Download FreeBSD 11.1 VMDK and create a VM with it as HDD.
Get FreeBSD source tree for your exact FreeBSD version and uncompress it to /usr/src:
fetch -o /tmp ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/`uname -s`/releases/`uname -m`/`uname -r | cut -d'-' -f1,2`/src.txz tar -C / -xvf /tmp/src.txz
Download latest Realtek network driver (you need to input an email address).
Uncompress driver:
tar xvzf 0007-rtl_bsd_drv_v194.01.tgz
Make driver:
cd rtl_bsd_drv_v194.01 make
If the last command fails, change the following line in file if_re.c
#include <dev/re/if_rereg.h>
#include "if_rereg.h"
Copy the file if_re.ko to the /boot/kernel folder in pfSense device.
scp if_re.ko root@<pfSense device IP>:/boot/kernel
Change file permissions in if_re.ko file accessing through SSH to pfSense.
chmod 555 /boot/kernel/if_re.ko
Modify /boot/loader.conf.local file and add the following line at the end of the file:
- Through console:
vi /boot/loader.conf.local
- Through web: Diagnostics > Edit File and click Load. When finished editing click Save.
- Through console:
Reboot pfSense.
After restart, verify if module is installed through ssh with kldstat. Example execution:
[2.4.2-RELEASE][root@pfSense.local]/root: kldstat Id Refs Address Size Name 1 7 0xffffffff80200000 2c3ea98 kernel 2 1 0xffffffff82e3f000 80900 if_re.ko 3 1 0xffffffff83021000 46c6 cryptodev.ko
Based on:
fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/amd64/11.2-RELEASE/src.txz