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Last active May 6, 2016 19:20
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number to text conception

number to text conception

The logic about number to text conversion is separate number in parts to translate to this word. Example: 329

  • 3 = hundred part
  • 2 = ten part
  • 9 = unit part

If number is teen like have sub section for this. Example: 916

  • 9 = hundred part
  • 16 = tens ten part

If section doesn't exists, will not have part. Example 206

  • 2 = hundred part
  • 0 = nothing
  • 6 = unit part

For thousands is same thing with your separated parts to works with your sufix (mil, million, billion, etc). Example: 21911

  • 2 = ten thousands part
  • 1 = unit thousands part
  • 911 = solved above
* Number to word pt-br conpcetion
* @author Joubert <>
class NumberToWord
private $units = [
1 => 'um',
2 => 'dois',
3 => 'três',
4 => 'quatro',
5 => 'cinco',
6 => 'seis',
7 => 'sete',
8 => 'oito',
9 => 'nove'
private $tens_ten = [
10 => 'dez',
11 => 'onze',
12 => 'doze',
13 => 'treze',
14 => 'quatorze',
15 => 'quinze',
16 => 'dezesseis',
17 => 'dezessete',
18 => 'dezoito',
19 => 'dezenove'
private $tens = [
0 => '',
2 => 'vinte',
3 => 'trinta',
4 => 'quarenta',
5 => 'cinquenta',
6 => 'sessenta',
7 => 'setenta',
8 => 'oitenta',
9 => 'noventa'
private $hundred = 'ce';
private $hundred_singular = 'm';
private $hundred_plural = 'nto';
private $hundreds = [
2 => 'duzentos',
3 => 'trezentos',
4 => 'quatrocentos',
5 => 'quinhentos',
6 => 'seiscentos',
7 => 'setecentos',
8 => 'oitocentos',
9 => 'novecentos'
private $thousands = ['mil', 'milh', 'bilh', 'trilh', 'quatrilh', 'quintilh', 'sextilh', 'septilh'];
private $thousand_singular = 'ão';
private $thousand_plural = 'ões';
private $and = 'e';
private $number;
private $number_parts;
private $thousand_parts;
private $parts = [];
public function __construct($number)
$this->number = $number;
$this->number_parts = str_split($number);
public function partNumer()
private function partUnits()
if (count($this->number_parts) > 1) {
if ($this->number_parts[count($this->number_parts) - 2] != 1) {
$this->parts['units'] = $this->number_parts[count($this->number_parts) - 1];
} else {
$this->parts['units'] = $this->number_parts[0];
private function partTens()
if (count($this->number_parts) > 1) {
if ($this->number_parts[count($this->number_parts) - 2] != 1) {
$this->parts['tens'] = $this->number_parts[count($this->number_parts) - 2];
} else {
$this->parts['tens_ten'] =
$this->number_parts[count($this->number_parts) - 2].
$this->number_parts[count($this->number_parts) - 1]
private function partHundreds()
if (count($this->number_parts) > 2) {
$this->parts['hundreds'] = $this->number_parts[count($this->number_parts) - 3];
private function partThousands()
// for mil, million billion and more, reuse algorithm above
public function getWord()
$word = [];
if (isset($this->parts['hundreds'])) {
if ($this->parts['hundreds'] == 1) {
if (
(isset($this->parts['tens']) && $this->parts['tens'] > 0) ||
(isset($this->parts['units']) && $this->parts['units'] > 0) ||
) {
$word[] = $this->hundred.$this->hundred_plural;
} else {
$word[] = $this->hundred.$this->hundred_singular;
} else {
$word[] = $this->hundreds[$this->parts['hundreds']];
if (isset($this->parts['tens_ten'])) {
$word[] = $this->tens_ten[$this->parts['tens_ten']];
if (isset($this->parts['tens']) && $this->parts['tens'] > 0) {
$word[] = $this->tens[$this->parts['tens']];
if (isset($this->parts['units']) && $this->parts['units'] > 0) {
$word[] = $this->units[$this->parts['units']];
return implode(' '.$this->and.' ', $word);
$number = rand(1, 999);
$NumberToWord = new NumberToWord($number);
var_dump($number, $NumberToWord->getWord());
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Hmm, probably I can move $tens_ten array data info $units

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