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Last active December 31, 2015 14:29
code to find XYZ coordinates from morton code
function [x,y,z] = mortonXYZ(morton)
% translated from openconnectome
xmask = 1;
ymask = 2;
zmask = 4;
% 21 triads of 3 bits each
for i = 0:20 %range(21):
x = x +bitshift( bitand(xmask, morton), i);
y = y +bitshift( bitshift(bitand(ymask, morton), i), -1);
z = z +bitshift( bitshift(bitand(zmask, morton), i), -2);
morton = bitshift(morton, -3);
% original code:
% cdef int xmask = 0x001
% cdef int ymask = 0x002
% cdef int zmask = 0x004
% cdef int xp = 0x00
% cdef int yp = 0x00
% cdef int zp = 0x00
% cdef int i
% # 21 triads of 3 bits each
% for i in range(21):
% xp += (xmask & morton) << i
% yp += ((ymask & morton) << i ) >> 1
% zp += ((zmask & morton) << i) >> 2
% morton >>= 3;
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