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Last active October 8, 2024 12:25
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// @name #相亲相爱一嘉人#
// @description 在哔站右下角添加嘉然小姐的live2d模型
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Object.keys( => {
const hidePartIndex = coreModel._partIds.indexOf(id), 0.6, { [hidePartIndex]:[id] });
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// 除闲置动作外不打断
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// 随机选择并播放动作
const action = pio_reference.modules.rand(touchList)
if (modelNmae === "Diana") {
// 嘉然小姐
// 入场动作及文案[1] = ["我是吃货担当 嘉然 Diana~", "嘉心糖们 想然然了没有呀~", "有人在吗?"]
playAction({ motion: "Tap抱阿草-左手" })
// 点击动作及文案,不区分区域
touchList = [
text: "嘉心糖屁用没有",
motion: "Tap生气 -领结"
text: "有人急了,但我不说是谁~",
motion: "Tap= = 左蝴蝶结"
text: "呜呜...呜呜呜....",
motion: "Tap哭 -眼角"
text: "想然然了没有呀~",
motion: "Tap害羞-中间刘海"
text: "阿草好软呀~",
motion: "Tap抱阿草-左手"
text: "不要再戳啦!好痒!",
motion: "Tap摇头- 身体"
text: "嗷呜~~~",
motion: "Tap耳朵-发卡"
text: "zzZ。。。",
motion: "Leave"
text: "哇!好吃的!",
motion: "Tap右头发"
} else if (modelNmae === "Ava") {[1] = ["我是<s>拉胯</s>Gamer担当 向晚 AvA~", "怎么推流辣!", "AAAAAAAAAAvvvvAAA 向晚!"]
motion: "Tap左眼",
from: {
"Part15": 1
to: {
"Part15": 0
touchList = [
text: "水母 水母~ 只是普通的生物",
motion: "Tap右手"
text: "可爱的鸽子鸽子~我喜欢你~",
motion: "Tap胸口项链",
from: {
"Part12": 1
to: {
"Part12": 0
text: "好...好兄弟之间喜欢很正常啦",
motion: "Tap中间刘海",
from: {
"Part12": 1
to: {
"Part12": 0
text: "啊啊啊!怎么推流辣",
motion: "Tap右眼",
from: {
"Part16": 1
to: {
"Part16": 0
text: "你怎么老摸我,我的身体是不是可有魅力",
motion: "Tap嘴"
text: "AAAAAAAAAAvvvvAAA 向晚!",
motion: "Tap左眼",
from: {
"Part15": 1
to: {
"Part15": 0
// 钻头比较大,宽度*1.2倍,模型位移也要重新计算
canvas.width = model.width * 1.2
model.x = canvas.width - model.width
// 模型问题,手动隐藏指定部件
const hideParts = [
"Part5", // 晕
"neko", // 喵喵拳
"game", // 左手游戏手柄
"Part15", // 墨镜
"Part21", // 右手小臂
"Part22", // 左手垂下
"Part", // 双手抱拳
"Part16", // 惊讶特效
"Part12" // 小心心
const hidePartsIndex = => coreModel._partIds.indexOf(id))
hidePartsIndex.forEach(idx => {
coreModel._partOpacities[idx] = 0
// 检测是否处于iframe内嵌环境
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return true;
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reject(err, s);
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// console.log(this.readyState); // uncomment this line to see which ready states are called.
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// no head yet, stick it whereever
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如果是想在手机主屏幕上显示,可以参考 发布视频 的评论区
安卓有很多 APP 都支持导入 lpk 的 live2d 模型,iOS 只支持视频类型的动态桌面,可能没有


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i-mango commented Jul 21, 2023


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