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Last active May 22, 2018 09:47
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Macro to extract the selectors (id, class, tag) from a html file
-main Main
-js main.js
-extraCls ezkutua,botoia
-dce full
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=''></script>
<script src='main.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' />
<div id='eszena'></div>
<textarea id='kode' class='testua'></textarea>
<button id='exekutatu' class='botoia'>Hasi</button>
<textarea id='erroreak' class='akatsa testua'></textarea>
import Selectors;
class Main {
static function main() {
Id.exekutatu.jq().click(function(_) {
trace( 'btn clicked!' );
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
using StringTools;
enum SelType {
class SelectorBuilder {
static public function build_id()
return build(~/id=["']([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)["']/, id);
static public function build_cls()
return build(~/class=["']([A-Za-z0-9_\s-]+)["']/, cls);
static public function build_tag()
return build(~/<([A-Za-z0-9]+)/, tag);
static public function build(ereg:EReg, type:SelType):Array<Field> {
var path = Context.definedValue("indexPath");
if( path == null ) path = "index.html";
var extra = null;
var extra_def_name = switch type {
case id: 'extraId';
case cls: 'extraCls';
case tag: 'extraTag';
var extra_string = Context.definedValue(extra_def_name);
if( extra_string != null )
extra = [for (e in extra_string.split(',')) if (e.trim() != '') e.trim()];
var file_content = get_fitx_edukia(path);
var elements = [], el, cls_el;
while( ereg.match(file_content) ) {
el = ereg.matched(1);
if (type == cls) {
cls_el = el.split(' ');
for (ce in cls_el) {
} else {
file_content = ereg.matchedRight();
if (extra != null) {
for (e in extra) {
if (StringTools.trim(e) == '') continue;
return Context.getBuildFields().concat(build_fields(elements, type));
static function build_fields(_field_names:Array<String>, type:SelType):Array<Field> {
var fields = [];
var pos = Context.currentPos();
var var_complex_type = switch type {
case id: macro :Selectors.IdJQ;
case cls: macro :Selectors.ClsJQ;
case tag: macro :Selectors.TagJQ;
for (f in _field_names) {
name : AE.karak_baliogabeak.replace(f, '_'),
access : [APublic, AStatic, AInline],
meta : [{ name : ':dce', params : [], pos : pos}],
pos : pos,
kind : FVar(var_complex_type, macro $v{f})
return fields;
static function get_fitx_edukia(_path:String) {
try {
var p = Context.resolvePath(_path);
} catch(e:Dynamic) {
Context.error('$_path fitxategia kargatzean errorea: $e', Context.currentPos());
return '';
import js.jquery.Helper.J;
typedef Selectors = {}
class Id{}
class Cls{}
class Tag{}
abstract IdJQ(String) to String from String {
inline public function new(id) this = id;
* @return '#' + this
inline public function selector() return '#' + this;
* @return jQuery('#' + this)
inline public function jq() return J(selector());
* @return jQuery('#' + this + ' > ' + child_selector)
inline public function children(child_selector:String) return J(selector() + ' > $child_selector');
abstract ClsJQ(String) to String from String {
inline public function new(cls) this = cls;
* @return '.' + this
inline public function selector() return '.' + this;
* @return jQuery('.' + this)
inline public function jq() return J(selector());
* @return jQuery('.' + this + ' > ' + child_selector)
inline public function children(child_selector:String) return J(selector() + ' > $child_selector');
* @return jQuery(this + ' ' + extra_selector)
inline public function specify(extra_selector:String) return J(selector() + ' $extra_selector');
abstract TagJQ(String) to String from String {
inline public function new(tag) this = tag;
* @return this
inline public function selector() return this;
* @return jQuery(this)
inline public function jq() return J(selector());
* @return jQuery(this + '[for="' + id + '"]')
inline public function for_id(id:String) return J(selector() + '[for="$id"]');
* @return jQuery(this + ' > ' + child_selector)
inline public function children(child_selector:String) return J(selector() + ' > $child_selector');
* @return jQuery(this + ' ' + extra_selector)
inline public function specify(extra_selector:String) return J(selector() + ' $extra_selector');
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