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Last active November 26, 2020 02:44
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MockTree: A module for handling Welds and Motor6Ds outside of Workspace
local MockTree = {}
local function addJointEdge(joints, joint, me, other)
local edgeList = joints[me]
if not edgeList then
edgeList = {}
joints[me] = edgeList
table.insert(edgeList, {joint, other})
local function expandTree(tree, joints, parentPart, parentJoints)
if not parentJoints then
-- We only want to iterate over part's edges once, remove edges to mark as visited
joints[parentPart] = nil
for _, edge in ipairs(parentJoints) do
local joint, childPart = unpack(edge)
local childJoints = joints[childPart]
-- Checks if we've already included this part. This will at least be a list with edge back
-- to parent unless we've already visited this part through another joint and removed it.
-- Breacks cycles and prioritizes shortest path to root.
if childJoints then
-- Add the parent-child joint edge to the tree list
table.insert(tree, edge)
-- Recursively add child's edges, DFS order. BFS would have been fine too, but either
-- works just as well.
expandTree(tree, joints, childPart, childJoints)
-- Returns a list of assembly edges in some tree-sorted order that can be used by `applyTree` to
-- position other parts in `model` relative to `rootPart` if they would be in the same Assembly
-- under a `WorldRoot`. This roughly imitates what the internal spanning tree that `WorldRoot` uses
-- to build an internal transform hierarchy of parts in an assembly, with some limitations:
-- - Only supports Motor6D, and Weld. Didn't bother with legacy Motor, Snap, ManualWeld.
-- - Doesn't support Motor/Motor6D.CurrentAngle and co.
-- - Doesn't support WeldConstraints. Can't. Transform isn't exposed to Lua.
-- - Doesn't prioritize by joint type. Weld should take priority over Motor.
-- - Doesn't prioritize by joint/part GUID. Can't. Not exposed to Lua.
-- For a resonable model, like an R15 character, that doesn't have duplicate or unsupported joints
-- it should produce the same results as the Roblox spanning tree when applied.
-- { { joint, childPart }, ... }
function MockTree.buildTree(model, rootPart)
-- Joint edge list map: { [part] = { { joint, otherPart }, ...}, ... }
local joints = {}
-- Gather the part-joint graph.
for _, child in ipairs(model:GetDescendants()) do
if child:IsA("Motor6D") or child:IsA("Weld") and child.Enabled then
local p0 = child.Part0
local p1 = child.Part1
if p0 and p1 and child.Enabled then
-- Add edge to both parts. Assembly joints are bidirectional.
addJointEdge(joints, child, p0, p1)
addJointEdge(joints, child, p1, p0)
local tree = {}
-- Build the tree, in order, by recursively following edges out from the root part
expandTree(tree, joints, rootPart, joints[rootPart])
return tree
-- Applies a tree generated by `buildTree`, positioning other parts relative to the trees root part.
function MockTree.applyTree(tree)
for _, edge in ipairs(tree) do
local joint, childPart = unpack(edge)
local p0 = joint.Part0
local p1 = joint.Part1
if joint:IsA("Motor6D") then
-- Motor6D, including Motor6D.Transform. Motor6D is now consistently P0->Transform->P1 after recent change.
if p1 == childPart then
p1.CFrame = p0.CFrame * joint.C0 * joint.Transform * joint.C1:Inverse()
p0.CFrame = p1.CFrame * joint.C1 * joint.Transform:Inverse() * joint.C0:Inverse()
-- Weld
if p1 == childPart then
p1.CFrame = p0.CFrame * joint.C0 * joint.C1:Inverse()
p0.CFrame = p1.CFrame * joint.C1 * joint.C0:Inverse()
return MockTree
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