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Created March 13, 2012 18:48
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Save jotto/2030672 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
handling large forms in a 2-pane backbone.js app without re-painting the form elements
# returns an array of keys formatted like this
# blog[id]
# blog[title]
# blog[user_id]
# blog[admin][pageview]
# blog[admin][metrics][conversion_rate_last_30_days]
Backbone.Model.prototype.flatten_hash = (_attribs = this.attributes, _param_root = [this.paramRoot]) ->
_(_attribs).map (v, k) =>
if v? && typeof(v) == 'object'
return this.flatten_hash(v, _param_root.concat(k)).slice(0)
# base case
_root_param = _param_root[0]
_join_nested_params = _param_root.slice(1).map((v) -> "[#{v}]").join('')
return "#{_root_param}#{_join_nested_params}[#{k}]")
# gsubs the strings returned from flatten_hash into change events for Backbone
# blog[title] will change into "change:title"
# blog[admin][pageview] will change into "change:admin[pageview]"
# then triggers those events on the model
Backbone.Model.prototype.trigger_changes = ->
_(this.flatten_hash()).each (_string) =>
_param_root_regex = new RegExp("#{this.paramRoot}")
edit_blog: (id) ->
# render the left pane if it isn't already rendered
# this will execute if we load up an edit blog URL
this.left_pane() if !@left_pane?
window.model ||= new BlogModel({id: id})
window.model.set({id: id})
success: =>
@blog_collection.add(new BlogModel(window.model.attributes)) if !@blog_collection.get(id)
if @right_pane
# trigger_changes() is a custom method that loops
# through each model attrib and triggers the "change:#{attrib_name}" event
@right_pane = new EditBlogView({model: window.model}).render()
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