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Last active October 2, 2022 10:43
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Example properties for a binary search tree implementation
//Inspired on "How to specify it!" by John Hughes (& Java adaptation by Johannes Link)
#r "nuget: fscheck"
open FsCheck
module BST =
type BinarySearchTree<'v> =
| Empty
| Node of
{| left: BinarySearchTree<'v>
value: 'v
right: BinarySearchTree<'v> |}
let empty = Empty
let rec add v t =
match t with
| Empty ->
{| value = v
left = Empty
right = Empty |}
| Node node when v <= node.value ->
{| node with
left = node.left |> add v |}
| Node node ->
{| node with
right = node.right |> add v |}
let rec toList t =
match t with
| Empty -> []
| Node n ->
List.concat [ n.left |> toList
[ n.value ]
n.right |> toList ]
let rec ofList l =
match l with
| [] -> Empty
| h :: t -> (ofList t) |> add h
let rec contains v t =
match t with
| Empty -> false
| Node n ->
n.value = v
|| n.left |> contains v
|| n.right |> contains v
let union t1 t2 =
|> toList
|> List.fold (fun s x -> s |> add x) t2
//Interesting part about BST: it's possible to represent illegal states
//as the sorted invariant is not encoded into its type
//That's why we need a custom arbitrary
type IntTree = BST.BinarySearchTree<int>
type EquivalentTrees = IntTree * IntTree
type Arbitraries =
static member BST<'v when 'v: comparison>() =
Arb.from<'v list>
|> Arb.convert BST.ofList BST.toList
static member EquivalentTrees() =
Arb.from<int list>
|> Arb.toGen
|> (fun xs -> BST.ofList xs, BST.ofList (List.sort xs))
|> Arb.fromGen
Arb.register<Arbitraries> ()
let rec validTree (t: IntTree) =
match t with
| BST.BinarySearchTree.Empty -> true
| BST.BinarySearchTree.Node n when n.left |> validTree && n.right |> validTree ->
let ls = n.left |> BST.toList
let rs = n.right |> BST.toList
ls |> List.forall (fun l -> l <= n.value)
&& rs |> List.forall (fun r -> r > n.value)
| _ -> false
let equivalent t1 t2 = t1 |> BST.toList = (t2 |> BST.toList)
//Invariant: any BST is sorted
Check.Quick("invariant. If I fail the arbitrary generates invalid trees!", (fun t -> t |> validTree))
//Checking arbitraries: EquivalentTrees are always equivalent
Check.Quick("verifying equivalence", (fun ((t1, t2): EquivalentTrees) -> equivalent t1 t2))
//Validity testing
Check.Quick("empty-valid", (fun () -> BST.BinarySearchTree.Empty |> validTree))
Check.Quick("add-valid", (fun (t: IntTree) x -> t |> BST.add x |> validTree))
Check.Quick("union-valid", (fun (t1: IntTree) (t2: IntTree) -> BST.union t1 t2 |> validTree))
//Postconditions for add
Check.Quick("add-always contains x", (fun (t: IntTree) x -> t |> BST.add x |> BST.contains x))
"add-always grows tree by 1",
(fun (t: IntTree) x ->
let l = t |> BST.toList |> List.length
let added = t |> BST.add x
let al = added |> BST.toList |> List.length
al = l + 1)
"add-always contains original values",
fun (t: IntTree) x ->
let origs = t |> BST.toList
let added = t |> BST.add x
|> List.forall (fun o -> added |> BST.contains o)
//Metamorphic properties: related calls return related results
Check.Quick("add-add", (fun (t: IntTree) a b -> equivalent (BST.add a (BST.add b t)) (BST.add b (BST.add a t))))
(fun (t1: IntTree) (t2: IntTree) x -> equivalent (BST.add x (BST.union t1 t2)) (BST.union (BST.add x t1) t2))
Check.Quick("union-commutative", (fun (t1: IntTree) (t2: IntTree) -> equivalent (BST.union t1 t2) (BST.union t2 t1)))
"add-preserves equivalence",
fun ((t1, t2): EquivalentTrees) x -> equivalent (BST.add x t1) (BST.add x t2)
"union-preserves equivalence",
fun (t: IntTree) ((t1, t2): EquivalentTrees) -> equivalent (BST.union t1 t) (BST.union t2 t)
Check.Quick("union-zero", (fun (t1: IntTree) -> equivalent t1 (BST.union t1 BST.BinarySearchTree.Empty)))
"any list can be created by its insertions",
(fun (t: IntTree) -> equivalent t (t |> BST.toList |> BST.ofList))
(fun (t: IntTree) x ->
let xs = t |> BST.toList
let addedList = (x :: xs) |> List.sort
let addedTree = t |> BST.add x
(addedTree |> BST.toList) = addedList)
(fun (t1: IntTree) (t2: IntTree) ->
let listUnion =
(t1 |> BST.toList) @ (t2 |> BST.toList)
|> List.sort
let treeUnion = BST.union t1 t2
(treeUnion |> BST.toList) = listUnion)
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