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Last active August 21, 2017 21:26
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Apriori algorithm in go
package main
import (
func main() {
dataset := [][]string{
[]string{"pane", "cereali", },
[]string{"pane", "latte", "caffè"},
[]string{"latte", "cereali"},
[]string{"latte", "caffè"},
[]string{"pane", "latte", "cereali"},
[]string{"latte", "cereali"},
[]string{"pane", "cereali"},
[]string{"pane", "latte", "te"},
[]string{"pane", "latte", "cereali", "te"},
[]string{"pane", "te"},
minimumSupport := 0.4
minConfidence := 0.2
apriori(dataset, minimumSupport, minConfidence)
func apriori(dataset [][]string, support float64, confidence float64) {
elements := elements(dataset)
freqSet := make(map[string]float64)
largeSet := make(map[int]mapset.Set)
oneCSet := returnItemsWithMinSupport(elements, dataset, support, &freqSet)
currentLSet := oneCSet
k := 2
for currentLSet.Cardinality() != 0 {
largeSet[k-1] = currentLSet
currentLSet = joinSet(currentLSet, k)
currentCSet := returnItemsWithMinSupport(currentLSet, dataset, support, &freqSet)
currentLSet = currentCSet
k = k + 1
func returnItemsWithMinSupport(itemSet mapset.Set, dataset [][]string, minSupport float64, freqSet *map[string]float64) mapset.Set {
localItemSet := mapset.NewSet()
localSet := make(map[string]float64)
for _, item := range (itemSet.ToSlice()) {
dkey := strings.Split(item.(string), "-")
for _, line := range(dataset) {
if contains(line, dkey) {
key := strings.Join(dkey, "-")
(*freqSet)[key] += 1.0
localSet[key] += 1.0
for item, count := range (localSet) {
support := count / float64(len(dataset))
if support >= minSupport {
return localItemSet
func joinSet(itemSet mapset.Set, length int) mapset.Set {
ret := mapset.NewSet()
for _, i := range (itemSet.ToSlice()) {
for _, j := range (itemSet.ToSlice()) {
i := i.(string)
j := j.(string)
i_a := strings.Split(i, "-")
j_a := strings.Split(j, "-")
dkey := (union(i_a, j_a))
if len(dkey) == length {
key := strings.Join(dkey, "-")
return ret
func union(a []string, b []string) []string {
ret := mapset.NewSet()
for _, v := range (a) {
for _, v := range (b) {
rets := []string{}
for _, v := range (ret.ToSlice()) {
rets = append(rets, v.(string))
return rets
func elements(dataset [][]string) mapset.Set {
ret := mapset.NewSet()
for i := 0; i < len(dataset); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(dataset[i]); j++ {
if ret.Contains(dataset[i][j]) == false {
return ret
func contains_dataset(s [][]string, e []string) bool {
ret := false
for _, v := range (s) {
ret = contains(v, e)
if ret == true {
return ret
func contains_element(s []string, e string) bool {
ret := false
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
ret = true
return ret
func contains(s []string, e []string) bool {
count := 0
if len(s) < len(e) {
return false
mm := make(map[string]bool)
for _, a := range e {
mm[a] = true
for _, a := range s {
if _, ok := mm[a]; ok {
count += 1
return count == len(e)
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