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jowr /
Last active October 17, 2017 12:13 — forked from pjcozzi/
CLA for MIT license

By making a contribution to CoolProp, I certify that:

(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it under the MIT license; or

(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and I have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the MIT license; or

Dreamhost supplies a fairly old version of Python in their shared hosting environments. It recently became necessary for me to use a newer version, and since this involved a bit of juggling, and since I’m also likely to forget how I did it, I thought I’d detail the steps here. These instructions should work with any Dreamhost shared hosting user, but follow them at your own risk.

The end result of this process is being able to run a current version of Python from your shared hosting user’s shell. It requires compiling, installing and running Python from your home directory rather than the system bin directories.

1. Create a helpful working directory
I chose to install all Python-related stuff in a python/ directory under my user’s home directory.

$ mkdir ~/python
$ cd ~/python
jowr /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
enable passwordless login
# TODO: Check if public keys exist
echo "You are about to enable a passwordless login."
echo "Please provide the following information: (hit enter)"
read -p "Target hostname: " HOST
read -p "Target username: " USER
echo -n "Checking for public keys..."
# setup local and remote git repository (on dreamhost) for project in current folder and push initial commit
# Author: jowr <>, forked from thomd < >
# Current Version: 1.3
# Version 1.3