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Last active September 15, 2016 15:04
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Jobox Friends List Project

Friends List


Build an Ionic 2 iOS application that allows a user to create a Friends List by manually adding friends, family, or interesting people.


There will be 5 pages total:

  1. Welcome/Sign Up Page
  2. Dashboard Page
  3. Friend's List Page
  4. Add Friend Page
  5. Edit Friend Page

General requirements for each page are listed below:

Sign Up Page

  • Ask the user for First Name, Last Name, and Email
  • Redirect the user to the Dashboard page upon pressing the submit button

Dashboard Page

  • Will be mostly blank, except for a side menu that slides into the view once the user presses a Drawer icon, and two Navigation tabs at the bottom
  • Should also display the user's information from the previous Sign Up page: First Name, Last Name, and Email
  • Both the side menu and navigation tabs will contain links for the Dashboard and Friend's List pages

Friend's List Page

  • This page serves 3 purposes: seeing a list of friends, having a button to add a friend, and having a button to edit a friend
  • Please implement the UI below:
    My Friends UI

Add Friend & Edit Friend Pages

  • On both pages, there should be inputs for First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, and Bio
  • On the Edit Friend page, the user should be able to delete this friend
  • Please implement the UI below:
    Add a Friend UI

General app + technical requirements are also listed below:

  • The user should have a back button on each child page (except for the Dashboard)
  • The user should be redirected to the Dashboard after closing and reopening the app, because he/she never logged out
  • Front-end should be built using Ionic 2
  • Back-end can be built with any technologies (Node.js, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Firebase, etc.)

For a general flowchart of the app, refer below: Friends List App Flow

If you're feeling ambitious, here are some bonus features :D

  • Allow the user to upload an avatar for each friend
  • Log In & Log Out features
  • Deploy app to Ionic View
  • Consider UI animations, and confirmation/success messages
  • Log any recent user activity on the Dashboard

Good luck! Please email for any questions!

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