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Created May 29, 2022 11:59
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The English phrase “Everything but the kitchen sink” means “almost anything one can think of”. The example below contains all the functionalities from N.Y.A.W.C.
from nyawc.Options import Options
from nyawc.QueueItem import QueueItem
from nyawc.Crawler import Crawler
from nyawc.CrawlerActions import CrawlerActions
from nyawc.http.Request import Request
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
def cb_crawler_before_start():
print("Crawler started.")
def cb_crawler_after_finish(queue):
print("Crawler finished.")
print("Found " + str(len(queue.get_all(QueueItem.STATUS_FINISHED))) + " requests.")
for queue_item in queue.get_all(QueueItem.STATUS_FINISHED).values():
print("[" + queue_item.request.method + "] " + queue_item.request.url + " (PostData: " + str( + ")")
def cb_request_before_start(queue, queue_item):
# return CrawlerActions.DO_SKIP_TO_NEXT
# return CrawlerActions.DO_STOP_CRAWLING
return CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING
def cb_request_after_finish(queue, queue_item, new_queue_items):
percentage = str(int(queue.get_progress()))
total_requests = str(queue.count_total)
print("At " + percentage + "% of " + total_requests + " requests ([" + str(queue_item.response.status_code) + "] " + queue_item.request.url + ").")
# return CrawlerActions.DO_STOP_CRAWLING
return CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING
def cb_request_in_thread_before_start(queue_item):
def cb_request_in_thread_after_finish(queue_item):
def cb_request_on_error(queue_item, message):
print("[error] " + message)
def cb_form_before_autofill(queue_item, elements, form_data):
# return CrawlerActions.DO_NOT_AUTOFILL_FORM
return CrawlerActions.DO_AUTOFILL_FORM
def cb_form_after_autofill(queue_item, elements, form_data):
# Declare the options
options = Options()
# Callback options (
options.callbacks.crawler_before_start = cb_crawler_before_start # Called before the crawler starts crawling. Default is a null route.
options.callbacks.crawler_after_finish = cb_crawler_after_finish # Called after the crawler finished crawling. Default is a null route.
options.callbacks.request_before_start = cb_request_before_start # Called before the crawler starts a new request. Default is a null route.
options.callbacks.request_after_finish = cb_request_after_finish # Called after the crawler finishes a request. Default is a null route.
options.callbacks.request_in_thread_before_start = cb_request_in_thread_before_start # Called in the crawling thread (when it started). Default is a null route.
options.callbacks.request_in_thread_after_finish = cb_request_in_thread_after_finish # Called in the crawling thread (when it finished). Default is a null route.
options.callbacks.request_on_error = cb_request_on_error # Called if a request failed. Default is a null route.
options.callbacks.form_before_autofill = cb_form_before_autofill # Called before the crawler autofills a form. Default is a null route.
options.callbacks.form_after_autofill = cb_form_after_autofill # Called after the crawler autofills a form. Default is a null route.
# Scope options (
options.scope.protocol_must_match = False # Only crawl pages with the same protocol as the startpoint (e.g. only https). Default is False.
options.scope.subdomain_must_match = True # Only crawl pages with the same subdomain as the startpoint. If the startpoint is not a subdomain, no subdomains will be crawled. Default is True.
options.scope.hostname_must_match = True # Only crawl pages with the same hostname as the startpoint (e.g. only `finnwea`). Default is True.
options.scope.tld_must_match = True # Only crawl pages with the same tld as the startpoint (e.g. only `.com`). Default is True.
options.scope.max_depth = None # The maximum search depth. 0 only crawls the start request. 1 will also crawl all the requests found on the start request. 2 goes one level deeper, and so on. Default is None (unlimited).
options.scope.request_methods = [
# The request methods to crawl. Default is all request methods
# Identity options (
options.identity.auth = HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass') # Or any other authentication ( Default is None.
options.identity.cookies.set(name='tasty_cookie', value='yum', domain='', path='/cookies')
options.identity.cookies.set(name='gross_cookie', value='blech', domain='', path='/elsewhere')
options.identity.proxies = {
# No authentication
# 'http': 'http://host:port',
# 'https': 'http://host:port',
# Basic authentication
# 'http': 'http://user:pass@host:port',
# 'https': 'https://user:pass@host:port',
# 'http': 'socks5://user:pass@host:port',
# 'https': 'socks5://user:pass@host:port'
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"
# Performance options (
options.performance.max_threads = 20 # The maximum amount of simultaneous threads to use for crawling. Default is 40.
options.performance.request_timeout = 15 # The request timeout in seconds (throws an exception if exceeded). Default is 30.
# Routing options (
options.routing.minimum_threshold = 4 # The minimum amount of requests to crawl (matching a certain route) before ignoring the rest. Default is 20.
options.routing.routes = [
# The regular expressions that represent routes that should not be cralwed more times than the minimum treshold. Default is an empty array.
"^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?finnwea\.com\/blog\/[^\n \/]+\/$" # Only crawl /blog/{some-blog-alias} 4 times.
# Misc options (
options.misc.debug = False # If debug is enabled extra information will be logged to the console. Default is False.
options.misc.verify_ssl_certificates = True # If verification is enabled all SSL certificates will be checked for validity. Default is True.
options.misc.trusted_certificates = None # You can pass the path to a CA_BUNDLE file (.pem) or directory with certificates of trusted CAs. Default is None.
crawler = Crawler(options)
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