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Last active May 25, 2016 10:52
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I'm trying to define a function with type signature (int option -> int option -> int option). It results in a Some containing the sum or None when one of the arguments is None. I have an implementation but it looks needlessly verbose. Is there a more idiomatic way to achieve this?
let add : (int option -> int option -> int option) =
(fun fst snd ->
|> Option.bind
(fun f ->
|> Option.bind (fun s -> Some (f + s))))
test <@ add (Some 1) (Some 2) = Some 3 @>
test <@ add None (Some 2) = None @>
test <@ add (Some 1) None = None @>
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deapsquatter commented May 25, 2016

How about a using a match:

let add x y =
  match x,y with
  |Some x,Some y -> Some (x + y)
  |_ -> None

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Shorter version using Option.bind2:

let add = Option.bind2 (fun x y -> Some (x + y))

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Ahh, tweet-sized solutions. Thanks very much!
Is Option.bind2 a standard function? I can't seem find a reference to it.

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neoeinstein commented May 25, 2016

Option.map2 is a bit simpler. It's not defined in the FSharp.Core, but you can find it in other libraries like ExtCore.

For cases following the patern of applying a function to an arbitrary number of arguments which are in a structure (such as Option or List), there is a concept of an Applicative with a corresponding apply function. I've defined the function for Option below. You can think of it as reading "and map".

let apply x f =
  match f, x with
  | Some g, Some v -> Some (g v)
  | _ -> None

let addTwoOpts a b = (+) a |> apply b

let addThreeOpts a b c = (fun x y z -> x + y + z) a  |> apply b |> apply c

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