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Last active June 1, 2020 19:20
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Sync - TOOL Library settings - Folders for Carbide Create
sync settings folders to onedrive settings folders
PS C:\> SYNC-Folders.ps1
$source = "sourcefolder"
$Destination = "Onedrive-Destination-Folder"
Output (if any)
place link to file in "shell:startup"
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe %userprofile%\OneDrive\ps\SYNC-FOLDERS.ps1
Thanks to:
param (
$Source="$env:localappdata\Carbide 3D\Carbide Create\tools",
$Destination = "$env:userprofile\OneDrive\Anwendungen\settings\Carbide Create\Carbide Create\tools"
function Get-FileMD5 {
$mode = [System.IO.FileMode]("open")
$access = [System.IO.FileAccess]("Read")
$md5 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
$fs = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($file,$mode,$access)
$Hash = $md5.ComputeHash($fs)
[string]$Hash = $Hash
Return $Hash
function Copy-LatestFile{
$File1Date = get-Item $File1 | foreach-Object{$_.LastWriteTimeUTC}
$File2Date = get-Item $File2 | foreach-Object{$_.LastWriteTimeUTC}
if($File1Date -gt $File2Date)
Write-Host "$File1 is Newer... Copying..."
if($whatif){Copy-Item -path $File1 -dest $File2 -force -whatif}
else{Copy-Item -path $File1 -dest $File2 -force}
#Don't want to copy this in my case..but good to know
Write-Host "$File2 is Newer... Copying..."
if($whatif){Copy-Item -path $File2 -dest $File1 -force -whatif}
else{Copy-Item -path $File2 -dest $File1 -force}
# Getting Files/Folders from Source and Destination
$SrcEntries = Get-ChildItem $Source -Recurse
$DesEntries = Get-ChildItem $Destination -Recurse
# Parsing the folders and Files from Collections
$Srcfolders = $SrcEntries | Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer}
$SrcFiles = $SrcEntries | Where-Object{!$_.PSIsContainer}
$Desfolders = $DesEntries | Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer}
$DesFiles = $DesEntries | Where-Object{!$_.PSIsContainer}
# Checking for Folders that are in Source, but not in Destination
foreach($folder in $Srcfolders)
$SrcFolderPath = $source -replace "\\","\\" -replace "\:","\:"
$DesFolder = $folder.Fullname -replace $SrcFolderPath,$Destination
if(!(test-path $DesFolder))
Write-Host "Folder $DesFolder Missing. Creating it!"
new-Item $DesFolder -type Directory | out-Null
# Checking for Folders that are in Destinatino, but not in Source
foreach($folder in $Desfolders)
$DesFilePath = $Destination -replace "\\","\\" -replace "\:","\:"
$SrcFolder = $folder.Fullname -replace $DesFilePath,$Source
if(!(test-path $SrcFolder))
Write-Host "Folder $SrcFolder Missing. Creating it!"
new-Item $SrcFolder -type Directory | out-Null
# Checking for Files that are in the Source, but not in Destination
foreach($entry in $SrcFiles)
$SrcFullname = $entry.fullname
$SrcName = $entry.Name
$SrcFilePath = $Source -replace "\\","\\" -replace "\:","\:"
$DesFile = $SrcFullname -replace $SrcFilePath,$Destination
if(test-Path $Desfile)
$SrcMD5 = Get-FileMD5 $SrcFullname
$DesMD5 = Get-FileMD5 $DesFile
If(Compare-Object $srcMD5 $desMD5)
Write-Host "The Files MD5's are Different... Checking Write Dates"
Write-Host $SrcMD5
Write-Host $DesMD5
Copy-LatestFile $SrcFullname $DesFile
Write-Host "$Desfile Missing... Copying from $SrcFullname"
copy-Item -path $SrcFullName -dest $DesFile -force
# Checking for Files that are in the Destinatino, but not in Source
foreach($entry in $DesFiles)
$DesFullname = $entry.fullname
$DesName = $entry.Name
$DesFilePath = $Destination -replace "\\","\\" -replace "\:","\:"
$SrcFile = $DesFullname -replace $DesFilePath,$Source
if(!(test-Path $SrcFile))
Write-Host "$SrcFile Missing... Copying from $DesFullname"
copy-Item -path $DesFullname -dest $SrcFile -force
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