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Created January 3, 2020 19:31
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Code to solve Riddler Classic 3 Jan 2020
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from itertools import chain, combinations
def powerset(iterable):
"powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
s = list(iterable)
return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
fp = open('enable1.txt', 'r')
scorers = {} # key: grid (string), value: set(words)
points = {} # key: grid (string), value: points for that grid (int)
def validGrid(wordSet):
out = []
for letter in sorted(wordSet):
l = sorted(wordSet)
l.insert(0, l.pop(l.index(letter)))
return out
for word in fp.readlines():
word = word.rstrip()
if 's' in word: # s can't be in the grid
if len(word) < 4: # too short
wordSet = set(word)
if len(wordSet) > 7: # too many letters
for t in validGrid(wordSet):
if t not in scorers:
scorers[t] = set()
scorers[t].add(word) # this is NOT within the if clause
def computeScore(word):
# Note that letters can be repeated. For example, the words GAME
# and AMALGAM are both acceptable words. Four-letter words are
# worth 1 point each, while five-letter words are worth 5 points,
# six-letter words are worth 6 points, seven-letter words are
# worth 7 points, etc. Words that use all of the seven letters in
# the honeycomb are known as “pangrams” and earn 7 bonus points
# (in addition to the points for the length of the word). So in
# the above example, MEGAPLEX is worth 15 points.
s = len(word)
if len(set(word)) == 7: # pangram!
s += 7
return s
# now, go grab all substrings and add them to "scorers"
# assumes only keys in scorers are possible winners, and only those with pangrams
# probably good assumptions, but not an exhaustive search
for grid in scorers:
if len(grid) == 7: # only ones with pangrams
for s in powerset(grid): # all possible subgrids
if len(s) > 0 and len(s) < 7: # only subgrids size [1--6]
for key in validGrid(s): # all possible keys for this subgrid
if key in scorers: # did we find words for this key?
for word in scorers[key]: # if so, add 'em all ...
if grid[0] in word: # ... only if they use the middle letter
# print(grid, key, word, s)
for grid in scorers:
points[grid] = sum(map(computeScore, scorers[grid]))
# grids = sorted(scorers, key=lambda k: len(scorers[k]), reverse=True)
grids = sorted(scorers, key=lambda grid: points[grid], reverse=True)
for g in grids:
print(g, scorers[g], points[g])
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