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Created April 10, 2012 12:47
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Save jotapepinheiro/2351126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Drag and Drop Grid Extjs
* Ext JS Library 3.0.0
* Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
<title>Hello World Window</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext_3_4/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext_3_4/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext_3_4/ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.onReady(function() {
var myData = {
records: [{
name: "Rec 0",
column1: "0",
column2: "0"
}, {
name: "Rec 1",
column1: "1",
column2: "1"
}, {
name: "Rec 2",
column1: "2",
column2: "2"
}, {
name: "Rec 3",
column1: "3",
column2: "3"
}, {
name: "Rec 4",
column1: "4",
column2: "4"
}, {
name: "Rec 5",
column1: "5",
column2: "5"
}, {
name: "Rec 6",
column1: "6",
column2: "6"
}, {
name: "Rec 7",
column1: "7",
column2: "7"
}, {
name: "Rec 8",
column1: "8",
column2: "8"
}, {
name: "Rec 9",
column1: "9",
column2: "9"
// Generic fields array to use in both store defs.
var fields = [{
name: 'name',
mapping: 'name'
}, {
name: 'column1',
mapping: 'column1'
}, {
name: 'column2',
mapping: 'column2'
// create the data store
var firstGridStore = new{
fields: fields,
data: myData,
root: 'records'
// Column Model shortcut array
var cols = [{
id: 'name',
header: "Record Name",
width: 160,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'name'
}, {
header: "column1",
width: 50,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'column1'
}, {
header: "column2",
width: 50,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'column2'
// declare the source Grid
var firstGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
ddGroup: 'secondGridDDGroup',
store: firstGridStore,
columns: cols,
enableDragDrop: true,
stripeRows: true,
autoExpandColumn: 'name',
width: 325,
region: 'west',
title: 'First Grid'
var secondGridStore = new{
fields: fields,
root: 'records'
// create the destination Grid
var secondGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
ddGroup: 'firstGridDDGroup',
store: secondGridStore,
columns: cols,
enableDragDrop: true,
stripeRows: true,
autoExpandColumn: 'name',
width: 325,
region: 'center',
title: 'Second Grid'
//Simple 'border layout' panel to house both grids
var displayPanel = new Ext.Panel({
width: 650,
height: 300,
layout: 'border',
renderTo: 'panel',
items: [
firstGrid, secondGrid],
bbar: ['->', // Fill
text: 'Reset both grids',
handler: function() {
//refresh source grid
//purge destination grid
// used to add records to the destination stores
var blankRecord =;
* Setup Drop Targets
// This will make sure we only drop to the view container
var firstGridDropTargetEl = firstGrid.getView().el.dom.childNodes[0].childNodes[1];
var firstGridDropTarget = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(firstGridDropTargetEl, {
ddGroup: 'firstGridDDGroup',
copy: true,
notifyDrop: function(ddSource, e, data) {
function addRow(record, index, allItems) {
var foundItem = firstGridStore.findExact('name',;
if (foundItem == -1) {
firstGridStore.sort('name', 'ASC');;
Ext.each(ddSource.dragData.selections, addRow);
return (true);
var secondGridDropTargetEl = secondGrid.getView().el.dom.childNodes[0].childNodes[1];
var destGridDropTarget = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(secondGridDropTargetEl, {
ddGroup: 'secondGridDDGroup',
copy: false,
notifyDrop: function(ddSource, e, data) {
function addRow(record, index, allItems) {
var foundItem = secondGridStore.findExact('name',;
if (foundItem == -1) {
secondGridStore.sort('name', 'ASC');;
Ext.each(ddSource.dragData.selections, addRow);
return (true);
<div id="panel"></div>
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