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Last active November 25, 2022 10:49
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Singapore has a special coordinate system called SVY21. This converts the special coordinates to lat/lng.
#! /usr/bin/python
import math
class SVY21:
# Ref:
# WGS84 Datum
a = 6378137
f = 1 / 298.257223563
# SVY21 Projection
# Fundamental point: Base 7 at Pierce Resevoir.
# Latitude: 1 22 02.9154 N, longitude: 103 49 31.9752 E (of Greenwich).
# Known Issue: Setting (oLat, oLon) to the exact coordinates specified above
# results in computation being slightly off. The values below give the most
# accurate represenation of test data.
oLat = 1.366666 # origin's lat in degrees
oLon = 103.833333 # origin's lon in degrees
oN = 38744.572 # false Northing
oE = 28001.642 # false Easting
k = 1 # scale factor
def __init__(self):
self.b = self.a * (1 - self.f)
self.e2 = (2 * self.f) - (self.f * self.f)
self.e4 = self.e2 * self.e2
self.e6 = self.e4 * self.e2
self.A0 = 1 - (self.e2 / 4) - (3 * self.e4 / 64) - (5 * self.e6 / 256);
self.A2 = (3. / 8.) * (self.e2 + (self.e4 / 4) + (15 * self.e6 / 128));
self.A4 = (15. / 256.) * (self.e4 + (3 * self.e6 / 4));
self.A6 = 35 * self.e6 / 3072;
def computeSVY21(self, lat, lon):
Returns a pair (N, E) representing Northings and Eastings in SVY21.
latR = lat * math.pi / 180
sinLat = math.sin(latR)
sin2Lat = sinLat * sinLat
cosLat = math.cos(latR)
cos2Lat = cosLat * cosLat
cos3Lat = cos2Lat * cosLat
cos4Lat = cos3Lat * cosLat
cos5Lat = cos4Lat * cosLat
cos6Lat = cos5Lat * cosLat
cos7Lat = cos6Lat * cosLat
rho = self.calcRho(sin2Lat)
v = self.calcV(sin2Lat)
psi = v / rho
t = math.tan(latR)
w = (lon - self.oLon) * math.pi / 180
M = self.calcM(lat)
Mo = self.calcM(self.oLat)
w2 = w * w
w4 = w2 * w2
w6 = w4 * w2
w8 = w6 * w2
psi2 = psi * psi
psi3 = psi2 * psi
psi4 = psi3 * psi
t2 = t * t
t4 = t2 * t2
t6 = t4 * t2
# Compute Northing
nTerm1 = w2 / 2 * v * sinLat * cosLat
nTerm2 = w4 / 24 * v * sinLat * cos3Lat * (4 * psi2 + psi - t2)
nTerm3 = w6 / 720 * v * sinLat * cos5Lat * ((8 * psi4) * (11 - 24 * t2) - (28 * psi3) * (1 - 6 * t2) + psi2 * (1 - 32 * t2) - psi * 2 * t2 + t4)
nTerm4 = w8 / 40320 * v * sinLat * cos7Lat * (1385 - 3111 * t2 + 543 * t4 - t6)
N = self.oN + self.k * (M - Mo + nTerm1 + nTerm2 + nTerm3 + nTerm4)
# Compute Easting
eTerm1 = w2 / 6 * cos2Lat * (psi - t2)
eTerm2 = w4 / 120 * cos4Lat * ((4 * psi3) * (1 - 6 * t2) + psi2 * (1 + 8 * t2) - psi * 2 * t2 + t4)
eTerm3 = w6 / 5040 * cos6Lat * (61 - 479 * t2 + 179 * t4 - t6)
E = self.oE + self.k * v * w * cosLat * (1 + eTerm1 + eTerm2 + eTerm3)
return (N, E)
def calcM(self, lat):
latR = lat * math.pi / 180
return self.a * ((self.A0 * latR) - (self.A2 * math.sin(2 * latR)) + (self.A4 * math.sin(4 * latR)) - (self.A6 * math.sin(6 * latR)))
def calcRho(self, sin2Lat):
num = self.a * (1 - self.e2)
denom = math.pow(1 - self.e2 * sin2Lat, 3. / 2.)
return num / denom
def calcV(self, sin2Lat):
poly = 1 - self.e2 * sin2Lat
return self.a / math.sqrt(poly)
def computeLatLon(self, N, E):
Returns a pair (lat, lon) representing Latitude and Longitude.
Nprime = N - self.oN
Mo = self.calcM(self.oLat)
Mprime = Mo + (Nprime / self.k)
n = (self.a - self.b) / (self.a + self.b)
n2 = n * n
n3 = n2 * n
n4 = n2 * n2
G = self.a * (1 - n) * (1 - n2) * (1 + (9 * n2 / 4) + (225 * n4 / 64)) * (math.pi / 180)
sigma = (Mprime * math.pi) / (180. * G)
latPrimeT1 = ((3 * n / 2) - (27 * n3 / 32)) * math.sin(2 * sigma)
latPrimeT2 = ((21 * n2 / 16) - (55 * n4 / 32)) * math.sin(4 * sigma)
latPrimeT3 = (151 * n3 / 96) * math.sin(6 * sigma)
latPrimeT4 = (1097 * n4 / 512) * math.sin(8 * sigma)
latPrime = sigma + latPrimeT1 + latPrimeT2 + latPrimeT3 + latPrimeT4
sinLatPrime = math.sin(latPrime)
sin2LatPrime = sinLatPrime * sinLatPrime
rhoPrime = self.calcRho(sin2LatPrime)
vPrime = self.calcV(sin2LatPrime)
psiPrime = vPrime / rhoPrime
psiPrime2 = psiPrime * psiPrime
psiPrime3 = psiPrime2 * psiPrime
psiPrime4 = psiPrime3 * psiPrime
tPrime = math.tan(latPrime)
tPrime2 = tPrime * tPrime
tPrime4 = tPrime2 * tPrime2
tPrime6 = tPrime4 * tPrime2
Eprime = E - self.oE
x = Eprime / (self.k * vPrime)
x2 = x * x
x3 = x2 * x
x5 = x3 * x2
x7 = x5 * x2
# Compute Latitude
latFactor = tPrime / (self.k * rhoPrime)
latTerm1 = latFactor * ((Eprime * x) / 2)
latTerm2 = latFactor * ((Eprime * x3) / 24) * ((-4 * psiPrime2) + (9 * psiPrime) * (1 - tPrime2) + (12 * tPrime2))
latTerm3 = latFactor * ((Eprime * x5) / 720) * ((8 * psiPrime4) * (11 - 24 * tPrime2) - (12 * psiPrime3) * (21 - 71 * tPrime2) + (15 * psiPrime2) * (15 - 98 * tPrime2 + 15 * tPrime4) + (180 * psiPrime) * (5 * tPrime2 - 3 * tPrime4) + 360 * tPrime4)
latTerm4 = latFactor * ((Eprime * x7) / 40320) * (1385 - 3633 * tPrime2 + 4095 * tPrime4 + 1575 * tPrime6)
lat = latPrime - latTerm1 + latTerm2 - latTerm3 + latTerm4
# Compute Longitude
secLatPrime = 1. / math.cos(lat)
lonTerm1 = x * secLatPrime
lonTerm2 = ((x3 * secLatPrime) / 6) * (psiPrime + 2 * tPrime2)
lonTerm3 = ((x5 * secLatPrime) / 120) * ((-4 * psiPrime3) * (1 - 6 * tPrime2) + psiPrime2 * (9 - 68 * tPrime2) + 72 * psiPrime * tPrime2 + 24 * tPrime4)
lonTerm4 = ((x7 * secLatPrime) / 5040) * (61 + 662 * tPrime2 + 1320 * tPrime4 + 720 * tPrime6)
lon = (self.oLon * math.pi / 180) + lonTerm1 - lonTerm2 + lonTerm3 - lonTerm4
return (lat / (math.pi / 180), lon / (math.pi / 180))
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