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Last active October 2, 2017 17:16
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Simple Perl script to generate a Git changelog in wiki markup format
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
my $range = $ARGV[0];
unless (defined $range) {
printf STDERR "Usage: $0 range\n";
exit 1;
my $commit_url = ';a=commitdiff;h=%s';
my @weblinks = (
[ qr'^[^:]+://($' => 'https://%s?p=%s;a=commitdiff;h=%%s' ],
[ qr'^[^:]+://($' => 'https://%s?p=%s;a=commitdiff;h=%%s' ],
[ qr'^[^:]+://(\.git)?$' => 'https://%s/commit/%%s' ],
[ qr'^[^:]+://$' => '' ],
[ qr'^[^:]+://\.git$' => '' ],
my %topics;
my %commits;
my %reverts;
my $index = 0;
sub line(*$)
my ($fh, $default) = @_;
my $line = readline $fh;
if (defined $line)
chomp $line;
return $line;
return $default;
my @topic_paths = (
[ qr'^package/(kernel)/linux', 'Kernel' ],
[ qr'^(target/linux/generic|include/', 'Kernel' ],
[ qr'^package/kernel/(mac80211)', 'Wireless / Common' ],
[ qr'^package/kernel/(ath10k-ct)', 'Wireless / Ath10k CT' ],
[ qr'^package/kernel/(mt76)', 'Wireless / MT76' ],
[ qr'^package/(base-files)/', 'Packages / LEDE base files' ],
[ qr'^package/(boot)/', 'Packages / Boot Loaders' ],
[ qr'^package/firmware/', 'Packages / Firmware' ],
[ qr'^package/.+/(uhttpd|usbmode|jsonfilter|ugps|libubox|procd|mountd|ubus|uci|usign|rpcd|fstools|ubox)/', 'Packages / LEDE system userland' ],
[ qr'^package/.+/(iwinfo|umbim|uqmi|relayd|mdns|firewall|netifd|uclient|ustream-ssl|gre|ipip|qos-scripts|swconfig|vti|6in4|6rd|6to4|ds-lite|map|odhcp6c|odhcpd)/', 'Packages / LEDE network userland' ],
[ qr'^package/[^/]+/([^/]+)', 'Packages / Common' ],
[ qr'^target/sdk/', 'Build System / SDK' ],
[ qr'^target/imagebuilder/', 'Build System / Image Builder' ],
[ qr'^target/toolchain/', 'Build System / Toolchain' ],
[ qr'^target/linux/([^/]+)', 'Target / $1' ],
[ qr'^(tools)/[^/]+', 'Build System / Host Utilities' ],
[ qr'^(toolchain)/[^/]+', 'Build System / Toolchain' ],
[ qr'^(config/|include/|scripts/|target/[^/]+$|Makefile|rules\.mk)', 'Build System / Buildroot' ],
[ qr'^(feeds)\b', 'Build System / Feeds' ],
my @subhistory_matches = (
qr'(?i)^\S+: update to\b',
qr'(?i)^\S+: Upstep to\b',
qr'(?i)^\S+: bump to\b',
qr'(?i)^\S+: fix\b',
qr'(?i)^\S+: backport\b',
qr'(?i)\blatest HEAD\b',
sub match_topics(@)
my %topics;
foreach my $path (@_)
foreach my $rs (@topic_paths)
if ($path =~ $rs->[0])
my $m = $1;
my $s = $rs->[1];
$s =~ s!\$1!$m!g;
my @topics = sort keys %topics;
return (@topics > 0 ? @topics : ('Miscellaneous'));
sub parse_history($$)
my ($dir, $range) = @_;
my @commits;
my ($max_add, $total_add, $max_del, $total_del) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
if (open GIT, '-|', 'git', "--git-dir=$dir/.git", 'log', '--format=@@%n%H%n%s%n%b%n@@', '--numstat', '--reverse', '--no-merges', $range)
# skip header line
line(*GIT, undef);
while (1)
my $hash = line(GIT, '');
my $subject = line(GIT, '');
last unless (length($subject) && $hash =~ m!^!);
my $line = '';
my $body = '';
my @files;
my ($add, $del) = (0, 0);
my $is_revert = $subject =~ m!^Revert !;
$reverts{$hash}++ if $is_revert;
while ($line ne '@@')
$body .= length($line) ? "$line\n" : '';
$line = line(*GIT, '@@');
if ($is_revert && $line =~ m!\b([0-9a-f]{40})\b!)
$line = '';
while ($line ne '@@')
if ($line =~ m!^(\d+|-)\s+(\d+|-)\s+(.+)$!)
$add += ($1 eq '-') ? 0 : int($1);
$del += ($2 eq '-') ? 0 : int($2);
push @files, $3;
$line = line(*GIT, '@@');
my $commit = [
$total_add += $add;
$total_del += $del;
$max_add = ($add > $max_add) ? $add : $max_add;
$max_del = ($del > $max_del) ? $del : $max_del;
push @commits, $commit;
close GIT;
if (@commits > 0 && $commits[0][2] =~ /\brevert to branch defaults$/)
shift @commits;
return wantarray ? @commits : \@commits;
sub fetch_subhistory($$$)
my ($url, $old, $new) = @_;
(my $path = $url) =~ s![^a-z0-9_-]+!-!g;
unless (-d "/tmp/repos/$path")
system('git', 'clone', '--quiet', $url, "/tmp/repos/$path");
system('git', "--work-tree=/tmp/repos/$path", "--git-dir=/tmp/repos/$path/.git", 'pull', '--quiet');
return parse_history("/tmp/repos/$path", "$old..$new");
sub requires_subhistory($$$)
my ($subject, $body, $hash) = @_;
foreach my $re (@subhistory_matches)
if ($subject =~ $re || $body =~ $re)
if (open DIFF, '-|', 'git', 'diff', "$hash^!")
my ($url, $old, $new);
while (defined(my $line = readline DIFF))
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ m!^[ +]PKG_SOURCE_URL\s*:?=\s*(\S+)!)
$url = $1;
$url =~ s!\$\(LEDE_GIT\)!!g;
$url =~ s!\$\(OPENWRT_GIT\)!!g;
elsif ($line =~ m!^-\S+\s*:?=\s*([a-f0-9]{40})\b!)
$old = $1;
elsif ($line =~ m!^\+\S+\s*:?=\s*([a-f0-9]{40})\b!)
$new = $1;
if ($url && $old && $new)
return ($url, $old, $new);
close DIFF;
return ();
sub find_weblink_template($)
my ($url) = @_;
foreach my $rt (@weblinks)
my @m = $url =~ $rt->[0];
if (@m > 0)
return sprintf $rt->[1], @m;
warn "No web link template for <$url>\n";
return undef;
sub format_stat($)
my ($commit) = @_;
my $s = '';
my $c = '<color #ccc>%s</color>';
my $g = '<color #282>%s</color>';
my $r = '<color #f00>%s</color>';
if ($commit->[7] > 1000)
$s .= sprintf $g, sprintf '+%.1fK', $commit->[7] / 1000;
elsif ($commit->[7] > 0)
$s .= sprintf $g, sprintf '+%d', $commit->[7];
if ($commit->[8] > 1000)
$s .= $s ? sprintf($c, ',') : '';
$s .= sprintf $r, sprintf '-%.1fK', $commit->[8] / 1000;
elsif ($commit->[8] > 0)
$s .= $s ? sprintf($c, ',') : '';
$s .= sprintf $r, sprintf '-%d', $commit->[8];
return sprintf($c, '(') . $s . sprintf($c, ')');
sub format_subject($$)
my ($subject, $body) = @_;
if (length($subject) > 80)
$subject = substr($subject, 0, 77) . '...';
$subject =~ s!^([^\s:]+):\s*!</nowiki>**<nowiki>$1:</nowiki>** <nowiki>!g;
$subject = sprintf '<nowiki>%s</nowiki>', $subject;
$subject =~ s!<nowiki></nowiki>!!g;
return $subject;
sub format_change($)
my ($change) = @_;
printf "''[[%s|%s]]'' %s //%s//\\\\\n",
sprintf($commit_url, $change->[1]),
substr($change->[1], 0, 7),
format_subject($change->[2], $change->[3]),
if ($change->[6])
my $n = 0;
foreach my $subchange (@{$change->[6]})
if ($change->[5])
printf " => ''[[%s|%s]]'' %s //%s//\\\\\n",
sprintf($change->[5], $subchange->[1]),
substr($subchange->[1], 0, 7),
format_subject($subchange->[2], $subchange->[3]),
printf " => ''%s'' %s //%s//\\\\\n",
substr($subchange->[1], 0, 7),
format_subject($subchange->[2], $subchange->[3]),
if (++$n > 15 && @{$change->[6]} > $n)
printf " => + //%u more...//\\\\\n", @{$change->[6]} - $n;
sub fetch_cve_info()
unless (-f '/tmp/cveinfo.csv')
system('wget', '-O', '/tmp/cveinfo.csv.gz', '') && return 0;
system('gunzip', '-f', '/tmp/cveinfo.csv.gz') && return 0;
return 1;
sub parse_cves(@)
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1 });
my %cves;
if (fetch_cve_info() && $csv)
if (open CVE, '<', '/tmp/cveinfo.csv')
while (defined(my $row = $csv->getline(*CVE)))
foreach my $cve_id (@_)
if ($row->[0] eq $cve_id)
$cves{$cve_id} = [$row->[2], $row->[6]];
close CVE;
return \%cves;
sub fetch_bug_info()
unless (-f '/tmp/buginfo.csv')
system('wget', '-O', '/tmp/buginfo.csv', '') && return 0;
return 1;
sub parse_bugs(@)
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1, allow_loose_quotes => 1 });
my %bugs;
if (fetch_bug_info() && $csv)
if (open BUG, '<', '/tmp/buginfo.csv')
while (defined(my $row = $csv->getline(*BUG)))
foreach my $bug_id (@_)
if ($row->[0] eq $bug_id)
$bugs{$bug_id} = [$row->[4], $row->[5]];
close BUG;
return \%bugs;
my @commits = parse_history('.', $range);
my (%bugs, %cves);
foreach my $commit (@commits)
my @topics = match_topics(@{$commit->[4]});
unless ($commit->[5])
my ($su, $so, $sn) = requires_subhistory($commit->[2], $commit->[3], $commit->[1]);
if ($su) {
$commit->[5] = find_weblink_template($su);
$commit->[6] = fetch_subhistory($su, $so, $sn);
foreach my $topic (@topics)
$topics{$topic} ||= [ ];
push @{$topics{$topic}}, $commit;
my (%bug_ids, %cve_ids);
foreach my $bug ($commit->[2] =~ m!([A-Z]*#\d+)\b!g,
$commit->[3] =~ m!([A-Z]*#\d+)\b!g)
if ($bug =~ m!^(?:FS|GH|)#(\d+)$!)
foreach my $cve ($commit->[2] =~ m!\b(CVE-\d+-\d+|\d+-CVE-\d+)\b!g,
$commit->[3] =~ m!\b(CVE-\d+-\d+|\d+-CVE-\d+)\b!g)
# fix misspelled CVE IDs
$cve =~ s!^(\d+)-CVE-!CVE-$1-!;
foreach my $bug (keys %bug_ids)
$bugs{$bug} ||= [ ];
push @{$bugs{$bug}}, $commit;
foreach my $cve (keys %cve_ids)
$cves{$cve} ||= [ ];
push @{$cves{$cve}}, $commit;
my @topics = sort { (($a eq 'Miscellaneous') <=> ($b eq 'Miscellaneous')) || $a cmp $b } keys %topics;
foreach my $topic (@topics)
my @commits = grep { !$reverts{$_->[1]} } @{$topics{$topic}};
printf "==== %s (%d change%s) ====\n", $topic, 0 + @commits, @commits > 1 ? 's' : '';
foreach my $change (sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @commits)
print "\n";
my @bugs = sort { int($a) <=> int($b) } keys %bugs;
my $bug_info = parse_bugs(@bugs);
@bugs = grep { $bug_info->{$_} && $bug_info->{$_}[0] } @bugs;
if (@bugs > 0)
printf "===== Addressed bugs =====\n";
foreach my $bug (@bugs)
printf "=== #%s ===\n", $bug;
printf "**Description:** <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\\\\\n", $bug_info->{$bug}[0];
printf "**Link:** [[]]\\\\\n", $bug;
printf "**Commits:**\\\\\n";
foreach my $commit (@{$bugs{$bug}})
printf "\\\\\n";
printf "\n";
my @cves =
map { $_->[1] }
sort { ($a->[0] <=> $b->[0]) || ($a->[1] cmp $b->[1]) }
map { $_ =~ m!^CVE-(\d+)-(\d+)$! ? [ $1 * 10000000 + $2, $_ ] : [ 0, $_ ] }
keys %cves;
my $cve_info = parse_cves(@cves);
if (@cves > 0)
printf "===== Security fixes ====\n";
foreach my $cve (@cves)
printf "=== %s ===\n", $cve;
if ($cve_info->{$cve} && $cve_info->{$cve}[0])
printf "**Description:** <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\n\n", $cve_info->{$cve}[0];
printf "**Link:** [[]]\\\\\n", $cve;
printf "**Commits:**\\\\\n";
foreach my $commit (@{$cves{$cve}})
printf "\\\\\n";
printf "\n";
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