current, FVector Target, UPARAM(ref) FVector& Velocity, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed = 10.f, float MaxVelocity = 0.f);
* Critically Damped Spring Interpolation (ie: Similar to Unity's SmoothDamp, but will less operations)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Interpolation", meta = (Keywords = "interp finterp floatspringinterp lerp smoothdamp"))
static float FloatSpringInterpCD(float Current, float Target, UPARAM(ref) float& Velocity, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed = 10.f, float MaxVelocity = 0.f);
* Critically Damped Spring Interpolation
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Math|Interpolation", meta = (Keywords = "rinterp smoothdamp"))
static FRotator RotatorSpringInterpCD(FRotator Current, FRotator Target, UPARAM(ref) FVector4& Velocity, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed = 10.f, float MaxVelocity = 0.f);
* Critically Damped Spring Interpolation
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Math|Interpolation", meta = (Keywords = "fquat smoothdamp"))
static FQuat QuatSpringInterpCD(FQuat Current, FQuat Target, UPARAM(ref) FVector4& Velocity, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed = 10.f, float MaxVelocity = 0.f);
// Utility methods
FORCEINLINE static FVector4 QuatToVector4(const FQuat& Quat)
return FVector4(Quat.X, Quat.Y, Quat.Z, Quat.W);
FORCEINLINE static FVector4 ClampVector4(FVector4 Target, float MaxSize)
return FVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
const float VSq = Target.SizeSquared();
if (VSq > FMath::Square(MaxSize))
const float Scale = MaxSize * FMath::InvSqrt(VSq);
return FVector4(Target.X*Scale, Target.Y*Scale, Target.Z*Scale, Target.W*Scale);
return Target;
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