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Created January 25, 2019 16:04
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Inotify example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/inotify.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#define EVENT_SIZE ( sizeof (struct inotify_event) )
#define EVENT_BUF_LEN ( 1024 * ( EVENT_SIZE + 16 ) )
#define BUF_LEN (10 * (sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1))
int main() {
char *ptr, *ptr2;
char *bufPtr, *bufPtr2;
ssize_t numRead;
int inotifyFd, wd, wd2;
char buf[BUF_LEN] __attribute__ ((aligned(8)));
struct inotify_event* event;
char *p;
inotifyFd = inotify_init();
printf("inotify started\n");
long size = pathconf(".", _PC_PATH_MAX);
if ((bufPtr = (char *)malloc((size_t)size)) != NULL) {
ptr = getcwd(bufPtr, (size_t)size);
printf("added notify to %s\n", bufPtr);
size = pathconf("..", _PC_PATH_MAX);
if ((bufPtr2 = (char *)malloc((size_t)size+3)) != NULL) {
ptr2 = strcat(getcwd(bufPtr2, (size_t)size), "/..");
printf("added notify to %s\n", bufPtr2);
wd = inotify_add_watch( inotifyFd, bufPtr, IN_ALL_EVENTS );
wd2 = inotify_add_watch( inotifyFd, bufPtr2, IN_ALL_EVENTS );
for(;;) {
numRead = read(inotifyFd, buf, BUF_LEN);
if (numRead == 0) {
printf("read() from inotify fd returned 0!\n");
for (p = buf; p < buf + numRead; ) {
event = (struct inotify_event *) p;
if(event->wd == wd) {
if(event->mask & IN_OPEN) {
printf("event from current directory: %d\n", event->mask & IN_OPEN);
else if(event->wd == wd2) {
if(event->mask & IN_OPEN) {
printf("event from parent: %d\n", event->mask & IN_OPEN);
p += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len;
return 0;
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