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Last active October 20, 2016 13:27
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  • Save josuigoa/575f5bdf0e119d871b70c33e1c25e63e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save josuigoa/575f5bdf0e119d871b70c33e1c25e63e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This macro saves the libraries versions used in the current build in a file. If the lib is a git repo, you get the commit hashes and the commit message.
package macros;
using StringTools;
typedef LibVer = {
var name:String;
var version:String;
class LibraryParser {
static public function parse() {
var libs = haxe.macro.Context.getDefines();
// regular expression to match library format x.x.xxxx
// matched: 3.2.205, 0.0.0, 0.1.3-alpha
// not matched: 1, true, 1.0
var ereg = ~/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9\w-\.]+/;
var v = '', lib_versions = new Array<LibVer>();
for (l in libs.keys()) {
v = libs.get(l);
if (l == 'haxe_ver')
lib_versions.push({name:'Haxe', version:v});
else if (ereg.match(Std.string(v)))
lib_versions.push({name:l, version:get_lib_version(l, v)});
haxe.ds.ArraySort.sort(lib_versions, function(a, b) if (< return -1 else return 1);
var fc = 'Used library versions: \n';
for (lv in lib_versions) {
fc += 'Library: ${}\nVersion: ' + lv.version + '\n------------\n';
var dir = Sys.getCwd() + 'lib_versions';
if (!sys.FileSystem.exists(dir)) sys.FileSystem.createDirectory(dir);
var today = DateTools.format(, "%Y-%m-%d");
if (sys.FileSystem.exists(dir+'/'+today)) {
if ('/'+today) == fc) {
trace('same file content, not saving');
} else {
today =':', '.');
trace('some library has changed, saving ${dir}/${today}');'/'+today, fc);
} else {'/'+today, fc);
static function get_lib_version(_lib_name:String, _lib_version:String) : String {
var process = new'haxelib', ['path', _lib_name]);
var msg, pos;
if (process.exitCode() != 0) {
msg = process.stderr.readAll().toString();
pos = haxe.macro.Context.currentPos();
haxe.macro.Context.error("Cannot execute `haxelib path " + _lib_name + "`. " + msg, pos);
var out = process.stdout.readAll().toString().split('\n');
var path = '';
for (o in out) {
// get rid of the results starting with '-' character (e.g. -L or -D)
if (!o.startsWith('-')) {
path = o.rtrim();
if (path != '' && (path.indexOf('\\git\\') != -1 || path.indexOf('/git/') != -1)) {
// process = new'git', ['--git-dir', path+'.git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']);
process = new'git', ['--git-dir', path+'.git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=GIT->commit hash: %H / abbreviation: %h\nLast commit: "%s"']);
// process = new'git', ['--git-dir', path+'.git', 'log', '-1']);
if (process.exitCode() != 0) {
var message = process.stderr.readAll().toString();
var pos = haxe.macro.Context.currentPos();
haxe.macro.Context.error("Cannot execute `git --git-dir " + path + ".git log -1 --pretty=GIT->commit hash: %H / abbreviation: %h\nLast commit: \"%s\"`. " + message, pos);
var info = process.stdout.readAll().toString();
return info;
return _lib_version;
Used library versions:
Library: Haxe
Version: 3.201
Library: hxcpp
Version: 3.2.205
Library: linc_ogg
Version: GIT->commit hash: ad92bef61f1a8eef30c55e5b4b1c341de1f69697 / abbreviation: ad92bef
Last commit: "linc; don't apply touch/xml macros during completion"
Library: linc_openal
Version: GIT->commit hash: 525642c7cf2a06752f8e5f7c8dad92c63d87267a / abbreviation: 525642c
Last commit: "add more todo notes"
Library: linc_opengl
Version: GIT->commit hash: 1d97f488c6ac7b78353835d05f36dbb4c6a85ca5 / abbreviation: 1d97f48
Last commit: "add workaround for hxcpp discarding the @:include meta"
Library: linc_sdl
Version: GIT->commit hash: 25a89e75834366fe148307c08bcca646eabca059 / abbreviation: 25a89e7
Last commit: "fix #16, blitSurface"
Library: linc_stb
Version: GIT->commit hash: 05bd1c90d1f7bdd9547e3f44c1ca28bb8b0d2152 / abbreviation: 05bd1c9
Last commit: "Fixes byte array size when using default req_comp value"
Library: linc_timestamp
Version: GIT->commit hash: 3592c5659ddfbe5de1a2c91980a75c1025b28f14 / abbreviation: 3592c56
Last commit: "remove redundant value/call"
Library: luxe
Version: GIT->commit hash: 497bb08f9ba452a99927d9aa17c0cf41bdbef33d / abbreviation: 497bb08
Last commit: "tests; add example of using a custom OS level cursor on desktop + web platforms"
Library: snow
Version: GIT->commit hash: e26fedd45dbd79c52ad2aade8ec8acc2c414c40c / abbreviation: e26fedd
Last commit: "web; audio; avoid trying to load or use the context if unavailable"
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