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Created November 10, 2021 14:08
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ctsummarize: Create Multiple Output Files From CloudTrail Activity for Analysis
REQUIREDUTILS="jq zcat mktemp sort uniq rm"
# Run program and test exit status to ensure success
function runtst {
local status=$?
if (( status != 0 )); then
echo "error running command" >&2
return $status
cmdexists() {
if [ $(type -P $1) ]; then
return 0
return 1
# Main
echo "ctsummarize: create multiple output files from CloudTrail activity for analysis"
for util in $REQUIREDUTILS; do
if ! cmdexists $util; then
echo "The utility $util is not available. Please install before using this script."
exit 1
# Check command line arguments
if [ "$#" -lt 3 ] ; then
echo "Usage: $0 [ipaddress] <cloudtrail log files>"
echo "Creating analysis extracts using attacker IP $attackerip from CloudTrail files."
# Decompress and merge JSON files for attacker IP
runtst zcat $@ | jq ".Records[] | select(.sourceIPAddress==\"$ATTACKERIP\")" >$JSONMERGE
# With the attacker activity in $JSONMERGE, run several queries to obtain useful extract information
# in different formats. The use of sort is to preserve date/time order, which CloudTrail logs
# do not do
## Event Summary
### Limit user agent to the first 20 characters to keep the output legible
runtst echo "EventTime UserName AccessKeyId EventName \"UserAgent\" \"ErrorMessage\"" >eventsummary.txt
runtst cat $JSONMERGE | jq -jr '.eventTime, " ", .userIdentity.userName, " ", .userIdentity.accessKeyId, " ", .eventName, " \"", .userAgent[0:20], "\" \"", .errorMessage, "\"\n"' | sort >>eventsummary.txt
runtst echo "EventTime,UserName,AccessKeyId,EventName,ErrorMessage" >eventsummary.csv
runtst cat $JSONMERGE | jq -r '[ .eventTime, .userIdentity.userName, .userIdentity.accessKeyId, .eventName, .userAgent[0:24], .errorMessage ] | @csv' | sort >>eventsummary.csv
## User Agent
runtst cat $JSONMERGE | jq -r '.userAgent' | sort | uniq -c >useragent.txt
## Access Keys Used
runtst cat $JSONMERGE | jq -r '.userIdentity.accessKeyId' | sort | uniq -c >accesskeys.txt
### Write events (readOnly==fals)
runtst cat $JSONMERGE | jq -r 'select(.readOnly==false)' >writeevents.json
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