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Created June 18, 2018 08:59
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vertx mm metrics doc

Vert.x Micrometer Metrics

This project is an implementation of the Vert.x Metrics Service Provider Interface (SPI). It uses Micrometer for managing metrics and reporting to several backends.


  • Vert.x core tools monitoring: TCP/HTTP client and servers, {@link io.vertx.core.datagram.DatagramSocket} , {@link io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus} and pools

  • User defined metrics through Micrometer

  • Reporting to any backend supported by Micrometer

  • Built-in options for InfluxDB, Prometheus and JMX reporting.


Getting started

The modules vertx-micrometer-metrics and micrometer-registry-influx must be present in the classpath.

Maven users should add this to their project POM file:


And Gradle users, to their build file:

compile 'io.vertx:vertx-micrometer-metrics:${maven.version}'
compile 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-influx:${micrometer.version}'

Configuration examples

Vert.x does not enable SPI implementations by default. You must enable metric collection in the Vert.x options.

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupMinimalInfluxDB()}

Using a specific URI and database name

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupInfluxDBWithUriAndDatabase()}

With authentication

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupInfluxDBWithAuthentication()}


Getting started

The modules vertx-micrometer-metrics and micrometer-registry-prometheus must be present in the classpath. You may also probably need vertx-web, to expose the metrics.

Maven users should add this to their project POM file:


And Gradle users, to their build file:

compile 'io.vertx:vertx-micrometer-metrics:${maven.version}'
compile 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus:${micrometer.version}'
compile 'io.vertx:vertx-web:${maven.version}'

Configuration examples

Vert.x does not enable SPI implementations by default. You must enable metric collection in the Vert.x options

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupMinimalPrometheus()}

Using an embedded HTTP server wih custom endpoint

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupPrometheusEmbeddedServer()}

If the embedded server endpoint is not specified, it defaults to /metrics.

Binding metrics to an existing Vert.x router

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupPrometheusBoundRouter()}


Getting started

The modules vertx-micrometer-metrics and micrometer-registry-jmx must be present in the classpath.

Maven users should add this to their project POM file:


And Gradle users, to their build file:

compile 'io.vertx:vertx-micrometer-metrics:${maven.version}'
compile 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-jmx:${micrometer.version}'

Configuration examples

Vert.x does not enable SPI implementations by default. You must enable metric collection in the Vert.x options

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupMinimalJMX()}

With step and domain

In Micrometer, step refers to the reporting period, in seconds. domain is the JMX domain under which MBeans are registered.

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupJMXWithStepAndDomain()}

Other backends or combinations

Even if not all backends supported by Micrometer are implemented in Vert.x options, it is still possible to create any Micrometer registry and pass it to Vert.x.

The list of available backends includes Graphite, Ganglia, Atlas, etc. It also enables the Micrometer Composite Registry in order to report the same metrics to multiple backends.

In this example, metrics are reported both for JMX and Graphite:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupWithCompositeRegistry()}

Advanced usage

Please refer to {@link io.vertx.micrometer.MicrometerMetricsOptions} for an exhaustive list of options.

Disable some metric domains

Restricting the Vert.x modules being monitored can be done using {@link io.vertx.micrometer.MicrometerMetricsOptions#disabledMetricsCategories}.

For a full list of domains, see {@link io.vertx.micrometer.MetricsDomain}

User-defined metrics

The Micrometer registries are accessible, in order to create new metrics or fetch the existing ones. By default, an unique registry is used and will be shared across the Vert.x instances of the JVM:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#accessDefaultRegistry()}

It is also possible to have separate registries per Vertx instance, by giving a registry name in metrics options. Then it can be retrieved specifically:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupAndAccessCustomRegistry()}

As an example, here is a custom timer that will track the execution time of a piece of code that is regularly called:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#customTimerExample()}

For more examples, documentation about the Micrometer registry and how to create metrics, check Micrometer doc.

Other instrumentation

Since plain access to Micrometer registries is provided, it is possible to leverage the Micrometer API. For instance, to instrument the JVM:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#instrumentJVM()}

Labels and matchers

Vert.x Micrometer Metrics defines a set of labels (aka tags or fields) that are used to provide dimensionality to a metric. For instance, metrics related to event bus messages have an address label, which allows then to query timeseries for a specific event bus address, or compare timeseries per address, or perform any kind of aggregation that the query API allows.

While setting up metrics options, you can specify which labels you want to enable or not:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupWithLabelsEnabled()}

The full list of labels is detailed here: {@link io.vertx.micrometer.Label}.

Enabling labels may result in a high cardinality in values, which can cause troubles on the metrics backend and affect performances. So it must be used with care. In general, it is fine to enable labels when the set of possible values is bounded.

For that reason, labels enabled by default are restricted to the ones with known bounded values.

It is possible to interact with labels further than just enabling/disabling. There are two ways for that:

Using Matchers

{@link io.vertx.micrometer.Match} objects can be used to filter or rename some label value by matching it with either an exact string or a regular expression (the former being more efficient).

Here is an example to restrict HTTP server metrics to those with label local=localhost:8080 only:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#setupWithMatcherForFiltering()}

When an alias is specified in the Match, it will be used to rename value instead of filtering.

Matchers are especially useful to control labelling through configuration as they are set via {@link io.vertx.micrometer.MicrometerMetricsOptions}.

Using Micrometer’s MeterFilter

Micrometer’s MeterFilter API can be accessed directly in order to define rules on labels. Compared to Matchers, it offers more features in manipulating the labels, but cannot be defined from configuration. So both have their advantages.

Here is an example to replace the actual path label of HTTP requests with a generic form using regex:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#useMicrometerFilters()}

Note that Matchers use MeterFilters under the hood.


A {@link io.vertx.micrometer.MetricsService} can be created out of a {@link io.vertx.core.metrics.Measured} object in order to take a snapshot of its related metrics and measurements. The snapshot is returned as a {@link io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject}.

A well known Measured object is simply {@link io.vertx.core.Vertx}:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#createFullSnapshot()}

Other components, such as an {@link io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBus} or a {@link io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer} are measurable:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#createPartialSnapshot()}

Finally it is possible to filter the returned metrics from their base names:

{@link examples.MicrometerMetricsExamples#createSnapshotFromPrefix()}

Vert.x core tools metrics

This section lists all the metrics generated by monitoring the Vert.x core tools.

Net Client

Metric type Metric name Description


vertx_net_client_connections{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Number of connections to the remote host currently opened.


vertx_net_client_bytesReceived{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Number of bytes received from the remote host.


vertx_net_client_bytesSent{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Number of bytes sent to the remote host.


vertx_net_client_errors{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>,class=<class>}

Number of errors.

HTTP Client

Metric type Metric name Description


vertx_http_client_connections{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Number of connections to the remote host currently opened.


vertx_http_client_bytesReceived{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Number of bytes received from the remote host.


vertx_http_client_bytesSent{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Number of bytes sent to the remote host.


vertx_http_client_errors{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>,class=<class>}

Number of errors.


vertx_http_client_requests{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Number of requests waiting for a response.


vertx_http_client_requestCount{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>,method=<http method>}

Number of requests sent.


vertx_http_client_responseTime{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Response time.


vertx_http_client_responseCount{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>,code=<response code>}

Number of received responses.


vertx_http_client_wsConnections{local=<local address>,remote=<remote address>}

Number of websockets currently opened.

Datagram socket

Metric type Metric name Description



Total number of bytes received on the <host>:<port> listening address.



Total number of bytes sent to the remote host.



Total number of errors.

Net Server

Metric type Metric name Description


vertx_net_server_connections{local=<local address>}

Number of opened connections to the Net Server.


vertx_net_server_bytesReceived{local=<local address>}

Number of bytes received by the Net Server.


vertx_net_server_bytesSent{local=<local address>}

Number of bytes sent by the Net Server.


vertx_net_server_errors{local=<local address>,class=<class>}

Number of errors.

HTTP Server

Metric type Metric name Description


vertx_http_server_connections{local=<local address>}

Number of opened connections to the HTTP Server.


vertx_http_server_bytesReceived{local=<local address>}

Number of bytes received by the HTTP Server.


vertx_http_server_bytesSent{local=<local address>}

Number of bytes sent by the HTTP Server.


vertx_http_server_errors{local=<local address>,class=<class>}

Number of errors.


vertx_http_server_requests{local=<local address>}

Number of requests being processed.


vertx_http_server_requestCount{local=<local address>,method=<http method>,code=<response code>}

Number of processed requests.


vertx_http_server_requestResetCount{local=<local address>}

Number of requests reset.


vertx_http_server_processingTime{local=<local address>}

Request processing time.


vertx_http_client_wsConnections{local=<local address>}

Number of websockets currently opened.

Event Bus

Metric type Metric name Description



Number of event bus handlers in use.



Number of errors.



Total number of bytes sent while sending messages to event bus cluster peers.



Total number of bytes received while reading messages from event bus cluster peers.



Number of messages not processed yet. One message published will count for N pending if N handlers are registered to the corresponding address.



Number of messages published (publish / subscribe).



Number of messages sent (point-to-point).



Number of messages received.



Number of messages delivered to handlers.


vertx_eventbus_replyFailures{address=<address>,failure=<failure name>}

Number of message reply failures.



Processing time for handlers listening to the address.

Vert.x pool metrics

This section lists all the metrics generated by monitoring Vert.x pools.

There are two types currently supported:

  • worker (see {@link io.vertx.core.WorkerExecutor})

  • datasource (created with Vert.x JDBC client)

Vert.x creates two worker pools upfront, worker-thread and internal-blocking.
Metric type Metric name Description



Time waiting for a resource (queue time).



Number of elements waiting for a resource.



Time using a resource (i.e. processing time for worker pools).



Number of resources used.



Number of elements done with the resource (i.e. total number of tasks executed for worker pools).



Pool usage ratio, only present if maximum pool size could be determined.

Verticle metrics

Metric type Metric name Description



Number of verticle instances deployed.

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