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Last active February 18, 2019 13:15
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alpine hardening script for docker containers
# Credits:
set -euxo pipefail
# Remove existing crontabs, if any.
rm -rf /var/spool/cron
rm -rf /etc/crontabs
rm -rf /etc/periodic
# Remove all but a handful of admin commands.
find /sbin /usr/sbin ! -type d \
-a ! -name nologin \
-a ! -name sshd \
-a ! -name apk \
-a ! -name adduser \
# Remove world-writable permissions.
# This breaks apps that need to write to /tmp,
# such as ssh-agent.
find / -xdev -type d -perm +0002 -exec chmod o-w {} +
find / -xdev -type f -perm +0002 -exec chmod o-w {} +
# Remove unnecessary user accounts.
# check if $APP_USER is set
if [ -z "$APP_USER" ]
sed -i -r "/^(root|sshd)/!d" /etc/group
sed -i -r "/^(root|sshd)/!d" /etc/passwd
sed -i -r "/^(root|nobody)/!d" /etc/shadow
sed -i -r "/^(${APP_USER}|root|sshd)/!d" /etc/group
sed -i -r "/^(${APP_USER}|root|sshd)/!d" /etc/passwd
sed -i -r "/^(${APP_USER}|root|nobody)/!d" /etc/shadow
# Remove interactive login shell for everybody but user.
sed -i -r '/^'${APP_USER}':/! s#^(.*):[^:]*$#\1:/sbin/nologin#' /etc/passwd
# Remove root home dir
rm -rf /root
# Disable password login for everybody
while IFS=: read -r username _; do passwd -l "$username"; done < /etc/passwd || true
# Remove temp shadow,passwd,group
find /bin /etc /lib /sbin /usr -xdev -type f -regex '.*-$' -exec rm -f {} +
# Ensure system dirs are owned by root and not writable by anybody else.
find /bin /etc /lib /sbin /usr -xdev -type d \
-exec chown root:root {} \; \
-exec chmod 0755 {} \;
# Remove other programs that could be dangerous.
find $sysdirs -xdev \( \
-name hexdump -o \
-name chgrp -o \
-name chmod -o \
-name chown -o \
-name od -o \
-name strings -o \
-name su \
\) -delete
# Remove init scripts since we do not use them.
rm -rf /etc/init.d
rm -rf /lib/rc
rm -rf /etc/conf.d
rm -rf /etc/inittab
rm -rf /etc/runlevels
rm -rf /etc/rc.conf
# Remove kernel tunables since we do not need them.
rm -rf /etc/sysctl*
rm -rf /etc/modprobe.d
rm -rf /etc/modules
rm -rf /etc/mdev.conf
rm -rf /etc/acpi
# Remove fstab
rm -f /etc/fstab
# Remove any symlinks that we broke during previous steps
find /bin /etc /lib /sbin /usr -xdev -type l -exec test ! -e {} \; -delete
# remove this file
rm -f "$0"
set -euxo pipefail
# remove adduser
rm -f /usr/sbin/adduser
# remove apk package manager
find / -type f -iname '*apk*' -xdev -delete
find / -type d -iname '*apk*' -print0 -xdev | xargs -0 rm -r --
# remove root directory
rm -rf /root
# finally remove this file
rm -f "$0"
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